Friday, March 28, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 3-28-14

   Praise the Lord for this last Friday of March.  It is going to be raining here today, washing away all the dirt .  The Spring flowers are budding fast and furiously.  Our Lord makes all things glorious in His time.  Blessed be His name.  Please join us this evening, those of you live in the area, for our Friday evening Television outreach on Time Warner Cable channel 4 at 7 PM.  We will meet on Sunday at Union Center at 8:30 and 11:00 AM for worship and at 9:50 for Sunday school.  We will meet at Wesley at 9:30 AM for Worship.  We will be receiving the confirmands into the fellowship of the at Union Center during the 11:00 AM worship service.  There will be a mega dinner  reception at the Church Hall following the service.   
    One week from today we will make another "Passage to India".  Thank you for praying for us and thank you for love and affection.  As we  get ready for Easter we reflect on the "Suffering Servant" portrayed so graphically in Isaiah 53.  Max Lucado, in his story, "He Chose the Nails" asks, “What would have happened to the Beast if the Beauty had not appeared?  We  know the story.  There was a time when his face was handsome and his palace cheerful.  But that was before the curse, before the shadows fell on the castle of the prince, before the shadows fell on the heart of the prince.  And when the darkness fell, he hid.  Secluded in his castle, he was left with glistening snout and curly tusks and a very bad mood.

    "But all that changed when the girl came.  What would have happened to the Beast if the Beauty had not appeared?  Better yet, what would have happened if she had not cared?  And who would have blamed her if she hadn’t?  He was such a . . . beast.  Hairy.  Drooling.  Roaring.  Defying.  Ill mannered.  And she was such a beauty.  Stunningly gorgeous.  Contagiously kind.  If ever two people lived up to their names, didn’t Beauty and the Beast?  Who would have blamed her if she hadn’t cared?  But she did.  And because Beauty loved the Beast . . ."

    The story is familiar, not just because it’s an exquisite fairy tale. It is familiar, mostly because it reminds us of ourselves.  Everyone has a beast within.  In the course of human history, this was not always the case.  In the beginning, there was a time when their was no beast within.  All was beautiful and cheerful. But that was before the curse, before the shadows fell across Adam’s garden, before the shadows fell across Adam’s heart.  Ever since that curse, we have been different.  We have a beast unleashed in each of us that makes us beastly, ugly, defiant, angry, and ill-mannered.  We do things we know we shouldn’t and wonder why.

    It is written in (Romans 3.10-12)  “All have sinned and fallen short of God’s standards.” (Romans 3.23)  Satan the adversary, the evil one, the beast, always breaks down the beauty God purposed for us.  He  corrupts our relationship with God, and that corrupts our relationships with each other; it withers our soul. This is a problem that we cannot fix.  Jesus can.  This is what the cross was all about – fixing what is broken, healing what we have diminished, restoring intimacy with God, reconciling brothers and sisters, and healing wounded souls.  The Bible says, “He was wounded and crushed for our sins.  He was beaten that we might have peace.  He was whipped, and we were healed.” (Isaiah 53.5)

    Even more than that, it is about ultimate wholeness.  What if the Beauty had not come?  What if the Beauty had not cared?  We need not dwell on these, "what ifs".  He came.  The sinless one took the face of the sinner so the sinner could become a saint.  Because he emptied himself of all but love, we can be filled.  Because His body was broken, our lives can be whole.  Because He was forsaken, we will never be alone.  Because He was buried for us, we can be raised to be with Him.  Because He reached down to us, we  don’t have to work our way up to Him. Because He became sin, we can experience ultimate wholeness.

