Friday, May 11, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 5-11-12

The Morning has broken like the first morning. Blessed be the Name of our Lord who is our Life, who is the Way, and who is the Truth. Praise the Lord for this beautiful world where we can know Him, worship Him, and serve Him, looking unto Him, who is the author and the finisher of our faith. It is going to be an absolutely fantastic day, with abundant sunshine. Alice and I walked over three miles last night. I woke up at 4:30 this morning for my devotion time. I saw the moon shining brightly, waiting for a new dawn to break forth.

It is summer time in Orissa , India . It is also the beginning of the mango season there. I purchased some mangoes from a local grocery store yesterday, along with some fresh coconuts. I love both. Our grandchildren love mangoes and coconuts. Micah reminds everyone, "I am 1/4 Indian."

This coming Sunday we will celebrate Mother's Day here in the States. Praise the Lord for all our moms. It is written about virtuous and godly moms, "Her children rise up and call her blessed". I praise the Lord for my mom, who exemplified the life and grace of Jesus in her life. I learned about Jesus our Lord for the first time from her.

Yesterday I heard about the sudden death of Larry Miles, a friend from our years in Nichols. He and his dear family lived in Texas. Larry was the who designed my home page in 2007. Larry loved Jesus. He was blessed with a heart of a servant. I praise the Lord for the life and witness of Larry.

Recently the world heard about the death of Whitney Houston, one of the most talented and most beautiful women who has ever lived. I thought she was a wonderful person in many ways. She absolutely had it all: talent, beauty, wealth and the adoration of the world. We still don’t know about what actually took her life, but we do know her life was very troubled. She could have had any man she wanted, and yet chose relationships that were dysfunctional and abusive. She could have existed on the highs of the audiences standing to their feet, and the heaping praise of the media, but chose to numb the pain of her life with drugs instead. She could have had anything she wanted, but she didn’t want anything she had. How is it possible to have everything and still be disappointed? How can someone with all the excitement of celebrity drift into boredom and loneliness?
You want to ask such people, who have the world at their feet, “What is it that you feel is missing? How is it that a person can have everything and have nothing? How can a person have all the best of this world and yet want to end it all?” Jesus described it perfectly when he said: “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” (Luke 9:24-25).
If you do a Google search for “celebrity suicides”, you will be overwhelmed. The suicides, and deaths from drug overdoses, include names like Kurt Cobain, Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, John Belushi, and Chris Farley, to mention just a few. That’s not including the long list of celebrities like Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, and Demi Moore who are in and out of rehab. Recently I was saddened to hear about the sudden death of Thomas Kinkade, a very gifted and famous artist, who died of drug and alcohol addiction.
I often think that the fame, wealth, and beauty that so many are searching for is a curse rather than a blessing. What must it be like to do anything and everything to "get to the top" and, when you arrive, realize there is nothing there. What must it be like to discover that instead of satisfying you it is terrifying you and destroying you. Talent, beauty, wealth, fame — what more could you ask for? Obviously there is something else.
We have a whole culture that is drowning in addictions of all kinds, trying to avoid life while at the same time desperately seeking it. What they are seeking is a fantasy life where everything is wonderful and you feel good all the time, but that life does not exist. It is fantasy, after all, not reality. What they are seeking is a life where everything revolves around themselves, but that life is a selfish vortex that sucks everything down with it. What they are seeking is an escape from problems, though real life is found in the midst of our problems — by facing problems and dealing with them.
