Friday, July 17, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 7-17-09

Praise the Lord for this beautiful Friday. Finally Summer has dawned upon NY. It is hot and humid. Tomorrow will be changing to cold weather. Praise the Lord for the way He is Lord and Savior in every situation. Praise the Lord for the joy that He gives to us. Thank you for praying for me and writing words of encouragement and hope. I would like you to join me in praying for health and wellness for one of our beautiful friends, Kathy who lives in North Carolina.
It may seem surprising, but Jesus is a Man of Joy. He experienced the deepest pain, yet He was filled with joy. He gladly bore our grief. The writer of the Book of Hebrews encourages us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfector of our faith, who was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy He knew would be His afterward” (12:2). Our Lord was characterized by joy in spite of the task set before Him.

In the shadow of the cross, Jesus asks that His joy be experienced by us. The fact that Jesus could have joy in the midst of suffering shows that we can have it also. “When Jesus bought His own joy at the price of His obedient death, He also bought ours” (J Piper). “I am coming to You”,( John 17). Jesus prays to the Father. Jesus could have prayed silently. He prays aloud for our benefit, to assure us that He’s committed to our joy. He knows He will soon be home. He will enter the Heavenly Temple, and the blood He will sprinkle upon the mercy seat will be His own. He is returning to the Father with a sense of joy and satisfaction. Yet as He prays, He’s still upon the battleground of human conflict. He prays for those who will continue to suffer hardship after His Passion is over. He prays for and died for our joy.
Life is a mixture of happiness and tears. Joy enables us to handle the tough times with a serene confidence in God’s purpose. Joy doesn’t come by avoiding pain. This word “joy” could be translated “delight." It means “to shine” or to “be bright." When we have joy, we are aglow in the Lord; there is a radiance about us, because we have come into the Light of God’s love.
True joy is unconditional; it doesn’t depend on our situation. Nothing can shatter true joy. The full measure of joy doesn’t rely on how life is, but on how we are. Faith can transform our perceptions, enabling us to be joyful throughout the good and bad seasons of our lives. We live in troubled times, but as people who belong to Jesus we’re able to rise above our circumstances.

Joy doesn’t hinge on getting what we want, but in accepting God’s will, realizing that His answers are wiser than our prayers. Benjamin Franklin observed, “The things that hurt, instruct.” We can even face conflict with joy, knowing we do so with God at our side.
When we place our cares in God’s capable hands, we’re able to conquer anxiety. Worry robs us of joy, and can lead to self-pity and bitterness. In Philippians 4, Paul tells us to “Rejoice in the Lord always.”Paul goes on to say, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done…and you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.” When we’re joyful, we have little room left for worry. We don’t have to act like victims; we can grow through our hardships. . Problems provide the cutting edge of life, through which we grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Joy must be cultivated daily, by having a quiet time with the Lord--time in prayer, and in God’s word. Then we learn what the prophet Nehemiah discovered: “The joy of the Lord is our strength” (8:10).
The world offers many substitutes for joy, which do not produce lasting happiness. Worldly joys are fleeting things, always in danger of being lost. At best, the pleasures of the world provide a false sense of happiness. Goals without Christ provide a false sense of purpose. The sorrow God turns into joy cannot be snatched from us because this joy becomes part of our character. Jesus so wishes our joy that He opposes any substitutes that diminish our joy.
True joy can’t be taken from us because it’s rooted in revelation. In John 15:11 Jesus states, “I have spoken to you so My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” The source of joy is not found in this world; it is external, from Above. “The opposite of joy is not sorrow. It is unbelief “ (Weatherhead).
Henri Nouwen writes, “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. Joy is a choice based on the knowledge that we belong to God and have found in God our refuge and our safety and that nothing, not even death, can take God away from us.” Joy is the result of an ongoing life with Christ. It’s not something we produce but something we are. We reject what the world offers because we’ve found something richer. Someone admitted to a believer, “I’d give the world if I could only have your joy.” The believer’s reply: “That’s what it takes.”
Our joy is permanent, because it’s founded upon the finished work of Christ Jesus “completed” the work given Him. Our Lord’s task of salvation ushers us into joy. And we can’t lose our joy because Jesus is praying for us; we’re secure in Him. He’s praying that our joy will be preserved. The joy the disciples must've felt hearing Jesus pray for them can be ours as we reflect on this prayer. God’s “full measure of joy” will then overflow from our lives and touch the lives of others.