  In Christ,



Thursday, March 27, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 3-27-14

    Praise the Lord for this new day.  It will be warm and bright here today.  Praise the Lord for Springtime, that the Lord of all seasons ushers to the earth every year without failure.  Once again we rejoice in the Lord for the season of sweet spring.  I love to listen to  "Spring" by Vivaldi.  You will listen to Vivaldi with me today.  I am so psyched.  We had a holy blast during our Wednesday Evening gathering.  Thank you Jesus.  We were looking at John 4, where we read about how our Lord Jesus invested so much time with an outcast, the Samaritan woman.  He offered  her  new life, and living water.  She received it gladly.  Her life was  changed and transformed.  Before she met Jesus, she was nobody.  When she had her Jesus encounter her life was changed for ever. 
    So many women around globe today are abused, tormented, and driven into bondage.  Our Lord does call the church to be engaged in this ministry of outreach to the least, the last, and the lost.  All my four daughters have been touched by the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus.  They have received a glimpse into the heart of Jesus.  All of them are involved in the ministry of the Gospel in one form or the other. 
    I have been in touch with the ministry of healing and caring that is taking place all over the world.  I would like to make a note of two ministry entities.  One is orchestrated by young medical processionals from England.  One of our friends from UK spent over a month in Orissa, India.  She came home blessed and energized.  Another group  of zealous Christians based in Charlotte, North Carolina is involved in a multifaceted ministry in India and expanding the work to Orissa.  I spoke to one of the leaders of  this group this week.  I got fired up.  In the midst of and in the face of geopolitical upheaval, various global crises, and concerns, the Work of the Gospel is carried out all over the world.  Praise be to Jesus,
    We live in exciting times in the church.  God is up to a lot; some we can see, but far more that we cannot see yet.  We are recovering a sense of God's heart for the poor and for people on the margins and for those who are the victims of injustice. The fact that God is making this movement happen is mercy on his part.
    When we do what God tells us, especially in regard to how we treat people on the margins and exercise compassion and advocate for their justice, they will be blessed.   I love to read  Isaiah 58: when we pursue justice and righteousness, we're blessed, too.
    When God's people live and love like him, we receive wonderful blessings.  As  we look at these blessings,we must ponder our own  lives.  Here are blessings for the world, for ourselves, for those places and people that need blessing.  When we obey God and put justice into practice:
Your light will shine in the midst of darkness.
Your healing will happen when you least expect it.
Your God-likeness will be your reputation.
Everything that God is will protect you.
God will hear your prayers quickly, and come.
Again, the Bible says, your light will shine.
The places of your darkness will feel lighter.
God will guide you, every step.
You'll find satisfaction even in desolate places.
You'll be strong on the inside.
You'll be as lush as a well-watered garden, beautiful, fruitful.
You'll be bountiful, overflowing.
Things that are ruined will be rebuilt.
Strong foundations for those who come after us will be built.
You'll be given new names of honor: restorer, repairer.
    Let us  pray and  discern how we can act, for the people Jesus  loves, in the power of the Holy Spirit, because we are the people belonging to Jesus saved by Jesus to be like Him and act like Him, as it was always meant to be, from the very beginning.  Lord Jesus, come.
In Christ,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Brown's Daily Word - 3-26-14

    Praise the Lord for this good day.  The Lord is upon His throne and all is well .  We will gather for Wednesday Evening gathering for fellowship and study at 6 PM.  Whenever and wherever we gather in the name of Jesus He is already there waiting for us. 

    I heard from a couple from our church yesterday.  The wife at a young age had a stroke.  She is recovering at home with several other health concerns.  In spite her health predicaments she wants to continue to serve the Lord be a blessing to others.  She and her dear husband went to visit some people at a  nursing home.  They sent me a note that it was great blessing to visit, saying, "We came home energized".  Praise the Lord for the way He infuses us with his power and grace.  He has the power to break every chain. 

    I was visiting some people yesterday.  One woman is 89 years old, and she still lives in her own home.  She is one of the fervent and faithful prayer warriors of the Lord.  She told me, "Our God awesome... You can never out give our God". 

    Another person I visited is 93 years old.  She lives in her own home.  She was sewing.  Her husband went to be with Lord last September.  He was 93 years old.  They both were born in 1920.  They were married for 73 years. They both loved the Lord and served Him. She radiates the love and the Joy of the Lord. 

    Another person I visited is 87 years old and living at home.  It was his birthday yesterday.  One of his beautiful daughters was at home to celebrate his birthday along with the rest of the family. 

    Another woman I visited is a young medical professional.  She in her late twenties.  She is from Crimea.  She is a beautiful Christian.  She shared about the turmoil and upheaval that is going in Crimea. 

    Another person I was visiting is another medical professional, who was born in Uzbekistan.  She and her family has immigrated to America, the beautiful.  They are committed Christians. 

    Praise the Lord that we serve a Savior who is faithful.  He is mighty and merciful.  Our life is an offering to God every day.  We need to wake up in the morning and say, "Lord, I'm turning to you.  I'm giving myself to you.  I'm putting myself at your disposal again.  I'm here to serve you.  Everyday."

    I want to share  a reading I came across by Dr. Gregory M. Lusignot:

Today when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever. There were times I'd wondered if I'd ever make it to today, but I did. And because I did, I'm going to celebrate.

