Saturday, September 16, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 9/15/17

"Let there be glory and honor and praises
Glory and honor to Jesus
Glory, honour, glory and honor to Him

Glory, glory and honor to Jesus
Glory, honor, glory and honour to Him

Keep your light shining brightly
As the darkness covers the earth
For a people that walk in darkness
They shall see, they shall see a great light:

Praise the Lord for this new day. It is Friday now, but Sunday is coming. The Lord blessed us with a brilliant day yesterday. We drove to the Triple Cities in the morning on Interstate 81, where the hills and meadows, mountains are beginning to look like Autumn season, enfolding and bringing variegated and multiple colors. Only our Lord God, the author of life and colors, can decorate His earth with full and magnificent colors. Indeed, He makes all things glorious, beautiful, and colorful in His time. We are so blessed to be living in New York, the Empire State, studded with cities, towns, villages, hamlets, and, best of all, filled with farms, ranches, gardens, vineyards, and orchards. The harvest season is unfolding. Praise the Lord for His abundance and magnanimity. His generosity never fails and never ends. It is limitless, new every morning. Alice was busy yesterday in the kitchen, canning tomatoes, making pickles and canning beets. Today she will finish the pickles and make seasonal relishes.

One of our daughters has spent the week at the shore with her family. They love to go for ice cream together, and went a couple of times to a nearby ice cream stand. One day when they were there a sea gull swooped down and stole her ice cream. That day the ice cream parlor replaced her ice cream cone. It happened again on another day, but the shop did not replace the cone the second time. (Personally, I think that the ice cream shop must have a secret deal with the gullsto help them drum up more business.)

We are getting ready for Sunday. Sunday School will meet at 9:30 AM and the worship will commence at 10:30 AM. This is "Back to church Sunday". There will be special music with instruments. We are planning for a special banquet following the worship. The menu will include Lasagna. Roasted Pork, potato salad. green salads, authentic Indian curries, and a plethora of homemade desserts which are decadent yet delicious. Plan to be in the house of the Lord wherever you might be in worship, praise witness and service.

In his book, Growing Deep in the Christian Life, author Chuck Swindoll says the Bible is the authority, the final resting place of our cares, worries, grief, tragedies, sorrows, and surprises. It is the final answer to our questions and our searches. When we turn to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, we find the encouragement to face life again. The Biblical narrative, the events and the living stories, rekindle and reaffirm our faith in a living, dynamic, caring God who has promised never to leave or forsake us. We are amazed at the uplift the Lord brings to our lives. Instead of looking inward, we will begin to look upward into the face of a loving, living Savior and Lord.
In another book by Swindoll, Living Above the Level of Mediocrity, he asks his readers to imagine that they worked for a company whose president found it necessary to travel out of the country and spent extended times abroad. He tells his trusted employees that while he is gone they are to pay close attention to the business of running the company. He adds that he will send instructions via email and written correspondence. All the parties agree, and he sets off for a couple of years while continually sending messages…some long and some short. After being gone for two years, he returns unexpectedly, strolling up to his company’s building. He discovers the place is in shambles. The exterior façade is cracking. There are weeds in the flower beds, broken glass in the windowframes with some of those boarded. The receptionist at the front desk is dozing; loud, obnoxious music is blaring from the back room. Instead of making a profit, the business has suffered financial loss. Within moments of his arrival, he calls for a company meeting of all employees…no exceptions, no excuses and no tardiness. The boss asks, “What happened? Didn’t you get my emails and letters?” His employees say, “Oh, yes, sure. We got all your correspondence. We have them printed and bound into a book. Some of us have memorized them. In fact, we have Correspondence Study every Sunday. You know, those were really great notes to us…very helpful. Swindoll says, “I think the president would then ask, ‘But what did you do about my instructions?' And no doubt, the employees would respond, ‘Do? Well, nothing. But we read every one!’” In this pilgrimmage which is at times exciting, at times trying and challenging, the Lord has provided us with His eternal companionship. He has given His written and Living Word.

God will not leave us unattached in life. He has sent His Holy Spirit to stand with us and walk with us in those gray slushy days. He will gives us perseverance and encouragement as He escorts us through the down days, never leaving our side. As Swindoll observed, “Discouragement may be awful, but it is not terminal.”

One of the blessings of this pilgrimmage on earth is that we get to worship the Living and merciful God on a regular basis. We get to encounter Him in personal and corporate worship and celebration. Someone has written, “worship is used as an act of homage or reverence” (W.E. Vine). In my discouragement, I can tell God my feelings and my emotional state of being. He does not laugh, ridicule or make fun of me. Rather, He speaks words of comfort and cheer. When I feel Him or hear Him, I have freedom to respond in absolute silence or a loud shout of praise.

We all have experienced moments when you have been touched by God. It is not magic but God who graces our spirit and heart. Worship connects us to God. Worship lifts our horizons from our burdens, changes our gloom and our perspective, and renews or refreshes our spirits. The good news is that even in the midst of the slush, salvation is still ours. It comes by recognizing who Jesus is in life .

"Let there be glory and honour and praises
Glory and honour to Jesus
Glory, honour, glory and honour to Him

Glory, glory and honour to Jesus
Glory, honour, glory and honour to Him.
In Christ,


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 9/14/17

The Lord blessed us yesterday with one of the ten best days. The temperature reached into the eighties. According to me, Summer is still lingering. The hills and mountains are dancing. The fields and meadows, farms, orchards, and vineyards are singing. The birds of the air and fields are making melodious sonnets. The Lord is upon His Throne. All is well.

