Thursday, December 31, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 12-31-09

Good morning,
New Year's Eve is one of those few days in the year when just about everybody is thinking about the same thing. There's something dramatic about watching the old year slip away by counting the hours left in it, then the minutes, down to the seconds, when the old year has passed into history, never to come again.
We seldom think much about time except when we're running late or counting the days to a major event. Time is a lot like a river, carrying us all downstream. A lot of people have trouble with time management. That is, we often find it difficult to put first things first. Stephen Leacock once wrote, "How strange is our little procession called life! The child says, 'When I am big...' and then, grown up, he or she says, 'When I am married.' But then the thought turns to 'When I am able to retire.' Then when retirement comes, we look back over the landscape traversed. A cold wind blows over it. Somehow we have missed it all, and it is gone. Life, we learn too late, is in the living, in the tissue of every day and hour.'"
If there is anything we truly need in the New Year, it is to get closer to God, to grow in the love of our Savior, and to carry out His will for our lives. That will carry us through, no matter what the river of time may bring our way. Psalm 31 is almost entirely a prayer, but you can tell that it's not the kind of prayer that one prays out loud or one that is prayed with folded hands. No, it appears to be the kind of prayer Paul had in mind when he told us to PRAY CONSTANTLY. It's the kind of prayer that you pray while working or driving or when you're under a lot of stress, as David was here. He said:
Be merciful to me, O LORD, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief. My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning; my strength fails because of my affliction, and my bones grow weak. Because of all my enemies, I am the utter contempt of my neighbors; I am a dread to my friends-- those who see me on the street flee from me. But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.

Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love. Let me not be put to shame, O LORD How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city. In my alarm I said, "I am cut off from your sight!" Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help. Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.

There may be times in this coming year when you too will feel cut off from God's sight. You may wonder if God has forgotten you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you. The Psalm says: Let your face shine upon your servant; save me in your unfailing love.

When God's face is shining upon His people, that means that he is SMILING upon them. What more could you ask from the New Year than that? Think of the grim-faced idols that you see on totem poles and the frowns they present to those who worship these gods. We have a God who came here personally to smile upon us while He walked and talked with us. The Psalm says: How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. This is the God who is able to do so much more than we can ask or imagine. Jesus said, "In this world, you will have trouble, but don't be afraid, I have overcome the world."

Somebody described our frustrations with this life as coming from the fact that we, "have one foot in the finite and the other in the infinite." In other words, we live in two worlds, one bound by time with all of its limitations and the other eternal, unlimited, full of hope. He then went on to say that Jesus had the ability to relate the finite and the eternal. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