When I think of beautiful people who have it all, and yet find life so disappointing and need drugs in order to face the day, I think of a little nun from Albania, where Sunita and Andy will living and serving over the next six weeks , who was as homely as a woman could be, and yet shone with a beauty that immediately attracted you to her. She shunned the accolades and attention of the world. She never experienced love and marriage. She did not seek out beautiful beach resorts, but lived in the slums of Calcutta. She served the most poverty-stricken people on earth who were plagued with the worst of diseases, and yet she would have described her life as extremely fulfilled. She walked through human suffering and squalor every day, and brought joy to all those around her. In a world of alienation and hate, she shone with the love of God. She didn’t pose naked; she clothed the naked. She died just a day or so after Princess Diana, and guess who got the most press. It brings to mind the Scripture that says, “But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first” (Matthew 19:30).
When I think of all those who are so disillusioned with life they want to end it, I think of someone like Joni Eareckson, whom I
met personally in May, 1982, who is paralyzed from the shoulders down. After the accident that paralyzed her, she wanted to die, and actually begged people to end her misery. But, slowly, her attention began to shift from herself to others who had disabilities like her. She saw that God had uniquely placed her in a situation where she could understand and reach a whole group of people who were often ignored in this culture which worships beauty, health and power. As her heart filled with concern for others, her natural self-pity began to dissipate, and a whole world of opportunity and personal growth opened up for her. She recently wrote: “The core of God's plan is to rescue us from sin and self-centeredness. Suffering — especially the chronic kind — is God's choicest tool to accomplish this. It is a long process. But it means I can accept my paralysis as a chronic condition. When I broke my neck, it wasn't a jigsaw puzzle I had to solve fast, or a quick jolt to get me back on track. My paralyzing accident was the beginning of a lengthy process of becoming like Christ.”
Set your affections on something beside yourself. Set your affections on what is Transcendent. The Bible says, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world — the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does — comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever” (1 John 2:15-17).
Self-centeredness, self-aggrandizement, and self-love only lead to self-destruction. All other addictions stem from the addiction to self. It is apparent from watching the miserable lives of many celebrities, and others who have spent a lifetime loving themselves, who end up despising themselves and life. Be careful what you want — you may just get it.
Here is where the Christian message has such relevance and power. Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). When Jesus says that we have to lose our life before we find it, it means that we lose our concern about ourselves, our reputation, how much money we have, how many things we own, how we look, what advantages we have over others, etc. We lose the life of self-centeredness and begin to center on God, on our relationship with him, on his will for our lives, and on his future destiny for us. We rest in knowing who we are, in knowing we are his. We are at peace because our lives have meaning — even if our abilities, looks, and finances become diminished. We accept what God has given us and know that he is not limited by our limitations. He can use our lives and love others through us. As we begin to forget about ourselves, we begin to see how our lives can be used for others.
We will have an entirely different set of values from the celebrity cult of our day. We believe the Scripture that says, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). It is amazing how freeing that is.
Fame and fortune do not ruin everyone. Tim Tebow and others have not cared how the world thought about them. They continue to share their faith even when the media makes fun of them and mocks them. They just strive to do their best and give glory to God.
This is what it’s all about: Living life for an audience of One. It is enough to live our lives for Jesus, leaving all the rest up to him. He has said, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord,’ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart’” (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
Life opens up to those who look upward rather than inward. Fulfillment comes to those who do not try to find life by filling it with things or the acceptance of the crowd. Life surprises us with joy for those who refuse to live as though the world revolves around them. Life is aflame for those who live with eyes to see the hand of the Risen Lord in all of life — He makes all things glorious and beautiful in His time.

