Thursday, May 14, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 5/14/15

Praise the Lord for this new day.  The Lord blessed us with a wonderful Wednesday evening gathering.  The fellowship was sweet and the study was beautiful with beautiful sharing and participation.  The spring season has come with full splendor.  The lilac bushes are radiant with variegated colors.  The cherry, apple, pear, and plum trees are blossoming, promising a great harvest.  Universities and colleges are going through graduating celebrations and students are heading home for sweet summer or heading into the job markets.  In a couple of weeks the summer season will officially march in.   Praise the Lord for all the seasons.  He makes all seasons glorious and magnificent.  He is the Lord of all seasons and is the Lord in every season.

    One hot day, Jesus sat at a well. There was a woman there, and Jesus broke every racial, gender and religious rule in effect at the time.  Jews didn't talk to Samaritans; there was a religious and a national wall there.  Just as occurs in Saudi Arabia and other Moslem countries today, a man never would speak to a woman who was not related to him.  There was a social wall.  Though this woman was living in sin with a man who wasn't her husband, Jesus knocked down the moral walls that separated them and offered her living water.  He did this because in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek; slave nor free; male nor female.

    When we  Are in Christ, we Are Blessed to Be a Blessing.  Paul wrote, "If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
 in the movie  Lawrence of Arabia, starring Peter O'Toole. It's based on a true story. T.E. Lawrence was a dashing British soldier in World War I who united the Arab tribes and led them in battle against the Turks, who were aligned with the Germans.After the Allied victory, Lawrence was invited to Paris to participate in the peace talks. He took with him several of the Arab leaders who stayed in the same hotel. These desert dwellers never had seen indoor plumbing before. They were amazed that when they turned on the faucet to the bathtub that it filled up with water. They thought it was magic.

After the peace talks were completed, the delegation was preparing to leave. Lawrence was surprised to discover his Arab friends had removed the faucets from their bathtubs and had packed them in their luggage. They assumed the faucets themselves were magic and had produced the water.

Lawrence explained that the faucets didn't produce the water. They were connected to pipes, which were connected to a source of fresh water. Once they were disconnected from that source, they were just empty fixtures.

 It is a  a powerful parable of the Christian life! People who find their identity in their religion, race, rank or by keeping rules are only disconnected faucets; our true worth is found because of our connection with Jesus Christ. If we are  not connected to Jesus Christ, then you're cut off from the source of life. Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:7).

The ground is level at the foot of the cross. There's no room for us to feel any sense of superiority above anyone else, but it also means anyone can come to the cross. The ground is level; there is no religious mountain of rules and regulations you have to climb. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. You don't have to have any special status or position to come to Jesus. There's an old hymn that says: "The ground is level at the foot of the cross. Anyone may come, for there is no cost. Rich man or poor man, bonded or free, the ground was leveled that day at Calvary."

All we need is an invitation. God's invitation is repeated throughout the Bible. So we  wouldn't miss it, He made one final invitation to us on the very last page of His Book. He said, "The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!' And let him who hears say, ‘Come!' Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life" (Revelation 22:17).

In Christ,


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 5/12/15

I woke up once again to the melodious music of the morning birds that were singing sweet songs to Jesus. I never need an alarm clock. While growing up in India I woke up to the rooster that crowed exactly three times before breaking of the dawn.
 I am always amazed how the Lord has wired the birds that always wake in their appointed times and sing their morning songs that honor Jesus. It has been a spectacular Spring here in New York. The Lord has ushered in the sweet summer in the midst of spring (though we are about to retrench into Spring once more). All the flowering trees are in full bloom. The temperature reached into the mid- 80's again yesterday and we have topped 90 many times over the last few days. Everywhere you look you see the spectacular and stunning spring garb. Praise the Lord He has given us eyes to gaze upon His beauty and splendor, displayed all around us with so much love and grace. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful Mothers Day on Sunday. My wife, Alice, preached. The Lord blessed her message. Andy cooked a beautiful meal for all the family. Jessica and Tom returned back to Philly Sunday afternoon. Laureen traveled back to Washington, DC on Sunday afternoon. Sunita and her family staying with us for a few days. We are having a blessed time. For this we give thanks to Jesus.
I was reading from Acts 12:1-16, where we discover how the Risen Lord responds to the cry of His people who walk humbly before Him during desperate times. Embodied within this passage of Scripture we see that Peter had been placed in a seemingly hopeless situation. It was his midnight hour and he was in a truly humbling position. He needed to experience the Lord's best.
 If we know anything about being in a midnight hour, we know it is the time when things are the darkest. We know it is the time when we need to be rescued, because we are virtually blinded by our situation. We know it is the time when we need a miracle, because only a miracle can bring us the urgent relief we so desperately need.
The truth is that all hell may be breaking loose around us, but the Risen Lord has a provision to miraculously rescue us. It is good to remember that although we may be going through the most humbling experience of our lives, although we may feel as if the Lord has forgotten us, He always will make a way to provide for a miraculous rescue. We are never forgotten by our Lord.
  Peter had been imprisoned by Herod, a wicked and despotic ruler. He was a persecutor of Christians, and he had the apostle James—John's brother—put to death. When Herod saw that the Jews were pleased about it, Herod had Peter arrested and put in prison to stand trial, which reconfirms that Satan will make trouble for us just because we are Christians. The devil will make trouble for us, and it is not necessarily because we did anything wrong. It is not because we stepped out of line. It is just because we choose to serve the Risen Lord in Spirit and in truth. It is because we choose to walk with Him
However, God has positioned us for a miraculous rescue. Right there in our imprisoned state, we are positioned for a miraculous rescue. Blessed be His Name. In Him, Brown. https://youtu.be/-DdgkvnsHjM