Friday, October 4, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 10-4-13

Praise the Lord for this first Friday of October.  Sunday is coming.  I am performing a wedding celebration this weekend and getting ready to celebrate  Worldwide Communion this coming Sunday.  Praise the Lord for the Church of Jesus Christ, our Lord, that is under the same management for over two thousand years.  Jesus our Lord said, "Upon this Rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it."  We will join Christians all over the world from every nation, every culture, every language in deed to celebrate the Euchrist.
    The Eucharist is another name for  Holy CommunionThe term comes from the Greek by way of Latin, and it means "thanksgiving."  It is used in three ways: first, to refer to the Real Presence of Christ; second, to refer to Christ's continuing action as High Priest (He "gave thanks" at the Last Supper, which began the consecration of the bread and wine); and third, to refer to the Sacrament of Holy Communion itself. 
    The Lord gave us a splendid day yesterday. It will be another super spendid day today.  Jesus makes all things glorious and beautiful in His time.  The brilliant Autumn colors are moving towards peak in ths region.  Our Lord displays so much beauty and He pours upon us so many blessings.  Praise the Lord for His amazing grace.  Praise the Lord for  "prevenient grace".  Prevenient grace is the expression theologians use to talk about God working in our lives for our salvation before we know anything about it or do anything to cause it to happen.  Some people insist, "If you will do this, this and this, then God will come into your life and save you." The truth is that God is always reaching out to us and working in our lives to move us toward the fulfillment of our highest possibilities.  The trick is for us to recognize what God is doing in our lives and to be receptive and responsive to it.
    The psalmist who wrote Psalm 139 was very much aware that God was always present and that God always knew all about him.  "Lord, you have searched me an known me."  He said that God knew all about him even when he was being formed in his mother's womb.  He said that he knew there is no place to hide from God. That may give us a spooky feeling.  In this age of computerized information, we struggle to retain just a little bit of privacy and, truthfully, there are things about most of our lives that we would rather not have God watching or listening in on. But the fact is that God is always present and that God knows us better than we know ourselves.  It is a good thing that God loves us.
    The story of little Samuel and old Eli tells us that God has a purpose for our lives and for our world.  The text tells us that this story took place during a time when people weren't seeing much divine activity -- or expecting it. Old Eli was a good man and a faithful servant of God, but his sons were completely corrupt.  God was working in the subtle ways that God often uses in the affairs of people to put an end to their abuse of power.  God was also working to bring something better into being to replace it.  He picked young Samuel to be a prophet who would be God's agent for the beginning of a new age in Israel's history.  God called and, with Eli's help, Samuel responded.
    In the Gospel according to John, we are told that Jesus our Lord  surprised Nathaniel by knowing about him and believing in him before Nathaniel had ever paid any attention to Jesus.  That relationship eventually grew into a very important one that changed Nathaniel's life and caused him to be used to change the world.
   Our Lord is always working throughout relationships with others, through our experiences, through our mistakes, through our successes, and through many other happenings in our lives.  He is always there in our lives trying to lead us to fullness of life, whether we know it or not, whether we do anything to cause it or not.
    Most people become aware that God's prevenient grace has been at work in their lives after they have come to new life in Christ.  When people finally take significant steps into the new life that Christ wants for them, they look back on their lives and realize that God has been working in their lives for years to bring them to their new life.  Our Lord is at work around the corner and around the globe.  He reigns.  He rules.  He overrules.  He is King of kings and the Lord of lords.  He is the Captain who has never lost a battle.
  "And Somehow Jesus comes and gives us the victory".

     In Him .


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 10-3-13

    The Lord gave us a bountiful and beautiful day yesterday.  The Southern Tier of New York is bursting with varied and variegated colors all around.  I spent some time with my younger brother Caleb, who had knee surgery this week.  I also spent some time with  Barb, a beautiful servant of Jesus who is going in for  complete knee replacement surgery today.  Barbara is a special person.. She is a Preacher's kid.  I married her  and husband 22 years ago.  They have been my encouragers all these years.  I also spent part of the day with my young friend from India, sharing about how the work of the Lord is carried out around the corner and around the world.  It is the work of the Kingdom. The work of the Kingdom marches on inspite of us.  Blessed be His Name.  