In Christ,


Friday, May 11, 2012
Our weekly Television outreach at 7 PM
On Time Warner Cable Channel 4
Union Center UMC Saturday Evening Worship Service
Location: First United Methodist Church, 53 McKinley Avenue, Endicott, NY
Sponsored by: Union Center UMC
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012
Time: 6:00 PM Gathering for Coffee and Fellowship
6:30 PM Worship Service
Music: Jane Hettinger
Speaker: Dave Hettinger
Come! Share! Rejoice!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 5-9-12

Praise the Lord for this new day. We will gather for mid-week fellowship and Bible Study this evening at 6 PM. We will be looking at John 15 and 1 Corinthians 15. We have been studying the Book of John. We have discovered the amazing truth that whenever Jesus shows up in the story nothing is ever quite as it seems. He turns the world upside down and right side up. In John 2 we read about a wedding gone wild -- very wild. Our Lord was present there.
In our confused culture there is so much confusion about marriage. The Bible declares that marriage is between man and woman. The Lord blessed the marriage that was held in Cana of Galilee by His own presence. Jesus never blesses sin though He dearly loves the sinner like me. The state might make sinful lifestyles legal under intense pressure from a small minority but these sinful life styles are never moral before the Lord.
While Jesus was present in a wedding reception they ran out of wine at the celebration. The need was brought before Jesus. I believe the Lord knew about the concern and the need before they informed Him about it. Our Lord said, “The time is not yet right." John’s Gospel is constructed on two layers of time which are perceived as occurring at the same time. There is ordinary time, the time on your watch, and there is God’s time, eternal time, heavenly kingdom time. It is as if you need two watches to understand John’s message, God’s word.
We perceive the same thing throughout the Bible. We have earthly ordinary time, the way things are right now, while we also have God’s time, the way things will be someday. The Bible says, "You are hungry now" (earthly ordinary time). But the Bible also says, "You shall enjoy a great banquet someday” (eternal time). The Bible says, "You are sad and sorrowing now" (ordinary time). But the Bible also says, "You shall have every tear wiped away someday" (eternal time). The Bible says, "You suffer the ravages of warfare now" (clock time). But the Bible also says, "Swords shall be beaten into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks someday" (eternal time).
John is going even deeper here, saying something different, indicating that if you look really carefully ... and if you pay very close attention to things you will see places where God’s time (eternal time) breaks into ordinary time (clock time). This means that the implied question threading its way throughout John’s Gospel is: "What time is it really?" Can you see God’s time peeking through our ordinary earthly time?
The wedding took place on "the third day." On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. The wedding day was in earthly, ordinary time… the third day, the resurrection day, took place in godly eternal time. Or consider this strange little reference to six stone water jars. The six jars held 180 gallons. Why 180 gallons? There was a consistent Old Testament prophecy (Amos 9:13, Hosea 14:7, Jeremiah 31:12) suggesting that when the final days come, there will be great joy and an abundance of wine. Wine becomes a symbol of the new kingdom of God’s eternal kingdom. Furthermore, in a non-biblical Jewish story (written at the same time as the Gospel of John), we read, "In the final days, each vine shall have 1000 branches ... each branch, 1000 clusters ... each cluster, 1000 grapes ... and each grape shall yield 120 gallons of wine."
On the one hand, Jesus was saying, "Woman, don't bother me. My time is not yet. My time is in the future. My time is still hidden ... not yet revealed." But Mary could see that this moment was fraught with possibilities, so she said to the servants, "Listen to him. (It is time to) Do whatever he tells you." Six jars were filled with water. One hundred eighty gallons of water were turned into wine, which is the symbol of the kingdom of God. God’s eternal heavenly time is breaking through earthly ordinary time.
There is a new way of looking at things…a new way of experiencing things…a new way of telling time…the future Kingdom of God is not “out there” The kingdom of God is “right here, right now.” It has already come in the person of Jesus Christ, yet has not come fully yet. It will fully ushered in when Jesus comes again in glory. WOW!
This all raises some questions. What if we really could see two kinds of reality at the same time? What if we could learn to tell time with two watches one for earthly ordinary time and for the eternal heavenly time of God? What if we began to see time as the beginning of God’s time instead of seeing thing the way they have always been? What if we began to see that it was time for all us to be on God’s eternal heavenly Kingdom time on earth? What if we began to see our time as God’s time? Would we respond to Mary’s words, Listen to him. (IT is time to) do whatever he tells you.” I believe it would change the world, change our community, change our church and change our homes. I believe we would no longer define our lives by the clock or by our circumstances but by the eternal values of God.
Tom Long, who was my classmate during my days in Princeton, who is a professor of Homiletics at Candler School of Theology, tells the story of striking up a conversation with a man on a plane. He said they shared the normal kind of nice chit chat, sharing what they each did for a living and sharing pictures of their families. The man then began to share with him this story: He and his wife were parents of a 30 year old son who, when he was a teenager had been in an auto accident and who for 30 years has lived in a nursing home in a vegetative state. And to tell you the truth, he said, my wife and I had stopped loving him, it is hard thing to say, I know, but love is a responsive thing and he no longer respond to us. We still visited him, we still cared for him but we no longer loved him.
The day that changed it all, he said, was the day we went to visit him, an ordinary day, a nothing special kind of day, when we opened the door to his room to visit him we found a stranger sitting beside his bed. This stranger was wearing a clerical collar. We knew he must be some kind of minister or priest. As it turns out he was the pastor of a the little Lutheran church from down the street who simply made rounds everyday in the nursing facility. When we went into the room he said this man was reading to our son a Psalm and I thought you fool he can't hear you. Then he took my son’s hand and he had a prayer with my son and I thought you idiot he can't feel that touch, he can't hear that prayer don't you know he’s just a vegetable and then I realized of course he knows but he is viewing my son already in the glory of God, viewing my son as already healed, viewing my son as worth the love of Christ. He was seeing my son through eternal heavenly lens of faith. And it was then he said that we began to able to love our son again….
What time is it in your life? In my life?
Jesus is Risen. He is Risen indeed.
In Him,
Friday May 11., 2012
Television Outreach
Time Warner Cable Channel 4
Time 7:00 PM
Saturday Evening Worship Service:
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Endicott, NY
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Time: 6:00 PM gathering for Coffee Fellowship
6:30 PM Worship Service
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2012
Special Music :

