Thursday, March 31, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 3/31/16

Praise the Lord for this last day of March.  Our town is preparing for its annual Maple Festival.  During the festival, our town becomes the epicenter of festivities and celebrations.  It begins Friday evening with the Maple Pageant and concludes Sunday afternoon.  Thousands and thousands converge in the streets, parks, and greens of our town.  Almost every organization in town is involved in this annual event.  Those of you who live in the area please join us.  Our church serving hundreds of Barbeque  Chicken dinners.  Our men of the church will be  barbecuing chicken both on Saturday Sunday.  High School students and faculty will be serving pancakes for the pancake breakfast.  Around the village everything is coming up maple, from Ice cream to sundaes to maple candy.  It is a huge event for the high school students as they sell freshly roasted nuts, balloons, spiedie sandwiches, and so much more.

    Join us for our Friday Evening Television outreach on Time Warner cable channel 4 at 7.00 PM.  I will sharing the Easter Message.

    Praise the Lord  for He is the Resurrection and life.   If Christ merely died for us, he would be no more or less than any other great man, but he did more: he rose from the dead. He conquered hell and the grave, and made eternity possible. If Christ only died, then the Bible says, “. . .your faith is futile; you are still in your sins. . . If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men” (1 Corinthians 15:17-19). If Christ only died, then he is only a dead prophet. But if he did conquer death, he is the giver of resurrection life which is eternal. 
    In 1887, twenty-two years after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, his coffin was dug up and opened because there were persistent rumors that he was not in his grave after all. Fourteen years later, his withered body was again exhumed because rumors persisted that he was not there. But each time there were witnesses of the gruesome ceremony who attested to the fact that Lincoln was indeed still in his grave. Three days after the death of Christ, rumors of the same nature began to spread throughout the land of Israel. Only this time, there were no witnesses who could say they had seen his body. To the contrary, many witnesses claimed to have seen him out of his grave, and talked with him after his resurrection. the resurrection of Jesus Christ is: It is the distinguishing mark of Christianity. It is said that Auguste Comte, the French philosopher, once decided to start a brand new religion to improve on Christianity and ultimately replace it. He began to develop its philosophy, moral tenets, ideals, and beliefs, but he was having trouble gaining support for his project. He shared his intention to start a new religion, and his problems with the project with Thomas Carlyle. He asked what advise Carlyle could give to help him in his enterprise. Carlyle replied that he did not know if such an undertaking would be possible, but after a moment he said, “There is one thing you might try. I suggest that you be crucified, rise from the dead on the third day, and get the world to believe that you are still alive.” Obviously Mr. Comte never followed through with the suggestion. He realized its impossibility. But the Christian faith is built on the fact that Jesus Christ did rise from the dead, and that he is still alive changing people’s lives today.  

    On June 18, 1815 British General Arthur Wellington faced Napoleon in the decisive battle of Waterloo which would determine the future of England. To communicate the outcome of the battle, some of the towns from Belgium devised a system of communication by flashing lights from one church tower to another across the country until it was to go across the English Channel. When the battle was over, England had indeed proved victorious, and the joyous message was sent: “Wellington defeated Napoleon.” But as the message was received and sent by each church until it was to go across the channel to Great Britain, the fog began to rise. By the time the message was to go to Britain, the fog blocked the final part of the message so that it only read “Wellington defeated,” leaving people with the erroneous belief that England was doomed. For hours, the nation feared the battle was lost and any hope for the future was gone — until the fog lifted and they had the complete message: “Wellington Defeated Napoleon.” On Good Friday, the early Christians were like those in England believing an erroneous message: “Jesus Defeated.” But when the fog lifted on Sunday morning they saw the complete message: “Jesus Defeated Death.” 

    I believe in the resurrection!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 3/29/16

Praise the Lord for this EASTERTIDE.  We live in the afterglow of Easter.  Praise the Lord for His assurance and unfailing love.  He is the Risen Lord and Savior.   Indeed, He is our eternal contemporary.  His love never fails and never gives up on us.  

    Sunita posted some of her family pictures taken on Easter Sunday.  They were in the vicinity of the iconic and panoramic settings, the Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC, our Nation's Capital.  I praise the Lord for America the beautiful.  Praise the Lord for the Body of Christ, the Church, the bride of Christ which is eternally beautiful.  I took some time yesterday listening  to the songs and sounds of the spring birds.  I took some time looking at some of the spring flowers, diverse and variegated.  The Crocuses are in full bloom; the daffodils and tulips are popping up.  Jessica, our youngest daughter, shared that the Magnolias near  her  home are blossoming.   Indeed, Easter and Spring are extravagant gifts of the Lord to us.  We are reminded that our lives have eternal ramifications and significance and Jesus makes Easter and Spring possible.  He makes all things glorious and  colorful in His time.

