Friday, October 10, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 10/10/14

Praise the Lord for this fabulous Friday.  It is all colorful and all glorious around here.  Praise the Lord for the way He lavishes us with so much beauty and so much bounty of His grace and mercy.  Those of you live in the region join us for our weekly Television Telecast this evening at 7 PM on Time Warner  Cable channel 4.  Plan to be in the House of the Lord this coming Lord's day to worship,  to witness, and to celebrate.  Praise the Lord that we get to celebrate His grace and witness to His faithfulness.  Indeed, Jesus  never fails and His love never ends. 

    Laureen spent some time with her dear friend Kelly in Memphis this week.  She flew back to Washington on Wednesday and drove up to New York to spend a few days with us.  Lord provided for her dream job in Washington.  She will start working in a few days. Tom is recovering from his surgery.  Jessie and Tom are planning to be with us for the weekend.  Sunita, Andy, and Gabe are flying  back to the States from Cypress to attend a family wedding in Michigan.  Then they will be returning back to Cypress next week following the wedding.  Our granddaughter Ada (Three years old) dislocated her elbow - with what is termed nursemaid's elbow.  She spent two days in pain as it took 6 attempts to reset the joint.  Praise the Lord that her arm has been reset and Ada is once again living life out loud. Janice and her family are planning on coming to New York for the weekend.   

    In view of the family gathering and celebration Alice picked out two bushels of the best New York apples - Jonagolds and Northern Spies.  I harvested a bucket of peppers  from our garden.  There are hot, mild Hungarian, green, red, purple, habanero.  We have about two bushels of winter squash yet to harvest.  I picked a lovely summer squash the other day, probably the last for this season.  Summer squash in Autumn?  One of the gigantic Forsythia Bushes in the church grounds is in full bloom.  Spring flowers in Autumn Season?  The Lord of all seasons displays His majesty and beauty in technicolor in every season.  We can say, "My cup runneth over". 

    The Psalm that deals with still waters and green pastures also deals with death valleys.  In Psalm 23 we see ourselves laying down in the green pastures.  We see ourselves being lead by the still (quiet) waters.  We see our selves walking through the valley of shadow of death, and walking through darkness with the Shepherd as our guide.  When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we are not alone.  The Good and winsome shepherd is with us.  

    In C.S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, as Aslan makes his way to the stone table he comes to a point where he does not allow Lucy and Susan to go any further.  They are not permitted to make that last leg of the journey with him.  It is a path which he must walk alone, into the heart of death and darkness.  We might say "What is to become of us when it is the Shepherd's valley of the shadow of death?"  Perhaps this is the place where our faith is most shaken, those long hours before the dawn, that silence in which we so often live.

    The Chief Shepherd has passed through the valley of the shadow of death. There is no valley so deep that the Son of God can not fathom.  There is no mountain so high that the Son of Man can't climb, no darkness so grim that the Prince of the dawn cannot illuminate, no sin God can't forgive, no person so lost that Christ can not find him.  There is no bondage so great that the Deliverer can not burst it asunder.  The valley is the Lord's.  The way is safe.  "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.  And you shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever."  Amen.

In Christ,


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