Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 7-24-13

     Praise the Lord for summer season.  I love summer.  The Lord blessed me with three summer seasons this year.  It was summer time in November and December while I was in Australia last November and December.  While I was in India I got into the latter part of summer in India along all the sweet summer fruits.  Now back in America the beautiful. it is hotter than it has been   in India.  The Lord blessed us with His joy and grace during the worship services last Sunday.  Micah, Simeon, and Ada, the "Fresh Air" children from Boston are here for the week along  with their parents.  It is a great treat for us.  We are loving every hour of it.  For this we give thanks to Jesus our Lord.

    I have been looking at Psalm 40.  David, having told us of his experience of deliverance in the first part of the Psalm, tells us what we are saved unto.  He puts it like this - He "set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.  And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord" .

     Let our testimony not be to anything in us - as though we have done anything to save ourselves.  Let our testimony be to the Lord and what He has done.

    "You hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2: 1).  That is the way Paul describes this transformation.  It is not that we decided, or chose, or changed and turned over a new leaf and started to go to church and read the Bible.  No, no, that is a man-centred testimony and David has nothing to do with it here.  He says it was the Lord who took me out of this horrible place.   He set my feet upon a rock.  He established my goings.  He put a new song in my mouth.

    This 'rock' as rock is a place where we  have a foundation.  You try running about in mud and see what happens, you slither and slip and slide and fall - any child knows that.  However, if you are on a rock, you are on a firm footing and you can move with confidence; you know that your next step will be sure.  That is the difference between the world's movements and the movements of a Christian.  We are on a rock, sure and secure, we are standing upon a rock; it is solid standing ground.

    There is a lot of slipping taking place in the world today.  David says thank God  that He got me out of that  fearful "pit" and "miry clay" and He made me stand  on the "Rock" and God "established my goings" - and He put "a new song in my mouth".  David was singing the praises of God, the glories of His grace.  "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.  And he hath put a new song in my mouth" . Let this be our song of praise and thanksgiving.

  In Jesus the great deliverer.



Monday, July 22, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 7-22-13

    LORD my God, You have done many things-- Your wonderful works and Your plans for us; none can compare with You. If I were to report and speak of them, they are more than can be told.  Psalm 40:5

    O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. Psalm 104:24

     I was reflecting with much gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord on the above verses from the Book of Psalms.

    It feels like I just left for India, though I actually departed on June 17, 2013, the day after our great celebration and the dedication of the new Addition to our Church facilities here in Union Center.  It was indeed a great day of gathering, celebration, and worship.  We have so much for which to be thankful and grateful.  The new addition to the church was just a dream just over a year ago. The Lord moved through His Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of our people.  It is written, "Unless the Lord builds the house the laborers labor in vain.  We can affirm and declare that the Lord indeed has built the house.  We are the living witnesses of the way the New Building  has been raised up.

   I left Newark International on Monday, June 17, and landed in Bhubaneswar, the Capitol City of Orissa, on Wednesday, the June 19.  The flying time was 22 hours.  I visited my mom, who has been staying in Bhubaneswar in a rented house with my brother and his two children for last 5 years.  My mom recognized me though she could not talk.  I spent next the few days with my mom and drove to G'Udayagiri on June 22, where I preached on Sunday at the Kanabageri Church on  June 23.  It was my church when I was a young boy.  In fact, I preached my first sermon here when I was 16.  I sensed a great sense of zeal for the Lord in worship. The church has a praise and worship band.  A young woman 18 years old played drums along with another young boy of 12.  It was anointed. The church was full of people, including many children and youth.  I spent the afternoon visiting with people and praying with them

   I spent the week of June 23 in Kanabageri in the house of my Uncle, who was married to my mom's oldest sister.  My uncle was an elementary school principal and a lay preacher.  He is now  97 years old still lives in the house with my cousin and his family. I visited the M.M.C Hospital and also visited the Bishop of Phulbani.  I visited the New English Medium school, just opened and sponsored by the Church.  English Medium Schools are in high Demand in India.  All the well to do people including government, office, and business people, send their children to English Medium Schools.  Almost all of these Schools are run by the churches, both Roman Catholic and protestant.  These Schools are the best in the country across the land.  Some of the best colleges,  universities and professional universities (such as schools of business management and medicine) are run by the church.  It is a great witness of the church in word and deed to the nation.

    I preached in morning and afternoon worship services on June 30, in two different churches.  All the churches were filled and many were sitting outside. The church I preached at during the afternoon is the first church in the District (County) of Phulbani.  Five Hindus who received Christ as the Lord and Savior were baptized on the Easter Sunday of 1914 (April 12,1914).  The church has grown in the district.  The number of Christians in the districr now number close to 200,000.  Almost 25% of the population of the district is Christian. Both churches were filled with enthusiastic and energetic people loving the Lord and worshipping Him with joy. 

    Before entering full time ministry I taught in Elementary, Middle and High School.  Most of my students were blessed by the Lord.  They all did well serving in various places including high places of the government.  Most of the students have retired now and are in servant leadership positions in the churches across the State of Orissa.