In Him,


"Life is half spent before we know what it is." George Herbert


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 12-29-09

December, 2009

Dear friends,
Another year is almost past, and with its waning we are called to ponder the many experiences which have been woven into the fabric of our lives this year. We have known many bright moments that are indelibly imprinted in our minds. There have also been many times that may at first seem dull or commonplace, difficult or impossible to recall, that are essentially the canvas of life. When we pause to look back over 2009, we get but a glimpse of a small part of our life’s tapestry. The small section formed over the course of this year includes bright red, yellow, and golden hues of celebration. It also contains dark threads of loss, grey threads of uncertainty or discouragement, blues that are identified with times of calmness and rest, and green threads representing life. Purples richly cascade in and out among all of the others, declaring preparation for the presence of Christ's royalty among us. Between it all run the warp and woof of music, laughter, whispered secrets, and happy plans.
Throughout the course of this year we have sensed with increased urgency the need to celebrate life. Every time our empty nest at the Parsonage is about to be filled with one or more of our dear daughters, or their families, we have sensed the vital importance of preparation. We vacuum, mop, dust, scrub bathrooms, bake, cook, attend to special projects, and stock the larder so that we may fully enjoy our times together. The arrival of family members brings with them a sense of celebration. We talk, laugh, sing, reminisce, and eat. (Of course we eat – every Naik celebration includes a feast!) Life, even in its smaller moments, is worth celebrating. This year has been especially worthy of celebrating in so many ways.
Just prior to her birthday, Jessica became engaged to Thomas Ross, who is already becoming a son to us. Jessy and Tom have been industriously making plans for their February, 2010 wedding (details, details). Most recently, with the help of Tom’s parents, they have been looking for their first home. The Lord has arranged so many details, and it looks as if their home will be ready for closing before their wedding day. We have enjoyed having Jessy and Tom home for many weekends over the course of the year. I also managed to get down to Philadelphia to spend a couple of weekends with them over the course of the Spring and Summer. (On the first weekend they gave me a great introduction to Philly, taking me to the Shad Festival, out for gelato, and then to dinner at a creperie). Jess and Tom are actively involved in the Vineyard Church in Philadelphia. We are so blessed that the Lord has drawn Jessy and Tom together, and our memories are golden and brilliant.
Laureen has been living in the Binghamton area this year, and we have been blessed by her presence. She spent many months working at Lourdes Hospital on the Labor and Delivery floor, applying her special skills to caring for newborns and their moms, and attending Caesarian deliveries to help with high risk births. In September she left her job to go on a short term musical mission with the Fall Tour of the Continentals. After extensive travel across the US and Canada, including a harrowing drive through snowy mountain passes in Colorado and New Mexico, she spent 3 weeks ministering in Thailand. We missed her greatly, prayed for her regularly, and welcomed her heartily upon her return on November 23. Though jet lag overwhelmed her for many days, she is happily and energetically preparing for Christmas. She even took Micah back to Boston after Thanksgiving (she’s a wonderful auntie). Laureen has added memories that are red with excitement, blue with calm resolve, green with new direction. At the end of this month she is planning to attend Urbana 2009 in St. Louis, MO.
Sunita and Andy have had a super-busy, fulfilling year. This year, after much thought and even more prayer, they undertook the purchase of a house in Northeastern Washington, DC. Their beloved “money pit” is a gracious and beautiful home for them, and a welcoming “guest house” for the many people whom they have welcomed there. They have been thoughtfully, carefully, choosing colors that reflect themselves, warm golden hues and soothing greens. We have made several trips to DC this year, usually accompanied by small children and various pieces of furniture. Bernard, Elisha, and Susannah have twice bee our passengers, squeezed in among the odd pieces that were destined for the DC home. Shelley, Sharon, and Hosannah also have gone there with us, and were lucky enough to go to the National Zoo on a 72 degree day when the orangutans were out on their overhead highway, the anteaters made an extended appearance, and the other animals were happy to be outside. Sunita and Andy love the Lord, and serve him in many ways, including a prayer ministry that they have trained for. Sunita still travels from time to time, and has been to Bangladesh, India, and Israel recently. Sunita and Andy continue to be actively involved in St. Brendan’s Anglican Church. Sunita and some of her friends from Washington will be going on a short-term mission trip to Orissa in March, Lord willing, to visit the persecuted Church there and encourage believers.
