Thursday, June 29, 2017

Brown's Daily Word - Retirement celebration

 We are getting ready for our celebration of my wife's retirement.  Many family friends are eagerly getting ready for cooking, baking, roasting, and bbqing.  Praise the Lord for their loving hearts and willing hands.  We are expecting the miracles of blessings of sweet fellowship and meetings and gatherings.  Many of you are coming from far away places.  May Jesus the Lord of our journeys make all journeys sweet and safe and fill your hearts with sweet songs of travelers.

     Those who are traveling on Interstate 81 North into Marathon, please take exit 9. As come left from the ramp you take a left at the light and drive toward the entrance to the  caves of the Three Bear Inn.  Turn right on Brink Street, and the Marathon Civic center is located on 16 Brink Street (the far end of the street on the left).  There are three  Parking lots across from the Civic Center, and a small two-hour lot on the left side of Brink Street.  Parking is free.  Coming South on Interstate 81, bear left from the ramp and travel to the light (the only one in town), pass through the intersection, then make the next right onto Brink Street, etc.  If you are coming west on 221 (from the Norwich side), then take a left at the light, right on Brink, etc.

     We will gather for Hors d'oeuvres at 4:00 PM, and the buffet dinner will be served  at 5:00 PM.

Come, Share, Rejoice (and come ready to participate in a celebration feast).

In Christ,


Brown's Daily Word 6.29.17

   One of the most powerful and audacious declarations and affirmations in the Bible is written in Revelation: "The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever."  (Revelation 11:15b) The invisible - yet visible - kingdom of God is present in the world today, yet we anticipate it coming in the fulness of its glory in its appointed time.  Every time we pray the Lords prayer we utter the very words our Lord Jesus uttered.  Jesus, the King of kings, disclosed  that the kingdom of heaven is like a banquet and a great wedding feast, but the door will be closed on some.  The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field; you would be wise to sell everything you own to buy that field to get the treasure.  The kingdom of heaven is like a net cast wide; it pulls in all sorts of fish, and the good fish must be separated from the bad.  The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who hired laborers to work in the fields.  He hired them at different times of day, but at the end of the day, he paid them all equally.  The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, as from a small beginning comes a great tree. The kingdom of heaven is like yeast in that it permeates all, silently and pervasively.  The theme, "Kingdom of God" was the pivotal, central, and rudimentary theme in the proclamation and the teaching of our Lord Jesus.  He  dropped comments here and there about the kingdom.  For example, He said that the kingdom of heaven is hard for the rich to enter (Mark 10:23-25), and that the kingdom must be received as a child (Mark 10:15).  He said that not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21).  We should seek the kingdom first, and then worldly needs such as food and clothing will be given to us (Matthew 6:33).  Before his crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples he would not drink or eat again with them until he was in his kingdom (Mark 14:25).  He said that if your eye or hand prevents you from entering the kingdom, pluck it out or cut it off (Mark 9:47).  Jesus said that a great reversal is coming: harlots and tax collectors will enter the kingdom before the Pharisees (Matthew 21:31).  

     God's kingdom is the place that perfectly reflects the character and values of the King.  It is the place where things operate the way he likes them.  It is a place of joy, truth, grace, health, light, and shalom.  God's kingdom is a good place because he is good.  No wonder one hymn writer said, "I love thy kingdom, Lord, the house of thine abode."  No wonder another writer said, "His kingdom is glorious; he rules over all."  Another said, "Within the kingdom of his might, lo, all is just and all is right.  To God all praise and glory."

     In referencing the kingdom of God throughout the Bible, it is written, "How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!"(Psalm 47:2), and, "But you, O God, are my king from of old; you bring salvation upon the earth." (Psalm 74:12). David said, "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all." (I Chronicles 29:11-12).  The kingdom of God is here, but it is not yet what it shall be so, in a sense, it is already, but not yet.  That's why Jesus taught us to pray that the kingdom would come to earth just as it is in heaven.  I like the way Pastor John Ortberg put it: "May up there come down here."  In other words, we pray, "May your sphere of authority, O God, be extended to this earth.  Please arrange things down here just as you do up there.  May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  May up there come down here."

     "There is none like thee among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like thine.  

All the nations thou hast made shall come and bow down before thee, O Lord, and shall glorify thy name.

For thou art great and doest wondrous things, thou alone art God.

Teach me thy way, O LORD, that I may walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name.

 I give thanks to thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify thy name for ever." (Psalm 86:8-12)


     Praise the Lord for the wonder-filled and stunning summer.  It is gorgeous and glorious all around us.  Praise the Lord for this weekend.  America the beautiful as a nation is gearing up to celebrate its Independence on July 4. People are in overdrive as they are getting ready to celebrate this special day and the event in the life of the nation.  Many of the nations celebrate their Independence by displaying their military might, parading weapons of mass destruction, but in America, we celebrate Independence Day with mega Fireworks, concerts, picnics, and getting involved in many community projects.