    We were marveling the beauty and the blessings of the Lord all around us.  On our way home I had flat tire.   A young couple, who were on their way to dinner, stopped  and offered to help.  I thanked them for their generosity and asked them to go for their dinner date. I called Denny, another faithful servant of Jesus, who came  with a jubilant heart and changed the  tire .. we got home safely.  Praise the Lord for the hands the Lord has given us to serve Him with. 
    I have been reading about Ira Gillett,a  missionary to East Africa  Mr Ira Gillett, returned home to report on his activities overseas, he related an interesting phenomenon.  Repeatedly, Gillett had noticed how groups of Africans would walk past government hospitals and travel many extra miles to receive medical treatment at the mission compound.  He finally asked a particular group why they walked the extra distance when the same treatments were available at the government clinics.  The reply was instructive: "The medicines may be the same but the hands are different."  This is the essence of Christian ministry: the hands are different.  The high-touch component, love, transforms a program into a ministry for the cause of Christ.  For this reason love is central in the church of Jesus Christ.  Love is indispensable.
    "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."  1 Corinthians 13.

    Even though love is undefinable, Paul maintained, it is unmistakable.  No concrete definition can ever encapsulate exactly what love is.  Nevertheless, the presence of love is unmistakable and its absence cannot be hidden.  Paul declared that love's presence is unmistakable because it is revealed in attitudes and actions that flow out of it.  Love's absence cannot be hidden because this absence is betrayed by conduct and attitudes that love's presence prevents.  Among these negative portrayals Paul lists jealousy, boastfulness, arrogance, improper conduct, self-centeredness, irritability, and vengefulness.  What a contrast they form to the attitudes and characteristics that love portrays: patience, kindness, rejoicing with the truth, endurance in the face of frailties of others, a trust that looks for the best in others, hope.  Because these positive traits are produced by love, love's presence is unmistakable.

    "Love never ends; as for prophecy, it will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.  For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.  When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways.  For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood.  So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."   

    W. H. Auden said, "We must love one another or die."  People in our high-tech world are dying.  Our task is to show them the path to life by extending to them the touch of the hand of the believing community, and to bring them into contact with the healing touch of  Jesus our Lord.  Jesus, indeed, "... touched and made me whole".

  In Christ,


Oct. 5th Sat. at 6:30 PM  -  ILLUSIONIST  -  in our sanctuary.  The Young at Heart
Committee is sponsoring a family program with an Illusionist, Jeremy Biesecker.
This is a great opportunity to invite your neighbors.  Hand-out notices are on the
back table to be shared.
“Stir Up Our Hunger”
Prayer Conference with Rev. Nigel Mumford from By His Wounds
Worship by Binghamton House of Prayer
    October 18-19, 2013 at First UMC in Endicott
        Friday Oct 18th: 6 PM - Registration opens
        7 PM - Worship and Teaching
    Saturday Oct 19th: 9 am - Doors Open
        9:30 AM- Worship and Teaching
        1 PM - Healing Service
        7 PM - Worship night with Binghamton House of Prayer
    Sunday October 20th
        Rev. Mumford will be sharing at the 8:30 and 11:00 AM services at UCUMC
** Please note that Friday and Saturday sessions will be held at First UMC in Endicott to allow for more space for prayer ministry.
To register, please go to
    Friday, October 25, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Old Time Hymn Sing at Wesley UMC, Cosponsored by the Wesley UMC and the Reformed Presbyterian Church.
    NYC trip to Radio City Music Hall for the Christmas Extravaganza, Thursday, December 5, 2013. $80 for bus and ticket to the show. Depart at 6:00 AM, with one stop on the way in, free time in city, and the show at 5:00 PM.  The return bus leaves at 7:15 PM, getting home by 10:30 PM (no stop). 
    The deadline is Oct. 15 for reservations and $40 deposit on the trip. 
Remaining $40 due Nov. 10.  Make the check payable to the church, memo line: NYC trip.  Again, the cost of the trip is just $80.00, including Bus Fare and the ticket to the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall.  You don't have to be a member of the Confirmation Class to join us in this adventure.  All are welcome, but when the bus is full, it's full, so get your reservation in right away.  We would love to have you join us.  Call the church office 607-748-6329 or email us at umcgospel@aol.com

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 10-2-13

   Praise the Lord for this  First Wednesday of October.  It has been like summer, both warm and brilliant.  I drove up to Syracuse yesterday to pick a friend who traveled in from Indianapolis, Indiana to spend a couple days with us.  The drive to Syracuse on Interstate 81 was stunning.  The fall colors were brilliant... so colorful... so magnificent.  Only our Lord, the Lord of beauty, can exhibit beauty of that magnitude and depth.  While Sunita and her family were here last weekend from Washington, DC she commented at the sight  the bursting Fall colors, "It's like eating candy!"  As we gaze at the colors and sights all around us, we can exclaim, "How Great is our God"!  Indeed, "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever".
    We will gather for the Wednesday Gathering this evening at 6 PM.  Praise the Lord that the Lord takes us in to the   top of the mountain experiences.  There also are times He allows us to go through the valleys of life.  One of the famous verses is found in  (Ecclesiastes 3:4), where it says, "there is a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance . . . "

    Frederick Buechner, a minister and author who loves God, has lived in a valley of sorts for years.  Suddenly he found himself in a valley, according to his story Telling Secrets, when he was a child and his father committed suicide.

