Friday, January 6, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 1/6/17

Praise the Lord for this fantastic Friday.  We are excited about the New Year.  Praise the Lord for the way He puts an open door before us so that we all can move and serve Him with confidence and Joy.  When the Lord opens the door and keeps the door open no powers can shut it.  He is the power, He has all the power, and He has the authority on earth and in Heaven.  We are praying for Steven Larkin, who is battling with some severe health problems and has been hospitalized. 

    On Sunday morning we will gather  for Sunday school  at 9:30 AM and for worship at 10:30 AM. followed by a special fellowship reception.  We are praying and planning for exciting ministry events for this New Year.  My wife is going to celebrate her birthday next week.  She is praying for snow for her birthday although, for now at least, rain is in the forecast.  We live in the Snow belt of Central New York.  We are blessed to have an iconic ski resort next door to us.  It is ironic that the weather reporters are predicting very little snow for the next several days here, but forecasting massive snow falls in the Southern States like North Carolina, the Virginias and even Georgia.  Our friends who have migrated to those states to escape may be thinking that snow will follow them all the days of their lives.

    I was talking to one of my friends the other day, who shared that he owns hundreds of acres prime farm land in the Lake District (near the Finger Lakes).  He leases them to other farmers in the region.  Some dairy farms in that region have some mega dairies. Some dairies have  up to  10,000 milk cows.  Praise the Lord for large and small farms.  Alice grew up on a small dairy farm that still is in operation in Upstate NY.  I also have spoken with an organic farmer not far from us who raises goats, sheep, turkeys, geese, ducks, and chicken.  There are some bee keepers not far from us; one family has over 1000 hives.  The Finger Lakes region of NY is blessed with some of the best vineyards.  One of our sons in law reminds me that we here in Central New York truly blessed  with a land of "Milk and Honey ".   NY is one of best growers of grapes and has many wineries.  New York state is one of the best for agriculture.  I get excited about the farms and farmers, and, best of all, I get overly zealous and excites about the One who is the  winsome, wonderful, and wonderworking farmer and vine dresser who gives us the finest bread and best wine.  His own body and His own blood He gave for our redemption and for ransom.

    Today is Epiphany in the church calendar.  This day we celebrate the coming of the Magi, the kings, the astrologers to worship Jesus the New Born King.  This is also Christmas Eve for millions of Christians of the Orthodox Tradition.  We once again celebrate the the birth of our Lord Jesus who designed and orchestrated Christmas.  He is a author of Christmas.  He owns Christmas.  He owns the world. He owns the whole world.  He owns us.  He loves us.  He lavishes on us with the wonders of His love and mysteries of creation and New Creation.

    The Gospel of John tells us what the meaning of Christmas could be, if we were to open our hearts to it.  It says: “Now this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3).  What would it have been like if Jesus never came?  What would the story of our lives be?  Where would the meaning of life be, let alone Christmas?  What could possibly give us a reason for living and make sense of this thing we call life?  Without His coming there is no meaning, there is no reason, there is no sense to life.  Because he came we can experience a purpose for our lives and know that our lives can become one with the purpose of God for the world. 

    As C.S. Lewis once put it: “The Son of God became a man to enable men to become the sons of God.”  The Word of God says, “When the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman...” (Galatians 4:4).  We are  to give gratitude to God for his unspeakable gift of Jesus Christ.  He is Emmanuel.  He is God with us. We can be forgiven.  We can know Him and have a relationship with Him.  We can be a part of the Kingdom of this great king.

    When we are part of Christ's Kingdom, the trivial matters of this world no longer should overwhelm us nor plague us because we have entered a new dimension of life.  The Light has come!  It has illumined our hearts.  Jesus Christ has pointed us to God and opened the door to his Kingdom.  God is approachable.  He can live in us.  We know now that he desires to give us forgiveness and peace.  He has lavishly displayed it in a new born child that came to give us new birth.  It is written in John 1:9-14, "The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world.  He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not.  He came to his own home, and his own people received him not.  But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God;  who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.  And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.

    The unbelieving world is blinded by the the enemy, Satan.  Many fail to receive the Saviour; many are still hostile towards Him.  As the old spiritual puts it: “Sweet little Jesus boy.  They made you be born you in a manger.  Sweet little holy child. We didn’t know who you was.  Didn’t know you’d come to save us, Lord, to take our sins away.  Our eyes was blind.  We couldn’t see.  We didn’t know who you was.”