    There was a 25th year of celebration of the united Christian witness in the district of Phulbani.  It was held on the 2nd of July.  Christian leaders from all churches including the Roman catholic Church participated in the great celebration.  I was invited as the main speaker. The Lord gave me His grace and favor.  At the gathering there were some of the people who had fled the area during the persecution of 2008.  Now many were returning back to their homes and land. The Lord gave me the word from Jeremiah 29:5 and following.  The Lord encouraged all of us to press on and live in the land to occupy it until Jesus comes.

   I traveled back to Bhubaneswar on July 4 to spend the rest of my remaining days in India with my mom.  I preached in Cuttack on Sunday the July 7.  I preached during three worship services  at 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM and 6 PM.  I stayed with Bishop D K Mohanty and his dear wife for the day in Cuttack.  The 9:00 service was held at the Church of the Epiphany.  The Church of England is now part of the Church of North India.  I did my undergraduate studies in Cuttack, completing them in 1969.  It was great thrill to see my classmates in the services.  The last time I had seen them was in 1969.  I preached at the First Baptist church of Cuttack, the largest protestant church in the state of Orissa.  The church was full of people, and its porches and lawns were full of people.  They all numbered in the thousands.  This is the church I attended during my college days in Cuttack.  It was great thrill to see so many brothers and sisters that were part of the Lord's blessings in my life during my college days.  My heart was refreshed and renewed.  The last service was held at 6 PM for an English speaking congregation.  I preached in English in all the services for the day.

    Bishop Mohanty and his wife took me out for the dinner that Sunday night after 9 PM.  I I had longed to meet two men who had been leaders of the church during my college days.  I had lost touch with them.  I had a longing to see them and get reconnected with them.  Praise be to Jesus these two men with their wives and children and grand children were at the same restaurant that night.  I was thrilled beyond belief to see them, though I could not recognize them.  They were were all old.  It was a great thrill to share the joy in Christ.

    After these intense days of June and July I developed some health problems.  I prayerfully canceled my preaching assignments at St. Mark's Cathedral in Bangalore and at the Christian Medical Hospital in Vellore.  Since I had posted my speaking and preaching schedule on Facebook and on line many of the people I had known in the early seventies in these cities were planning to meet me both in Bangalore and Vellore.  I was deeply dissapointed that I could not re-connect with them.

    This change of schedule gave me extra time with my mom in Bhubaneswar.  While In Bhubaneswar I wanted redeem the time so I met some of the Christian leaders, pastors, and evangelists.  I was told that the Lord is moving in the city of Bhubaneswar.  The Governor of Orissa, whose official residency is in Bhubaneswar is a very committed Christian.  He regularly attends worship on Sundays.  I was told that he preached on Good Friday and Easter Morning this year.  When he comes to church the secret service and the whole entourage come with him to church.  They also get to hear the Gospel.

    The Capital City of Bhubaneswar is a planned city.  It is a growing city.  Because the state of Orissa has many natural resources including iron ore, the South Korean Steel conglomerate  Poescho, one of the largest steel Companies in the world, is planning to build a Multi-Billion dollar Steel plant near Bhubaneswar, pumping billions of dollars into the economy.  Many from South Korea who are committed Christians are moving into area.  These South Korean Christians are Tent Making Missionaries as St. Paul was.  I was visiting with some of the Christian  leaders in the city.  They were sharing with me that after the Persecution in Phulbani area 70.000 Christians were made homeless.  Many of them have moved to the cities across India including Bhubaneswar.  Many of these refugees are employees in the service sector of the economy.  They are taxi drivers, personal chauffeurs, housekeeping staff, and security guards.  The rich and famous in the city prefer to hire these Christians because they find that they are trustworthy, diligent, and reliable.  These Christian workers share the gospel with their employers.  I was told just ten years ago there were 10 churches
in the city of Bhubaneswar but there are now over 100 churches.  The Lord of the Church is fermenting His Church.  Many in academia are coming to Christ.  There are many house churches springing up in the city.  Many find it is easier to invite their Hindu Neighbors to these house churches to share the Gospel.

    I was told that many of those Hindu Militants who were involved directly in murdering Christians during the persecution have died violent deaths.  Many are in the prison.  There are also many have come to Jesus as Lord and Savior.  

    During persecution of Christians in 2008, many church buildings were burned down and destroyed.  Many of the church buildings were simple structures which were easily destroyed.  It happened just recently that in the State of Orissa, which is filled with Hindu Temples everywhere you go, the government discovered that some Hindu Temple edifices were built on the Public Property.  The Supreme Court of India ordered that all the religious buildings built on public ground must be removed.  Under the order of the Supreme Court, many of the famous temples in the cities of Orissa were demolished.  The army was called in to execute the order.

    One of the stories on the National News of India that pervaded the national psyche for weeks was the landslide that occurred on June 18, the day I arrived in India.  It occurred in the northern state of Uttarkhand in the foot hills of the Himalayas.  The heavy monsoons there caused massive flooding and landslides near one of the famous temples of India.  Thousands of Hindu Pilgrims had made their pilgrimage to the temple region, coming from all over India.  The floods caused severe damage to the Infrastructure so that many houses were washed away, causing death of thousands of pilgrims and causing heavy loss to the properties.  After one month of search and rescue the government reported that still 5000 people were missing and presumed dead. 