    The Psalms speak to the condition of the human soul.  Of the 150 sacred songs of David and others, there are several genres to be identified: Psalms of Ascent, Psalms of Praise, Petition, Liturgical Psalms, and Psalms of lament.  Psalms 42 and 43 are of that variety and go together.

    Paul says that we are in the middle of spiritual battles in Ephesians 6:12: "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rules of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."  Our Lord Jesus was the Man of Sorrows acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3) who identifies with us so well in these times: "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses . . . (Hebrews 4:15)."  We have the Good News.  The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.  The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.  Many of the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all."

  In Christ,


Saturday, October 5 at 6:30 PM  -  ILLUSIONIST  -  will be in our sanctuary.  The Young at Heart Committee is sponsoring a family program with an Illusionist, Jeremy Biesecker.  This is a great opportunity to invite your neighbors.  

  Prayer Conference :  Sponsored By the Union Center United Methodidt Church and the Binghamton House of Prayer.

    October 18-20 ,2013 

“Stir Up Our Hunger”
Prayer Conference with Rev. Nigel Mumford from By His Wounds
Worship by Binghamton House of Prayer
    October 18-19, 2013 at First UMC in Endicott
        Friday Oct 18th: 6 PM - Registration opens
        7 PM - Worship and Teaching

    Saturday Oct 19th: 9 am - Doors Open
        9:30 AM- Worship and Teaching
        1 PM - Healing Service
        7 PM - Worship night with Binghamton House of Prayer

    Sunday October 20th
        Rev. Mumford will be sharing at the 8:30 and 11:00 AM services at UCUMC

** Please note that Friday and Saturday sessions will be held at First UMC in Endicott to allow for more space for prayer ministry.
To register, please go to

    Friday, October 25, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Old Time Hymn Sing at Wesley UMC, Cosponsored by the Wesley UMC and the Reformed Presbyterian Church. 

    NYC trip to Radio City Music Hall for the Christmas Extravaganza, Thursday, December 5, 2013. $80 for bus and ticket to the show. Depart at 6:00 AM, with one stop on the way in, free time in city, and the show at 5:00 PM.  The return bus leaves at 7:15 PM, getting home by 10:30 PM (no stop).  

    The deadline is Oct. 15 for reservations and $40 deposit on the trip. 
Remaining $40 due Nov. 10.  Make the check payable to the church, memo line: NYC trip.  Again, the cost of the trip is just $80.00, including Bus Fare and the ticket to the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall.  You don't have to be a member of the Confirmation Class to join us in this adventure.  All are welcome, but when the bus is full, it's full, so get your reservation in right away.  We would love to have you join us.  Call the church office 607-748-6329 or email us at umcgospel@aol.com

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 10-1-13

    Praise the Lord! He gave us a super Saturday and super Sunday this past weekend.   All my children and grandchildren came to celebrate my birthday.  Jessica and Tom came in Saturday night after completing an 80 mile bicycle ride from Philadelphia to Ocean City, New Jersey.  We gathered for praise and worship Saturday Evening at the First United Methodist church followed by a special meal.  It was great time testimony and celebration.  Sunday was great day of worship and celebration.  All our grandchildren were with us. It was such a treat.  Praise the Lord.  Praise the Lord for all the birthday cards, gifts, and greetings I received.  I thank the Lord for you.  I am so blessed.  Praise the for Lou P. and his team that prepared a banquet for my birthday.  Praise the Lord for Diane E.  and her team, who turned the our Church fellowship hall into a beautiful banquet Hall. Thank you Sheila S. and her team that cared for the cleaning after the banquet.   Praise the Lord for festive times and seasons.  Praise the Lord for ordinary times, too.
    An ordinary time is what one person has called a "non-festive time."  As someone has put it, "life is so daily."  This dailiness of life can seem so mundane, so routine, so non-spectacular.  Yet, during this "ordinary time" our Lord  Jesus is  at work in us in extraordinary ways.
    Richard Foster in his wonderful book on prayer wrote: "The discovery of God lies in the daily and the ordinary, not in the spectacular and the heroic. If we cannot find God in the routines of home and shop, then we will not find Him at all." (Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home, p.171)
    I heard about Hannah in the Old Testament from my mom, when I was a very little boy.  Hannah, as we recall, was childless.  Year after year she faithfully went to the temple and prayed, pouring out her heart before the Lord.  These were the ordinary days full of sadness and brokenness for Hannah.  It is written, "This went on year after year."  This sad scenario wasn't just played out once.  It was the way things were for several years.  Does that sound like anything we experience?  Sometimes it feels like we're in 'ordinary time' while other folks are celebrating and in festive time.  That makes our 'ordinary time' particularly hard to bear.
    The wonderful story of the Lord in the life of Hannah unfolds in a way that was beyond anything she could have imagined.  When we think it is all over, that our chances have run out, the Lord of the second chance is about to do something magnificent and glorious.  He is about to do some thing that will blow us away.. That kind of God, who specializes in impossibilities, is the very God whom we worship and serve.  So it was for Hannah that ordinary time came to an end for her!  She conceived and gave birth to a son.  She named this little boy "Shamuel," - "God has heard", and Hannah praised God in a wonderful prayer similar in sound to the great prayer of Mary, mother of Jesus.