    Ron Hutchcraft tells the story of Harold, who wanted to be in the annual Christmas play which was always a big production in his town.  But Harold was not the top student in his class and seemed to have a lot of problems.  The directors of the children’s play did not want to hurt Harold’s feelings, but they were worried about whether he could handle a part.  They finally decided to give him the part of the Inn Keeper.  All he had to say was, “I’m sorry, there is no room in the Inn.”  Tthe night of the big play came and the church was packed.  At the precise moment Mary and Joseph came and knocked on the Inn door.  The whole fabricated village of Bethlehem shook as Harold tried to open the cardboard door to the Inn which was stuck.  At last he got the door open, and the pitiful young couple was standing there looking all too real to Harold, but with a little coaching he blurted out the words: “I’m sorry, all the rooms are full, and there’s no room for you here.”  The couple turned sorrowfully away and began to walk off stage when all of a sudden the door of the Inn swung open again, and Harold ran up to the couple and said in a loud voice so that everyone could hear, “Wait a minute. Come back.  You can have my room.”  It was a great addition to the play, even though it was not in the script.

    Jesus says to us, “Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20)

In Christ,



Thursday, January 5, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 1/5/17

This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.  Praise the Lord for His presence, His power, and His promises, which are yes in Jesus Christ. I spent some time with one of our friends yesterday as he gave me a ride for my blood tests in the Triple Cities.  It was a mild and partly sunny day.  As we were driving we were recounting recalling, reminiscing, and saying simultaneously how blessed we are in how much we are loved.  This is due to the sheer grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus.  Alice and I walked for a bit in the evening, enjoying time outdoors as the days getting longer and the western skies appear brighter and more colorful.  We spent some time with our grandchildren on Google chat in the evening.  It is always a treat to spend time with our children and grandchildren.  

    Praise the Lord for some people in our community here Marathon.  Praise the Lord for Donald Barber and Art Signs.  They are good buddies who both live in their own homes.  They still drive with confidence.  They often meet for lunch at a local diner.  They love this community have labored faithfully to make the community a better place.  Don is in his 90's and Art is also.  Praise the Lord for Connie White.  She is deeply civic minded and cares about the town deeply.  Praise the Lord for many towns citizens who are the salt of the earth.  We are blessed.

    One of the verses I memorized as young boy is found in 1 Thessalonians: “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

     Professor James Denney of Scotland called these three commands “the standing orders of the gospel.”  They are “standing orders” because they always apply to every Christian in every situation.  The Greek makes this very clear because these imperatives are all in the present tense.  You could translate it “continually rejoice, continually pray, and continually give thanks.”  This is a great challenge.  We might have little problem if the text said,  "Rejoice sometimes”, “Pray occasionally”, “Give thanks when you feel like it."  We get tripped up by the commands' unbending nature.  “Always.”  “Continually.”  “In all circumstances.”

    The real impact of the gospel will be seen when we don’t feel joyful, when we don’t want to pray, and when we can’t think of a reason to be thankful, but we are obedient to the commands anyway.  These simple commands reveal the true life-changing power of Jesus Christ.  When Jesus enters a life, He changes it from the inside out so that we have both the power and the desire to rejoice, to pray, and give thanks even in the worst moments of life.  We recognize  that often things happen to us (and to our loved ones) that make no sense.   How do we give thanks when our hearts are broken?  How do we give thanks when we are confused?  How do we give thanks when we are angry at what sin has done in the world?

    By giving thanks when we don’t feel like it, we are proclaiming that God’s wisdom is greater than ours, that God is sovereign, that God causes all things to work together for good for his children.  Hard times reveal our weakness, break our pride, and show us our total need for God.  God uses everything and wastes nothing.  Eugene Peterson nicely captures the meaning of verse 18 this way. “Thank God no matter what happens.  This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live” (MSG).  

    I like the phrase “no matter what happens” because it perfectly describes life in a fallen world.  Bad things happens.  In fact, really bad things sometimes happens to some very good people.  Even the happiest people know their share of sorrow, and some people seem to receive far more than their share of pain.

    There is no escaping this while we live on a fallen world.  No one gets a free ride through life.  We can never be able to give thanks always without the Holy Spirit’s help.  Left to ourselves, the pain of life will drive us to bitterness and ultimately to despair, but when we factor Jesus our Lord into the equation, when we rest upon the rock of his sovereignty, then and only then do we have the grounds for saying “Thank you, Lord,” no matter what happens around us.

In Christ our Anchor,



Brown's Daily Word 1/4/17

 Praise the Lord for this brand new year filled with His promises saddled with His faithfulness and accompanied with His endless love and limitless power.  It is written, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and for righteousness.." 2Peter 1:3

    Beautiful snow days here in Central New York made way for beautiful, torrential rains washing all dirt and salt away.  Yesterday I had a call from our granddaughter Ada from Boston.  She shared about her Christmas celebrations and vacation.  She shared about her upcoming birthday.  My wife and Ada celebrate their birthdays in January.  She confided in me about a birthday gift she has for her grandma.  I told her we will go out for her birthday and she can pick up restaurant. Without a moment of hesitation she said, "Grandpa we will go to the Indian Restaurant."  Ada will be 6 years old this month.