    Max Lucado, in his book Six Hours One Friday, tells the story of a missionary in Brazil who discovered a tribe of Indians in a remote part of the jungle near a large river.  The tribe needed medical attention.  A contagious disease was ravaging the population and they were desperately in need of medication.  Many of them needed to be hospitalized.  People were dying every day.  There was a hospital not very far away, but in order to get there you had to cross the river.  The people of the tribe would not cross it, because they believed that evil spirits lived in the river. They were certain that to enter the water would mean certain death — or worse. The missionary explained that he had crossed the river and nothing evil happened to him, but they were not convinced.  The missionary took them to the bank and placed his hand in the water.  Still they wouldn’t go in.  He decided to walk into the water up to his waist; he even splashed water on his face.  It made no difference. They were still afraid to enter the river.  Finally, he dove into the river, swam beneath the surface until he emerged on the other side.  Once there, he smiled and raised a triumphant hand into the air.  He had entered the river and lived.  It was then that the people of the tribe broke into a cheer and followed him across. 

    What will it take for us  to dive in?  The only thing we will lose is our sickness, and the only thing we will gain is wholeness and life.  The good news is that someone has gone before us  to the other side.  He has lifted He hands in victory. He assures you that we  will not only survive,we will have life better than we  have ever known it before.  He has said, “Because I live you also shall live” (
John 14:19).  The risen Christ is with us to offer His life in all its fullness.

 He is Risen.


Monday, March 28, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 3/28/16

    Praise the Lord for Resurrection Sunday.  The Lord blessed us with His favor, grace, and power in His House, with His people yesterday.  It was brilliant.  I woke up early this morning around 4:00 AM and gazed through the window towards the  Eastern skies.  It was calm, and becoming colorful.  As the morning began to dawn in its breathtaking beauty I said, "Was it a morning like this?"  


    Was it a morning like this
    When the sun still hid from Jerusalem?
    And Mary rose from her bed,
    To tend to the Lord she thought was dead?

    Was it a morning like this,
    When Mary walked down from Jerusalem?
    And two Angels stood at the tomb,
    Bearers of news she would hear soon?

    Did the grass sing?
    Did the earth rejoice to feel You again?

    Over and over like a trumpet underground
    Did the earth seem to pound, "He is risen!"
    Over and over in a never-ending round
    "He is risen! Hallelujah, hallelujah!"

    The Easter celebration at our church  was festive and anointed, with lots of Easter Hymns and songs.  Some of the children presented a praise dance.  After the Easter celebration we gathered at the parsonage for an Easter banquet.  Alice, one of the best cooks in town, prepared with much love a very traditional Easter banquet with assortments foods including pastries and desserts.  Our daughters could not come home for Easter this year.  We had our Indian family, who joined us with our nieces and nephews.  We also had some friends from out of town who joined us for the dinner.  It was all sumptuous and delightful.

    I have been blessed and influenced by British Missionaries, Theologians,  Historians, Traditions, and culture, with roots which go back to Biblical traditions.  They say that when Winston Churchill planned his funeral to take place in Saint Paul’s Cathedral, he wanted to have the great hymns of the church and the elegant Anglican liturgy for the service, but one of his requests was very untraditional.  He asked that a bugler be positioned high in the dome of Saint Paul’s, and after the benediction the sound of “Taps,” be played, which is the universal trumpet call indicating that day is over.  But then he planned a dramatic twist.  As soon as “Taps” was finished, another bugler, placed on the other side of the great dome, played “Reveille” — “It’s time to get up.  It’s time to get up.  It’s time to get up in the morning.” 

    The great message of Easter is that, at the end of history, the last note will not be “Taps,” but “Reveille.”  God will say, as the trumpets sound, “It’s time to get up.  It’s time to get up.  It’ time to get up in the morning.”  The Bible says, “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed — in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.  For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).  What better news could there be?  What could give our lives more significance?

    In our culture we are so attached to this world, with all of the things that we have deemed to be "good", that we think very little of eternity and value it even less.  Jesus came to offer us abundant and Eternal life.  Jesus taught us that eternity is everything.  Whenever He  does something, it lasts  for Eternity.  The life He gives is eternal life.  The Bible says,
“The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever” (1 John 2:17).  Paul wrote, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).  This is the promise of Jesus himself, who said, “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:40).

    Easter tells us that what our Lord  does is eternal, and we are surprised that our lives have significance.  It tells us that our Lord does the unexpected — We are surprised by joy.  He always does the unexpected, and when He  does, we are surprised by joy.  The Risen Lord  comes into our monotony, into our despair and hopelessness, and changes everything.  Just when we think that nothing new will ever happen, the Risen Lord shows up, and when he does He brings His  joy with Him.

    He is Risen.

     He is Risen Indeed.

In His Grace,