Our oldest daughter Janice, the Bostonian, celebrated her birthday yesterday. She and Jeremy spent part of the day swimming at the iconic Walden Pond near Boston. Praise the Lord for His simple, yet very rich, gifts. Janice get a great kick and thrill out of celebrating and indulging in the simple gifts. Janice was born 41 years ago in Corpus Christi, Texas (the Lone Star State). Alice and I spent some time visiting some friends and then having some Indian food with some of our family. We harvested from our garden... Bringing in the sheaves... We harvested with  joy and with harvest songs. We gathered with gratitude.. Tomatoes, Hot peppers, cucumbers, beets, Swiss chard. The Lord blesses with His abundance. Alice is set to go into overdrive to can tomatoes and make lots of pickles.

Both my wife and I are now, as you all know, officially "retired" from our full-time work of the last many years. At the beginning of Summer, we had a retirement party for my wife. It was a blast! One of our very good friends - a professional photographer - made for us a memory book including photos of many of the friends and family who made the evening so special, along with a selection of family photos. It was a very special love gift that will be dear to us for years to come.

We are getting ready for Sunday: " Back to Church Sunday". There will be lots instrumental music. We are planning for a very special banquet following the worship service. Sunday School will meet at 9:30 AM. Worship will begin at 10:30 AM followed by the Sunday Banquet at 12:00 noon.

I was reading from the letter of Paul to the Philippians. It is an invitation and yet a challenge. "Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion"—in other words, if knowing Christ makes any real difference in your life or if Jesus and his Spirit have made any dent on you — "then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind" (Phil. 2:1-2).

It is exciting and thrilling and yet challenging to follow Christ and serve Him here and now. We are called to be the salt of the earth. We are called to reflect His light. We are called deflect the arrows of the enemy, the adversary, by the grace of the Lord and by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are called to relentlessly seek the world view of Jesus, the king of angels. We are going to experience a lot in life that tries to pull that viewpoint down—to make us bitter, prideful, prejudiced, resentful, callous, unforgiving, consumeristic, and otherwise self-focused. One of the rich blessings in being loved by Jesus is to experience His kindness and hospitality in and through His people on a day to day basis. Alice and I have received so much grace and, love, and radical and extravagant hospitality from others during our pilgrimage on this beautiful earth. The Lord has poured upon us and infused us with His hospitality through unexpected channels and streams in the desert. We are blessed and overwhelmed. You all have been part of the perennial streams and channels.

The Bible declares that "Hospitality" is one of the gifts of the Spirit. We who are redeemed by the Lord and loved by the Lord are placed on a new trajectory which is outward, otherward, and heavenward. We are called, gifted, and propelled to be empathetic. It is is not generated by our human effort. It is generated by the Holy Spirit.

You may have heard the story of the child who was late in coming home for dinner. Asked by her dad to account for this, the girl said she'd met another kid who'd dropped a bottle of milk on his way home from the store. "So you stayed to help him clean it up?" asked the father.

"No," said the child, "I stayed to help him cry till he got the courage to go home."

Praise the Lord that we are not alone in this adventure. We are not solitary. Jesus is our eternal companion. He is our eternal Home. Jesus. He lingers with us. He sits with us in our pain, in our doubt, and in our struggles. During my retirement years I indulge in watching the Travel Channel, and the Food channels including the Cooking Channel. I read with much joy and gratitude about a little restaurant named Nino's. Nino's was just an ordinary, family-style restaurant on Canal Street in Lower Manhattan. It was nothing special, just a place where people from the neighborhood gathered. On a good night, Nino's might have seated 100 people.

On September 12, 2001, however, Nino's restaurant near Ground Zero opened its doors to a new clientele. In the weeks and months that followed, Nino's served 7,000 meals a day on average: 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Its customers didn't pay a dime. They were New York's finest: police officers, firefighters, members of the Port Authority, the FBI, and CIA agents, construction engineers, and Red Cross workers, all laboring on the front lines to help their world recover.

If you went there, you might see police officers unable to keep their eyes open a moment longer, fast asleep over their food. You might run into a 6'5" fireman on his way in, with only the tracks of tears revealing his true skin color beneath a soot-smeared face. Maybe you'd hear the accents of a church group from South Carolina coming for two weeks to wash the walls of strangers' apartments. You'd see trucks arriving from who knows where to re-supply the tables—food and drink paid for by someone else, freely given, for those who needed it most.

One September morning, evil did its worst. It was intended to accelerate the closing-down, the hunkering-down, the fear, and hostility that still afflicts us too much in America. But even then there were people who kept on looking through a window on the world like God looks through—people who kept setting a table like the one God presides over eternally. Evil thought to make America collapse in upon itself like those great towers, but a faithful remnant of servants kept looking other-ward instead. They became even more outgoing, treasure-seeking, hospitable, empathetic, resourceful, and self-sacrificing, which is to say, they became more like Jesus. He is what our world still needs most. Our world faces daunting challenges. We face natural disasters and catastrophes. The Lord of the Church anoints His people afresh and anew in every season and in all seasons to rise up and march onward, forward, and upward. We serve under a captain who has never lost a battle. We march on to the New City which is paved with incorruptiopn and deathlessness. We once again keep on running the marathon, looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of of our faith.

In Christ,