      Many millions will be making their pilgrimages to the lakes, rivers, and mountains for vacations, hiking and camping.  Many more will be gathering for family outings, boating, feasting, and picnics.  This is also the season for parties, celebrations, weddings, graduations, and anniversaries.  Praise the Lord for the vastness and great expanse of of our nation.  People can travel and go places  without fear and intimidations.

     "I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there . . . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 6/28/17

The Lord is magnified and glorified and adored on earth and in heaven. Praise the Lord for the way he makes all days possible and all seasons beautiful and He makes woeful heart to sing. He invites to dwell in His presence surrounded by His grace and glory. It is written:" And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in His salvation." Psalm 35:9

The Lord has ushered in another brand new and fresh day. He has blessed the region abundant rains, causing the landscape and topography to be emerald green. It is breath- takingly refreshing. Alice and I were examining some of fruit trees we that had planted in the years past. The peach trees, along with the pear, plum, and nectarine trees are loaded. Praise the Lord for He is the Lord of the harvest. He makes all barren lives fruitful and abundant.

The Lord blessed us with His rich blessings in His House this past Lord's day. Alice and I attended the Graduation service of the local High School where Alice taught. The Keynote Speaker was a alumnus of the class 1987. He is a professor of Science at The Syracuse University, and He lives on the family farm here in the Marathon Township, where he raises beef cattle. We had a brief visit with a couple from Hawaii. The man is a graduate of Marathon High School, class of 1962. His wife is from Hawaii, and they live in Hawaii. The man's family established a scholarship fund in honor of his mom. I was pleasantly surprised by the amounts and number of grants and scholarships that have been established by various organizations, families, and businesses. It was a beautiful service, reminding me of 1964, when I graduated from my High School.

On Sunday the 25th of June, 2017 our daughter Janice and our son-in law Jeremy celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary. We praise the Lord for them and for our grand- children Micah, Simeon and Ada, the brightest, most beautiful, and the best of Boston.

We are getting excited about the gathering and celebration this coming Saturday, July 1,2017. The Gathering will commence at 4:00 PM, with hors d'oeuvres. We will join for the buffet dinner at 5:00 PM. We are prayerfully anticipating special blessings on all of us. The Lord of the Banquet will be there to bless each one with His joy and blessings. Come, Share, and Rejoice

In his book Growing Deep in the Christian Life, author Chuck Swindoll says the Bible is the authority, the final resting place of our cares, worries, grief, tragedies, sorrows and surprises. It is the final answer to our questions, our search. The Biblical stories, which are living and active, rekindle and reaffirm our faith in a living, dynamic, caring God who has promised never to leave or forsake us. We are amazed at the uplift God brings to our lives. Instead of looking inward, we will begin to look upward into the face of a loving God!

In another Swindoll book, Living Above the Level of Mediocrity, he asks his readers to imagine that they work for a company whose president finds it necessary to travel out of the country and spend extended times abroad. He instructs you and the other trusted employees, while he is gone, to pay close attention to the business of running the company. He says he will send instructions via emails and written correspondence. All the parties agree, and he sets off for a couple of years while continually sending messages…some long and some short. After an absence of two years, he returns unexpectedly, strolling up to his company’s building. He discovers the place in shambles. The exterior façade is cracking, there are weeds in the flower beds, and the window panes are broken with some of those boarded. The receptionist at the front desk is dozing while loud, obnoxious music is blaring from the back room. Instead of making a profit, the business has suffered financial loss. Within moments of his arrival, the boss calls for a company meeting of all employees…no exceptions, no excuses and no tardiness. The boss asks, “What happened? Didn’t you get my emails and letters?” You say, “Oh, yes, sure. We got all your correspondence. We have them printed and bound into a book. Some of us have memorized them. In fact, we have Correspondence Study every Sunday. You know, those were really great notes to us…very helpful. Swindoll says, “I think the president would then ask, ‘But what did you do about my instructions?' And no doubt, the employees would respond, ‘Do? Well, nothing. But we read every one!’”

When Jesus returns, He is not going to be so concerned about how much we memorized or how often we met to study. Instead He will want to know, “What did you do with My instructions?” He has promised us hope, relief from discouragement. Yes, it is available. We actually can stand strong through discouraging times in and through Him. As we lean on Him and hold on to Him, He keeps us in His grip of grace. He infuses us with His power and presence. He breathes into us His life and propels us in to those places where He goes before us.

Our God the Lord of life, will not leave us unattached in life. He has sent His Holy Spirit to stand with us and walk with us in those gray slushy days. He will give you perseverance and encouragement as He escorts you through the down days, never leaving your side. As Swindoll observed, “Discouragement may be awful, but it is not terminal.”

Something wonderful happens when we begin worshiping God either in private or as a community of believers. Worship magnifies God, lifts our horizons from the burdens, changes our gloom or perspective, and renews or refreshes our spirits.

The good news is that even in the midst of the slush, salvation is still ours. It comes by recognizing who Jesus is in life He brings redemption from sin to anyone who asks. It is accomplished through the power and the grace of the Lord who is the resurrection and the  Life.

In Christ,