    While in Bhubaneswar I visited a couple patients in two of of the Ultra Modern Hospitals in Bhubaneswar.  These Hospitals are staffed by doctors, including surgeons, trained in the UK and The USA.  One of the hospitals I visited is staffed by 500 nurses.  I visited some of the  nurses who said the majority of the nurses in the Hospitals across India are Christians, and Christian nurses know how to serve in the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Great Physician.

    I was deeply touched by one of the Stories of a Good Samaritan.  In one of theses Hospitals in Bhubaneswar where many foreigners come for medical treatment because it is very affordable, one evening a patient was sobbing in his room.  A man who was walking through the halls heard the sobbing cry of the man.  Out of curiosity he walked into the room and asked him the reason for his sad and cry.  The patient told him that he had come to the hospital for treatment.  The doctor told him that he need a major surgery and that without it he will die.  The surgery would cost him 250,000 Indian Rupees.  That is alot of money, and he did not have that kind of money.  He said to the stranger that he will die due to the lack of surgery and he was deeply concerned for his wife and children.  The stranger left the room.  He was moved by the Lord pay for the surgery for this man.  The stranger was a Christian pastor from Brazil who had come for medical treatment to this hospital.  He went to the patient the next day and said the Lord has laid in his heart to pay for the surgery.  The Christian pastor from Brazil had enough money in his account to pay for the surgery.  I know this patient, a staunch Hindu.  His family was also staunchly Hindu.  He received the surgery and the pastor led the man to Christ.  He went home back G. Udayagiri.  He was baptized and he his entire family are now committed Christians and involved in the ministry and the mission of the Church.  When I heard the story I cried and said, "Thank You Jesus".

     A Christian pastor from Brazil who had traveled to Bhubaneswar with his own needs became a " Good Samaritan" to a staunch Hindu whom he had never before met.  Praise the Lord for His divine appointments.  Indeed our disappointments are His divine appointments. 

    Though I had to cancel my preaching appointments in Bangalore and Vellore as they involved traveling by flight and train, I was able to spend  almost half a day in Bangalore waiting for my International flight  on June 17, 2013.  Two young friends were waiting for me at the Airport In Bangalore with an SUV.  We traveled around the city visiting some of the places I had frequented during my days in Bangalore from 1969 through 1974.  I went to the Campus of the Graduate School I attended.  The Faculty and the students that I was part of are no longer there, but I was able to meet the present day Faculty and students.  I visited the rooms of the where I Stayed during my studies.  Sweet memories.  Because of the time restraint I could not visit many people but called them over the phone and got reconnected.  One of the families I visited with by Phone was a couple with two children, who had offered me extravagant hospitality during my days in Bangalore.  He was medical doctor and his wife was a Chemistry professor in the university, both committed Christians.  Their two children have now grown and one is doctor and the other is an Engineer living in the USA.

    My last meal I had in Bangalore was with a Christian family.  The Lady actually lives in Vestal, NY, but was back in Bangalore visiting with her mom and her sister.  She invited us a for a beautiful dinner and a time of worship.   This lady, Vani's, grandma was a doctor.  Her mother was a doctor, her sister was doctor, and her son is in Medical School at the Universty of Virginia.

    I came home this week on Thursday night.  While I was away my wife rearranged my study, painted the ceilings of a couple rooms in the parsonage, and tended the garden that we started five weeks ago.  She also finished her last week of teaching, spent 6 days in Boston with Janice, Jeremy, Micah, Simeon, and Ada, visited 5 days in Washington, DC with Sunita and Andy, and went to NY City for a day with Laureen and Jessica. 

    Praise the Lord for every one of you.  I thank the Lord for your love and affection over these years.  Praise the Lord for our people at Union Center and Wesley.  Praise the Lord for the Church of Jesus Christ around the corner and around the globe.

   Every place I visited was a blessing.  People that I met were a blessing.  Meals and fellowship the Lord lavished me with were huge blessings.  It was mango season In Orissa.  I was able to roam and roam under the gigantic and brilliant mango trees during my childhood days gathering mangoes.  The Lord blessed me with wonderful mango season.  All the trees were loaded with mangoes of all sizes, colors, shapes, and tastes.  I ate mangoes three times a day religiously.  For that I thank Jesus who blessed us with the fruit of the earth.

   Thank you for praying for my mom.  She had a stroke some time ago.  She cannot talk, but she recognized me.  On one occasion we had a big family gathering, with a time of worship.   We sang some hymns.  She opened her mouth began to sing clapping her hands.

    LORD my God, You have done many things-- Your wonderful works and Your plans for us; none can compare with You.  If I were to report and speak of them, they are more than can be told.  Psalm 40:5
    O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. Psalm 104:24  
  Praise the Lord for another passage to India.  It is great to be back in America the Beautiful, a city built on a hill, the sweet Land of Liberty

    "For the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever. ...The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.... And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new."
  In Christ,