Janice and Jeremy are still living in their little house in the big city (or, at least, it is big for us). Micah and Simeon are growing so quickly that we can barely keep up. Micah recently turned four, and Simeon turned two in the Summer. Micah has long been a master of words and thoughts, and Simeon, who should be trying out soon to replace Andy Pettit, is now building a nice vocabulary. Janice and Jeremy love to take the kids to their favorite retreat in North Conway, New Hampshire. There they ride the train, hike the mountains, enjoy favorite restaurants, and take in the stunning scenery. Jeremy continues to work for a downtown firm in Boston, sharpening his legal skills, while Janice works only part time for Healthcare for the Homeless. This year she designed a web site and opened a children’s photography business, specializing in capturing “a child’s nature”. Her artistic photography has been featured in a local boutique, and Janice is loving her new avocation. Janice, Micah, and Simeon will all have leading roles in Jessy’s upcoming wedding ceremony, and Micah cannot wait to wear her princess dress. (Simeon couldn’t care less right now but, as ring-bearer, he should provide some interesting entertainment on that day). Life is a daily adventure with Janice and her family, and she loves it. Janice and Jeremy are involved in First Presbyterian Church in Ipswich, MA.
As for us, we are blessed to be serving in our twentieth year in Union Center, preparing to celebrate our twentieth Christmas here. The parsonage is aglow with lights and sparkle, and festive with many trees, “houses”, and other seasonal décor. Our hearts are aglow with the love and joy of our Savior, the sweet times of communion with our family, and our many friends throughout the world and in our neighborhood. We sometimes cannot believe that the Lord has allowed us to remain in one place for so long. When Brown and I were children, we each spent our entire lifetime living in one house. For me, that meant that I was 22 when I left “home”, and now we have been at home in Union Center for almost that long. What a blessing that is! Every familiar nook and cranny remind us of the sweet times we have enjoyed in this dear home.
At Thanksgiving this year we were blessed to have all of our family home for all or part of Thanksgiving break. We joyfully celebrated the season, with playing, laughter, long chats, and lots of hugs all around. We had an early Christmas celebration with Janice, Jeremy, Micah, and Simeon, and were touched and renewed by the excitement of the children. “Christmas was made for children”, or so they say. It is a rosy, lively, vibrant time, sparkling with anticipation and sprinkled liberally with laughter. It was a worthy celebration! On Thanksgiving Day itself, we gathered with some friends at the Church, where we prepared a served a mighty 3-turkey feast (with the help of friends). All were welcome who needed a family to share with on that day.
Brown has entered his twentieth year of ministry in Union Center with vigor. Though he had some health concerns this summer, the Lord has given grace to overcome. The Lord has granted His grace to continue the ministry of preaching, teaching, writing, visitation, hospitality, and television outreach. He loves to entertain friends around the table so we often invite friends into our home. He is excited about this Holy Season of Advent and Christmas, and about sharing the Good News, as we experience it afresh and anew in our own hearts.
I continue to have a quietly lively, busy, fulfilling life. Teaching Geometry at Marathon basically keeps me out of trouble during the school year, but I try to keep some time on weekends for household maintenance, shopping, sewing, “connecting” on Facebook, and participating in life within the church family. Occasionally I have been blessed to preach (just a two or three times a year), and I am always amazed and overwhelmed by how much more I learn about the Word on those occasions. Also, in case you haven’t guessed it yet, I simply love this time of year. I find the preparations for the celebration of Christmas to be energizing, uplifting, exciting, and fulfilling.
Preparation always precedes celebration, and in order to full enjoy the celebration we must be ready in every aspect. We must especially prepare our hearts and minds, reminding ourselves that Christ came to us in human form so that we might establish a father-child relationship with God Almighty. Just now, as we enter the season of Advent, it is a time of preparation for the season of Christmas, the celebration of the birth of our Lord. At home, we clean out some of the clutter from our main rooms, and then dig through lonely closets to find the lovingly stored boxes of bright decorations that will fill all of the spaces that were just cleaned. These are but a symbol of the joy that we feel because the Christ of Christmas came to sweep the dirt of sin and clutter of preoccupation with the world’s affairs from our lives, only to fill the dark and lonely places with His light, His joy, His peace, and His fellowship. CELEBRATE!
G. K. Chesterton wrote, “For men are homesick in their homes, and strangers under the sun, and they lay their heads in a foreign land whenever the day is done.” “To an open house in the evening home shall men come, to an older place than Eden and a taller town than Rome, to the place where God was homeless and all men are at home.” Praise the Lord for the way He has given us a new family in Jesus Christ, “for as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.” Praise the Lord for each of you, around the corner and around the world.

In Christ, our Savior and Lord,
Brown and Alice