Today I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have—the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships that have come into my life, because they have served to make me stronger. I'll go through this day with my head held high and a happy heart. I'll marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts—morning dew, sun, clouds, trees, flowers, birds.
Today none of these miracles will escape my notice.
Today I will share my excitement for life with other people. I'll make someone smile. I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know.
Today I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll tell a child how special she is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for them and how much they mean to me.
Today is the day I'll quit worrying about what I don't have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things God's already given me. I remember that to worry is just a waste of time, because my faith is in God and his divine plan, and that assures everything's going to be fine.
And tonight before I go to bed, I'll go outside and I'll raise my eyes to the heaven. I'll stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon. I'll praise God for all this magnificence.
As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I'll thank God for the best day of my life, and I'll sleep the sleep of contentment, of a contented child, excited with expectation, because I know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life, ever.

This could be the best day of your life—and tomorrow and the day after that.

In Christ,


Monday, March 24, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 3-24-14

Praise the Lord for these March Days.  The Lord blessed us with an abundant weekend.  On Friday I stopped at a local bank, where the young woman that waited on me was one of the many little lambs of Jesus that I had baptized. She is married now and has a family.  She and her family worship and serve the Lord.  There  was another lady that was in the bank, who was children's choir director for our daughters when they were "little girls", in fact Laureen stepped up to sing with the other children when she was only two... yet she knew all the words and melodies. This lady who is one of the sweet servants of Jesus works in the bank and serves the Lord with a smile.  She told me that she is 79 years old and still vigorous and full of zeal.  Furthermore, I learned from the young woman who waited on me that another lamb that I had baptized is an accomplished pilot who flies Fighter Jets. 

    Alice said that Saturday was "migration day".  In a two minute period we saw several flocks of Canadian geese flying back to north, hundreds of them in V formations making "Holy Honks".  We saw several mega-flocks, some hurrying to join up with others.  In my driving around the hills and meadows I saw flocks of deer grazing unhurried and unafraid.  The crocuses around the house are coming into bloom.  Another brilliant sight of spring is the presence of bees hovering over the crocuses.  "And I said to myself, it's a wonderful world".  Alice and I went to one of the local malls for our evening walk.  She came home in the late evening and baked 9 big fat banana breads.  She is planning to bake about 18 more loaves over the next couple of days to day to be shared with neighbors and friends.  The Lord is good and His love endures for ever.  

    We had some "face time" with two of our Boston grandchildren yesterday.  It was a thrill and a blessing.  Micah, who is very crafty, showed us the doll house that she has been making from an empty cigar box. 

    The Lord blessed us abundantly in His House yesterday.  One of the readings was taken from Romans 5.  Many of us live filled with uncertainty and anxiety.  Many of us struggle and question whether we are loved and accepted by the Lord and others.  Often we wrestle with doubt and unbelief.  It is the enemy who sows the seeds of confusion, unbelief and chronic doubt.  For people who live with this uncertainty, their spiritual life is topsy-turvy.  In  Romans Paul offers assurance that help us live Christian lives that are confident and assured.

    In (Rom. 5:1-2  we are presented how our future looks in light of our experience of justification in Christ.  We read here about  justification and grace.  Throughout Romans, Paul built his case that we are justified (set right) with God based on what our Lord God  has done through Jesus' death and resurrection.  Our justification with God does not come as a result of human effort, merit, race, or social status.  It comes as a result of His free favor, His  grace.  In Romans Paul  spoke of "gaining access" to grace.  This realm of grace opens the door to a whole new reality.  The word translated "gained access" was used by the ancient Greeks to describe sailors who had been at sea for months, yearning to see land again. Back then sailors relied on maps and luck to find their way home.  This phrase "gained access" was used in that context to describe what happened when sailors finally found dry land and were able to stand on solid ground again.  What a graphic picture of how the Christian now stands on the solid ground of God's grace.

    This standing enables us to rejoice in God's glory.  The word hope sets our sights toward the future.  When we're right with God, we receive assurance that our future is  secure.  Paul, knowing the difficulties we all face in the present, did not dwell on the future.  Often, painful problems threaten to crush our hope.  Circumstances such as broken relationships, financial ruin, terminal illness and life-changing failures can shatter our hopes.  Paul revealed the way to find joy even in the midst of our present problems, because of the assurance that God still is working. 

    Suffering produces perseverance.  Perseverance is the distance runner who keeps running despite leg cramps until she gets her second wind, the medical student who retakes the class after failing once, or the entrepreneur who starts another business though his previous business failed.  Such perseverance results in a tried and true character, which results in more hope—a greater sense of confidence that God is restoring us to the glory for which He made us.

    When we are right with God, we not only have assurance that our future is secure, but we have assurance God is working in the midst of our problems.  He has to strip away all that would keep us from being remade in His image.

    My wife  loves to watch a program on TV called, "Rehab Addict".  A young woman who buys old house and restores them to beauty and splendor.  We are bought by the Lord through His blood and now He has begun the act of restoration in us.

  In Jesus,