Plan to be in the Lord's House this coming Sunday, wherever you might be. May the Lord of the Sabbath pour upon us His great joy as we worship and serve Him.

Those who live in the area, join us for the Heaven Now Marriage Seminar, tomorrow morning beginning at 9:00 a.m. Our church is located at 128 Maple Dr., Endicott.

Mark your calendars for The Continentals music fest next Thursday July 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. It will be held at the First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Ave., Endicott.
And remember, "Better is one day in your house, than a thousand elsewhere."
In Christ,


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Praise the Lord for another glorious day. Praise the Lord for His joy that He infuses us with when we walk with Him. He is the Lord of joy. He turns our mourning into dancing.

Our Lord talked about a great party in Mathew 22. It is a picture of the Kingdom of God. Once we understand that, and the context in which it is given, we begin to get a glimpse of what it is we signed up for when we trusted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. It is, indeed a sobering picture. Today’s culture, when it even thinks about God at all, sees Him as a benevolent Father, regardless of our sins, or "alternate lifestyles" as they might be called. Instead, according to Jesus’ story, we see here a king who has no fit subjects, only rebels and scoundrels. He chooses to have mercy on some - actually the least deserving - not because they earned it, but simply because He wishes to honor His Son at His Son’s wedding. The kingdom of God is first of all a Kingdom. He rules absolutely. When He "invites" us to a banquet, it’s not just another party that we squeeze into our busy schedule if we have the time. It is a royal feast and we lay down our lives, if necessary, in order to attend. Said another way, when God says jump, our only question is, "How high?" People are funny. Our nature is to focus on the trivial and ignore the important. We hate what is good and love what is evil. We avoid the desirable and desire the avoidable. In the parable recorded in Mathew 22, we see the nobles of the land, the smartest, richest, and strongest, receive an invitation to the highest, best, most wonderful event of all their lives. What was their response to their sovereign? They snubbed Him: "I’m too busy with my work." Every day we make this same response to our God. "I’m too busy to pray or read the Scripture, or go to church." Looking again at the parable, we see these same people’s response to the second summons was even worse: they imprisoned, beat, and killed His messengers. What was the King’s response? He sent His armies to kill all the nobles and burn their towns. I think He was disappointed they did not accept His invitation. . Yet the King was determined to have a full house at His party.

Have you ever run across a homeless person? One who lived under a bridge and begged money from passers by? A breeding ground for thieves, prostitutes, and other low life? Do you know how these persons smell? These are the people who the king brought to His feast. You would think that maybe these people would have jumped at the chance to attend a party that is normally way our of their league. Yet from a parallel passage in Luke 14, we learn that even these people had to be compelled to come. Why? Because they are just like us. We think that we choose God, and He is so happy to have us. We don’t choose Him; He chooses us, and then has to force us into His kingdom. We’re going straight to hell, and yet we fight Him who is determined to save us from that horrible destination. And then, after all that effort on the King’s part, some of us still manage to show up at the party in the wrong clothing.. Why is this so important? Because just outside the party doors is anguish, pain, and misery. This is a pretty scary party indeed! This clothing, is the only thing that keeps us in the party. What is it? It is Christ’s righteousness given to us by faith alone. This robe of Christ is the only thing standing between us and outer darkness. We all try our way, whether it’s the good life of the nobles, or the getting-by life of the street people. But in the end nothing saves us except His righteousness. And even that is not something we ask for. God has to compel us to come. Come then, to the feast. Let us clothe ourselves,with the robe of the King - His righteousness. Here is a bountiful table laid out for us, His chosen ones. Let’s party!

We will meet this evening for our mid-week service. Starting with a homemade meal, at 6:00 p.m. A bible study and prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Please plan to join us this Saturday for the Heaven Now Marriage Seminar starting at 9:00 a.m. Here at Union Center UMC, 128 Maple Dr., Endicott.

Join us for a Summerfest, The Continentals in concert on Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. This will be held at the First United Methodist Church in Endicott. Some of you are dreaming of Christmas in July, we are planning our annual Radio City Music Hall trip on December 8, 2009. The cost will be $80.00.