    "My heart rejoices in the Lord . . .", Hannah sang.  Read it in full in 1 Samuel 2.

    Hannah, once infertile, over time had three more sons and two more daughters. For maybe three years, Hannah did not go on the annual trip to Shiloh, but stayed home and cared for little Samuel, but when the little boy was weaned, Hannah made good on her promise to God.  Taking little Samuel to Shiloh, Hannah and Elkanah offered sacrifice and left Samuel under the care and guidance of high priest Eli.

    In Hannah's ordinary time, a time of year-after-year sadness, God WAS at work. God was at work, though not on Hannah's timetable.  Nor did God remove Hannah's suffering and trial for several years.  Nevertheless, in ordinary time, God was bringing good things to birth.

    God IS at work in 'ordinary time' whether we see what God is doing or not.  God IS at work even in the 'ordinary time' of our sadness and grief.  God is at work in the stuff we'd rather not go through.  Moreover, out of that difficulty and suffering there can be a birth of something new and vital, even extraordinary.

    She began as an ordinary sister in a Calcutta, India convent, but in the midst of her ordinary life, she had an extraordinary dream.  She shared her heart's ambition with her superior.  "Well, how much money do you have?" asked the Mother Superior.  "I have two pennies!" replied Sister Teresa.  "Oh, you cannot start an orphanage with just two pennies," said Mother Superior.  "No, but with two pennies God and I can start an orphanage," replied the nun, whom we have come to know as Mother Teresa.  She and God did start an orphanage and a ministry that has spanned the world!  In ordinary time, in the lives of ordinary people, God brings good things to birth.

  In Christ,


Oct. 5th Sat. at 6:30 PM  -  ILLUSIONIST  -  in our sanctuary.  The Young at Heart
Committee is sponsoring a family program with an Illusionist, Jeremy Biesecker.
This is a great opportunity to invite your neighbors.  Hand-out notices are on the
back table to be shared.

“Stir Up Our Hunger”
Prayer Conference with Rev. Nigel Mumford from By His Wounds
Worship by Binghamton House of Prayer
    October 18-19, 2013 at First UMC in Endicott
        Friday Oct 18th: 6 PM - Registration opens
        7 PM - Worship and Teaching

    Saturday Oct 19th: 9 am - Doors Open
        9:30 AM- Worship and Teaching
        1 PM - Healing Service
        7 PM - Worship night with Binghamton House of Prayer

    Sunday October 20th
        Rev. Mumford will be sharing at the 8:30 and 11:00 AM services at UCUMC

** Please note that Friday and Saturday sessions will be held at First UMC in Endicott to allow for more space for prayer ministry.
To register, please go to

    Friday, October 25, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Old Time Hymn Sing at Wesley UMC, Cosponsored by the Wesley UMC and the Reformed Presbyterian Church. 

    NYC trip to Radio City Music Hall for the Christmas Extravaganza, Thursday, December 5, 2013. $80 for bus and ticket to the show. Depart at 6:00 AM, with one stop on the way in, free time in city, and the show at 5:00 PM.  The return bus leaves at 7:15 PM, getting home by 10:30 PM (no stop). 

    The deadline is Oct. 15 for reservations and $40 deposit on the trip. 
Remaining $40 due Nov. 10.  Make the check payable to the church, memo line: NYC trip.  Again, the cost of the trip is just $80.00, including Bus Fare and the ticket to the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall.  You don't have to be a member of the Confirmation Class to join us in this adventure.  All are welcome, but when the bus is full, it's full, so get your reservation in right away.  We would love to have you join us.  Call the church office 607-748-6329 or email us at umcgospel@aol.com