    Sunita called  from Washington, DC with Asha nearby.  She heard the ring tone of my phone and she started saying, "Grandpa" and made some funny noises that I am tickled with. 

    I had a call from one of my nephews who lives in Sydney, Australia. He and his family love the Lord and serve Him.  They attend Hiillsong Church.  It is summer time in Australia, with the temperature running into the 90's.  We who live in New England cannot fathom the celebration of  Christmas,  not in the "Bleak Midwinter" but in sweet and stunning summer.

    Praise the Lord for the way He calls us to celebrate His wondrous gift.  The party is still on around the corner and around the globe.  My friends and family in G. Udayagiri, Phulbani celebrate Christmas and New Year with community-wide banquets.  Young people who are home Christmas vacation go out for picnics  in droves.  There is a beautiful reservoir just a mile from the home where I was born. Groups of youth from different churches and villages congregate and celebrate Jesus and all the simple gifts He showers us with.  The weather there is getting milder.  The Mango trees are beginning to bloom again.  The fig trees, and the tamarind trees are loaded with fruit.  They are harvesting coffee beans from Coffee Plantation just a mile from the House where I was born.  The wild flowers are on the verge of blooming.  The hills, valleys, and mountains will dance and laugh again.

     Praise the Lord!  He is upon His Throne.  He rules and overrules.  Praise the Lord for America the beautiful.  We all have been watching the news unfold regarding the relationship between Russia and the USA.  We will keep praying for peace and good will.  I have been blessed with the faith and friendship of many Russians Ukrainians  who love the Lord and serve Him.  There are two churches in Broome County which are now Ukranian Russian Christian.  One is a Russian Pentecostal Church.  They have purchased a big campus with all buildings and  have overgrown the building.  They have built a new addition.  The other is a  Russian Baptist Church, which is strong and growing.  I have also been blessed by some dear sweet friends who belong to the Russian Orthodox Church.  They will celebrate their Christmas on January 6.  They hold a Christmas Vigil, an all night service of celebration, worship, and communion.  Our friends who come here from St. Petersburg, Russia belong to the Russian Orthodox Church, and they always return home from their winter concert tour in the USA to celebrate Christmas with their families and friends.  The Church that survived 70 years of godless Communism is strong and vibrant.  In the Russian Orthodox church, there are no pews and cushions.  People stand for worship that lasts for over three hours.

    Praise the Lord for the ministry of the Gospel around the world.  The United Methodist Overseas Committee of Relief (UMCOR) is involved around the world bringing the Good News of Jesus in word and deed to the least, the last, and the  lost.  Rev. Franklin Graham was interviewed yesterday and he was sharing that  Samaritan's Purse has built mobile Hospitals in Mosul caring for the wounded and  displaced, for the ones who have been decimated and devastated by the atrocities of violence and war.  Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it."  

    Praise the Lord for Christmas season.  Praise the Lord for the Epiphany season when the wise men, also known as the astrologers, the Magi, the Kings came to Jesus.  I am excited about Jesus, about His church, and about His Eternal kingdom.

    In The Weight of Glory, C.S. Lewis wrote:

"We are to shine as the sun, we are to be given the Morning Star.  I think I begin to see what it means.  In one way, of course, God has given us the Morning Star already: you can go and enjoy the gift on many fine mornings if you get up early enough.  What more, you may ask, do we want?  Ah, but we want so much more-something the books on aesthetics take little notice of.  But the poets and the mythologies know all about it.  We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough.  We want something else which can hardly be put into words-to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it.

    And then he says:

The door on which we have been knocking all our lives will open at last.

In His Mystery and Wonder.



Monday, January 2, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 1/2/17

Praise the Lord for the wonders and mysteries of Christmas.  Our grandson from Boston reminds me that it is all magical yet it is all true.  Praise the Lord that we enter New Year through the gates of splendor of Christmas and Epiphany.  I trust you all had a blessed, splendid, and spectacular Christmas celebration in worship, witness, giving, and receiving.  The Lord has blessed us with an amazing Advent season culminating with Christmas Eve services.  We joined the millions and millions of those who love Jesus, worship Him, and celebrate His Holy Birth.  It was an extra blessing when we were able to connect with our family and friends  around the corner and around the world through the social media.  We cherish and rejoice in Christ the New Born King who connects us and brings us together as part of His family.  