We are looking beyond 2009. This is the trip of the decade. The Passion Play in Germany. The departure date is July 13, 2010. Join us!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 7/14/09

Good morning,
It is one of the ten spectacular days here in NY. It is bright, brilliant, beautiful and bountiful. Thank You, Jesus. Alice drove up to Boston, yesterday, for a week to spend some time with Micah and Simeon. Laureen drove to Washington to spend some time with Sunita and Andy and to spend some time with friends in Virginia. Laureen told me that it has been so cold here in NY that she wanted to go to a warmer climate in Virginia where she used to live. I'm home alone, II. We are getting ready for the Saturday event, Heaven Now. There is still room for you to sign up for those of you who live in the area. Please mark your calendar for The Continental concert on July 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. To be held at the First United Methodist Church, Endicott.
It was May 1985. I was invited to preach at the Limeville United Methodist church,( Lancaster, PA),during their annual missions conference. I stayed with our friends Dr. and Mrs. Allan Burns. I still recall the sweet and wonderful fellowship we shared. Allan gave me a copy of the book titled" Company of The Committed". I still have the book in my library. The book illustrates the lives of Christians in Washington DC, who belong to a small church, but who are committed to the cause of Christ, who continue to make a tangible and visible difference in Washington, DC. They serve the Lord with reckless abandon. We are often tempted to be casual Christians. We remain often lukewarm, neither cold nor hot. We are confronted by the Gospel of Christ to be committed. He calls us to a life of full surrender in season and out of season. In the world we live in and the culture we are surrounded with, we are called to be " salt of the earth." In the former Soviet Union, Jewish dissident Natan Sharansky was denied a visa to Israel and became a human rights activist (a “refusnik”). He was arrested for treason and sentenced to a Siberian labor camp where he remained for nine years, until international pressure forced his release. Many of his friends were harassed by the KGB and some were arrested for assisting him. We follow Christ as His disciples, not mere converts who have the password to Heaven’s gates. Someone reflected that “The only reason Christians are safe in the United States is that we are moderately Christian.” If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? During times of religious persecution the church is pretty much free from hypocrisy; those who are only going through the motions don’t usually take a stand for Christ. A divided commitment to Christ is no commitment at all. A Christianity that costs nothing, suffers nothing, and does nothing is worth nothing. During the American Revolution, farmers who joined the Continental Army during the spring and summer went AWOL in the fall and winter. They were known as "summer soldiers." They signed up with the Army after their crops were planted, they fought the British over the summer, but then returned home to help with the harvest. Meanwhile, citizens who supported the revolution when the war effort was going well (but not otherwise) were called "sunshine patriots". This led Thomas Paine to write his famous pamphlet Common Sense, in which he stated: "These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph." The Army of jESUS, needs soldiers who will not shrink from battle; men and women who are fully committed to serving the Captain of their salvation. Are we “fair weather” Christians? Some people consider Christianity a casual arrangement, like belonging to a club that doesn’t demand much of its members. It’s part of their identity but not a big thing. They can take it or leave it. For Paul, Christ is everything. Are we committed to Christ? John Calvin noted that “A person’s life is appraised according to its purpose.”
There’s a cartoon that puts persecution in perspective. In the 4 panels, we see people praying--first a New Testament Christian: “Lord, give me the courage to face this accusing mob.” Then a Reformation Christian: “Lord, help me declare Your truth despite the cost.” A 20th Century believer from Soviet Russia: “Lord may we persevere faithfully under these burdens.” Then finally, today’s American Christian: “Lord, the Audi’s been running rough lately.” “God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, of love, and of self-discipline” (II Tim 1:7).
In Him,