UCUMC Newsletter for May and June 2012

Brown's Daily Word 5-8-12

Praise the Lord for Easter season that leads us to the Pentecost season. We will celebrate the Day of Pentecost on May 27, 2012. The day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spiri came upon the disciples in the form of mighty wind and fire, was the day when the Church of Jesus Christ was born. The Church has been under the same manage ment for over 2000 years. In the words of late Chuck Colson: When the church is the church, the people of God, moved by the Spirit of God, do the work of God, evil can not stand against them." Carl Henry called the church "the New Society of God's people, the new society of the twice born". The church is neither a civic center, social club, nor encounter group. It is no mere Sunday morning meeting place. It is a new society created for the salvation of the lost world, pointing to the kingdom to come.

Our Lord Jesus made an Audacious claim and promise when He said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell can not prevail against it. Our Lord has promised, giving the assurance that ultimately His new community of called out people will triumph over the forces of sin and evil.

When Christians in early centuries gathered together they became known as the "Communion sanctorum," meaning the communion of saints. They were indeed that, bound together as only men and women could be who were surrounded by an angry, hostile society, which was ready to feed them to the lions. By the grace and power of Jesus they became the visible church, that made visible the mystery of Christ's salvation , and that witness turned the world upside down.

It is written that Jesus loved the church. Indeed, He gave himself up for the church. John Calvin wrote, "So highly does the Lord esteem the communion of His church that He considers every one a traitor... who perversely withdraws himself from any Christian society."

Dr. Warren Wiersbe wrote, "he does not attend church to hear a sermon, or to have fellowship, though he enjoys both, but to bear witness that Jesus Christ is alive and worship Him."

Praise the Lord for Pentecost, the birthday of the church.

See you in Church.

Pastor Brown

Monday, May 7, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 5-7-12

Praise the Lord for this new day and this new week. Praise the Lord for the way He brings Joy to us as we serve Him and worship Him. He blessed us with an abundant weekend. One of the highlights of the weekend was the Women's gathering and luncheon. It was a great and sweet fellowship. The speaker, Julia Kellaway, from the Family Life Network was a great blessing. One of the readings for yesterday was taken from Acts 8. This is the story of an Ethiopian man who was seeking. The Risen Lord actively fulfills his purposes for the scope of the church's mission (Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8). Through his angel, the Lord took the initiative and directed Philip to take the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. In immediate obedience, with little information but complete trust in the Risen Lord, who guides, Philip set out. Philip encountered the Ethiopian eunuch and his retinue. The man was at once exotic, powerful and pious.

Returning to Africa, after a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for one of the feasts, he was sitting in his chariot reading Scripture. Under the guidance of the Spirit ,Philip obediently overcomes any social reticence, approached the wagon, walked briskly alongside and engaged the eunuch in conversation about his reading. The eunuch admitted his need. God in his mercy provided not only the text but also the interpreter, a Spirit-filled teacher. The eunuch urgently, but politely, asked for guidance . It is written that the eunuch was reading Isaiah 53:7-8 (Acts 8:32-33). The eunuch wanted to know whether the prophet was talking about himself or someone else. Philip "opened his mouth" beginning from this passage (compare Luke 24:27) and told the eunuch the good news about Jesus. Christ is the salvific key to the Old Testament. Philip both answered the eunuch's question and pointed to Jesus' saving significance. Just as a messenger fresh from the field of battle would "evangelize" the citizens with news of their army's triumph (2 Samuel 18:19-20, 26, 31), Philip evangelized the Ethiopian with the news that Jesus, the righteous sufferer, crucified and risen again, won the victory over sin and death, in order that repentance and forgiveness of sins are available in his name. Though Philip was taken away suddenly, the eunuch went on his way rejoicing. For Luke and for us, joy is a manifestation of a person's salvation (8:8; Luke 6:23; 10:20). The episode ended as it began, with divinely guided and empowered outreach. Miraculously transported over thirty miles to the seacoast town of Azotus (the Old Testament Philistine town Ashdod), Philip continued his witness on non-Jewish soil until he came to Caesarea (compare 21:8).

The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch graphically demonstrates the inclusiveness of the gospel. No apparent obstacle--whether physical defect, race or geographical remoteness--can place a person beyond the saving call of the good news.
In Christ,