    We rejoice that we were able to see our families and friends, and get reconnected.  We were deeply blessed to have part of our family join us for Christmas.  Sunita, Andy, Gabe, Addie, and Asha from Washington, Laureen from Washington, Jess, Tom, and Lindy from Philadelphia all came to New York for a whole week.  We shared those precious days together almost 24/7.  We laughed, prayed, and cried together.  We shared special meals and shared deep and therapeutic conversations.  We prayed together, shared the Scriptures together, and shared songs and music of the season.  My daughters and my wife became my caregivers and nurses.  I received the therapeutic messages and uplifting affirmations.  Our  four little grandchildren Gabe, Addie, Lindy and Asha acted as cherubs for the days we were together.  The little ones took the adults to the park to make a handsome snowman and play in the snow.  Tom and Andy prepared some delicious bizarre foods.  Alice and, the  girls walked past farm lands and meadows covered with snow.  They walked and walked with jubilant feet and mirthful hearts.  One morning while we were driving home on a country road we passed by a majestic eagle diving with precision, ferocity, and gracefulness. 

    Only one thing kept our Christmas celebration from being complete as our Boston family was unable to join us.  They stayed in Boston for Christmas and the following week that the children were off from school.  They love Boston and they find many activities to fill their days.  Janice and Jeremy, Micah, Simeon, and Ada spent some time Ice skating, swimming, and hiking.  They also celebrated Christmas in Boston with some of the family from Jeremy's side.  On New Year's Eve they went as a family to a winter carnival, complete with an ice sculpture of a large ship (It looked like the Mayflower or the USS Constitution).  Though it was sad not to see them in person we were able to do some "facetime" and were on the phone regularly.

    I had my second treatment the week after Christmas.  The Lord covered me with His grace and matchless mercy.  I had some initial adverse reactions but the Lord gave grace to overcome.  Alice and I took and brief and brisk shopping trip to the Triple cities before heading back to Marathon.  While in this Sam's Club, fully masked to avoid germs, I ran in to one of our old friends who is a college professor.  He shared that his mom, who lived with his family, entered in the presence of Jesus just before Advent season.  He said that she ran the race well and finished it well.  Soon after  that I met up with another friend, the wife of a colleague who entered the presence of Jesus over 12 years ago.  She shared that her younger brother died recently back in India.  She was able to be with him before his death.  She also shared that the daughter of one of her very close friends died suddenly in New Jersey  soon after the Christmas program in her church.  She shared about her son who is an engineer who works for NY State.  He is busy with his church, planting churches in Albany area.  This friend of ours is involved in the ministry of her local church.  Another friend and fellow servant shared that his sister entered the presence of Jesus  before Christmas.  We can face the death of our loved  because of Christmas, because of the "sure and certain hope of Resurrection".    We praise the Lord for the life of Jerry Hults, who entered the Lord's presence at the age of 80.  He and his wife had been together for 65 years.  We also praise the Lord for the life of Rob DePuy's 95 year old grandmother, who recently went to be with the Lord. 

    The Lord blessed us in His House yesterday the First of new year.  The church family celebrated the 80 birthday of  Pete, a dear servant of Jesus.  I watched some football in the afternoon.  My team, the Steelers, won ready their way into the playoffs.  Alice and I went out into open fields to walk in the late afternoon.  The sun was warm and bright.  The fields were glistening with snow.  The Western sky was getting colorful.  Alice and I walked on crackling snow for over a mile.  We praise the Lord for the new year filled with His  promises and  His faithfulness.  Everything we need we will find in Christ.  He has all the hope, all the love, all the grace, all the power, all the strength, all the wisdom, all the patience, all the guidance, all the encouragement, all the joy, all the endurance, all the gentleness, all the forgiveness, all the determination, all the submission, all the boldness, and all the meekness that we need.  Every virtue is in him.  Every good thing we need he has and what he has, he willingly gives to us.  Let no one falter in the race that is set before us.  Let no one drop out because of discouragement, fear, doubt, despair, anger, or bitterness.

    I love a story that I ready sometime ago that on Christmas Day, 1939, King George VI of England gave a brief radio address to his troubled nation.  England was already at war with Germany.  Soon all of Europe would be plunged into the horror of brutal, unrestrained warfare.  Hoping to calm the troubled hearts of his countrymen, the king offered words of encouragement as the storm clouds gathered overhead.  He ended his remarks by quoting a hitherto unknown poem by Louise Haskins, “The Gate of Year.”  It has since become known around the world:

    “I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: ‘Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown!’ And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’”

    What a word that is for us today.  No one but our Lord , the Lord of the history, knows what the future holds. Let us do as the poet suggested and place our hands in the hand of Almighty God and let us go out into the unknown future with confidence, knowing that if our Lord  goes with us we need not fear the future.  To walk with the Lord is the greatest of all joys, and it is indeed safer than any known way.  "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,  Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;  Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works." Titus 2:11-14


In Christ,