Monday, July 13, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 7/13/09

Good morning,
Praise the Lord! He is always more than wonderful. His grace is always marvelous. Last week we were blessed with a powerful, action-packed, vacation Bible School. Saturday was our annual chicken barbecue. In spite of a downpour in the late afternoon it was a great day of labor of love. It was a day of sweet fellowship. The Lord blessed us with a spectacular Sunday to gather in His house to praise His name and give thanks to Him for His manifold blessings. "Better is one day in Your house than a thousand elsewhere". We had lots of barbecued chicken left from Sunday, but our people took home all the chickens for Sunday dinner. We are a full-service church. Currently, we are getting ready for our another summer event, the "Heaven Now " marriage seminar.
The Epistle reading for yesterday was taken from Ephesians 1:1-14. Many Christians gain their identity more from their family background, work, or human relationships than they receive from who they are in Christ. Too many young people gain their identity from the latest fashions, trends, or popular expectations from their peers. It is no wonder that Paul, throughout his epistles, emphasized that we are found in Christ. Could it be that one of the greatest problems facing Christians today revolves around an identity crisis? Many believers are not growing in Christ or experiencing fruit because they have somehow lost, never realized, or failed to appropriate their identity in Christ. We, who are in Christ, who have trusted Christ as our personal Savior and Lord, are blessed with every spiritual blessing. (Ephesians 1:3) Paul wrote, “Blessed be the God of Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings, in Christ.” People who fail to realize this will continue to feel insecure, not praising God for all the good things they already possess in Christ. We, who are in Christ, are holy and blameless, having been chosen in Him before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4) Believers who do not realize their identity in Christ will live with a gnawing sense of guilt feeling that they have to earn their forgiveness, acceptance or belonging . We, who are in Christ, have been adopted as His sons and daughters, deserving all the privileges of being in His eternal family. In Ephesians 1:5 Paul continued, “He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will.” We no longer have to be slaves of sin because we are set free through the blood of His cross. We who are in Christ live primarily for the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:6) Our greatest purpose, joy, and sense of fulfillment come through pleasing the Lord in all respects. Colossians 1:9 declares that as we praise God for His attributes we are infused with a greater nearness of His dearness and splendor. He fills us up with every good thing. Peter wrote, “Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises so that you might become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped corruption that is in the world by lust.” (2 Peter 1:3,4) We, who are in Christ, enjoy being eternally redeemed (purchased, bought back from condemnation) through the His blood. As Paul wrote, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” (Ephesians 1:7) We, who are in Christ, are also equipped with His wisdom. Paul wrote, “Which He lavished upon us. In all wisdom and insight.” (Ephesians 1:8) We, who are in Christ, have obtained an inheritance in Christ so He now works out all things according to His purpose both to will and to do of His good pleasure fro the working out of His will.
Ephesians 1:10,11 affirms that we, who are in Christ, have been brought under Christ’s authority, protection and responsibility. Paul wrote, “And this is His plan. At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ – everything in heaven and on earth.” We, who are in Christ, have been given the Holy Spirit. Spirit filled believers need to see themselves as empowered, equipped and enabled by the power of their resident Holy Spirit. Thank God that He is still working in us to be more conformed to the image of His dear Son. May the Lord help us continue to grow up in all aspects in Christ as we fully realize and appropriate our true identity in Christ.
In Christ,
Don't forget - the Heaven Now marriage seminar will be held on Saturday, July 18, 2009 . This is be held at the Union Center United Methodist Church, 128. Maple Avenue. Endicott. ( Please make a note on the change of location) The event, which teaches guidelines for a good marriage, will be held from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM, with lunch and daycare provided. The speaker for the event is Richard P. Larson, the Executive Pastor of the Sierra Bible Church in Sonora, California. To pre-register by phone, please call (607)748-6329. You may also register by e-mail at brownnaik@aol.com.
We are trusting the Lord to give us a great time of refreshment, blessing, and renewal as we come together. We praise the Lord for the gifts of marriage and family. We live in a confused culture that blatantly glamorizes homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbian marriage, and has become militant in trying to legalize them. We uphold the biblical standard regarding the institution of marriage, as God ordained it and Christ beautified it by His presence at the wedding of Cana in Galilee.
Those who live in this area, we extend a warm word of welcome to you, and invite you to join us.

Another upcoming event is a concert by the Continental Singers and Orchestra, to be held on Thursday, July 23, at 7:00 PM. This concert features a 33 member team of singers, instrumentalists, and technicians who will be performing a Christ-honoring program at the First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Avenue, in Endicott, NY.

Identity Crisis Faced By The Facebook Generation
According to a warning given to the Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, this generation who use internet for everything and who have never known a world unless they surf on-line are growing up with a dangerous view of the world and their own identity. They are going through major identity crisis. People who born after 1990 have grown up in a world dominated by online social networks such as Facebook and MySpace. Many of these youngsters use Internet as the main medium to communicate. Their relationships are quickly disposed at the click of a mouse. Because of the online social networking, people find the real world boring and unstimulating. Because of this online mess, youngsters are going through the stages of vulnerable to impulsive to suicide.
Chat room communication reduced sensory experience; person’s expression/body language/ voice/tone aren’t there; and this can shape one’s perceptions of the interaction differently. Online session changes the perception to a dream-like state, and this unnatural blending of mind with the other person leads to entirely different meaning to friendships and relationships.