Thursday, March 20, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 3-20-14

    Praise the Lord for the first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere.  It is almost like summer in Orissa, India, the temperatures running in the 90's.  One of our friends, Sue, from England just returned back to England after spending several weeks in Orissa.  She was born in Orissa to  a medical Missionary family.  Sue posted pictures of the first mango crops of the season.  Here in New York I saw a a flock of joyful and jubilant Robins in the parsonage grounds.  I gazed and gazed at them... my soul was full of joy, and I echoed the words of John Keats, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever".

    The Lord blessed us with a wonderful Wednesday gathering  for fellowship and and testimony.  Several came forward to be prayed for.  It was an Holy Evening.  One of the powerful Scriptures that was shared with me during my teen years was  from my uncle, who is gone to be with the Lord.  It is found in 2 Corinthians 4.  The apostle Paul wrote 2 Corinthians after surviving more than a few "train wrecks" in his life and ministry.  It's one of the least familiar of Paul's letters, but it speaks to the harsh realities of life and about the unbreakable faith that sustains us through difficult and dangerous times.  We don't know the particulars, but in chapter 12 Paul catalogues some of the difficulties he has encountered during his ministry: he had been in prison, flogged, stoned, shipwrecked, robbed, starved, and abandoned.  For all of these reasons, Paul was qualified to speak on the subject of hardship.

    Paul began chapter 4, verse 7 by claiming, "we have this treasure in jars of clay." In this context, "we" includes not only Paul and his associates, but also, by extension, everyone who bears the name of Christ.  The treasure he's talking about is the Gospel, not just the message of the life and death and resurrection of Jesus, but also the power behind the message—the very life of God available through faith in Christ.  Instead of "jars of clay," some translations read "clay pots" or "earthenware vessels."  Clay pottery was the most common material for cookware, dishes, washbasins, and storage in the first century.  Clay pots kept liquid cool and slowed the evaporation process.  Clay was easy to obtain and work with.  If a pot broke, you could make or buy another cheaply and easily.  Sometimes people stored their valuables in jars of clay, assuming that nobody would think of looking in something so ordinary to find anything of value. 

    How are we Christians like jars of clay?  First of all, clay pots were quite ordinary. They were everywhere, especially in the homes of peasants and common people. Wealthy people used more exotic materials, such as ivory, marble, glass, or fine wood, but regular people used clay pots.  Paul created this great juxtaposition: God has taken this great treasure, the life of Christ, and placed it in people like you and me, who are as common and fragile as clay pots.  God stores his treasure in fragile containers—like us—to display his life-giving power.  The harder life gets, the more conspicuous the treasure becomes.  Paul said, "We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed."  We might say  that Paul was stressed out,  Paul was hard pressed, but he didn't give in.  "We're perplexed, but not in despair," he continued.  In other words, we're confused, bewildered, and mixed up.  Sometimes we are so overwhelmed by the complexities of life or by some difficult decision that we become completely immobilized?  Paul, however, was perplexed, but he didn't give up.  He went on, "We are persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed".  Paul and his partners were struck down, stressed out, picked on, and knocked down, but they always got back up again.  The world does it's worst to us, but we as Christian are still standing, not because of who we are—we're just a bunch of clay pots—but because of the life-giving power God placed within us.  That power is never as conspicuous as when we're going through hard times.

    Paul's unusual resume reminds us that God never promised immunity from the hurts and hardships of life.  If anything, following Christ makes things more complicated and leaves us more vulnerable to hostility and heartache.  The most obvious evidence of the presence of God in our lives is not that we escape hardship, but that we overcome hardship.  When we feel hard pressed, perplexed, picked on, or knocked down, it doesn't necessarily mean we are doing something wrong.  On the contrary, it probably means we are right where we are supposed to be.  God doesn't take pleasure in our hardship, nor does he afflict us with pain simply to see how we will handle it.  Still, every time we get knocked around without breaking we show the world we have something special inside us—the life of Christ. 

  In Christ,


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 3-19-14

    Praise the Lord!  The glorious and sweet season of spring is almost here.  This past Sunday, after the morning worship service, Alice and I drove down to Washington.  The Lord gave us a beautiful drive to our Nation's Capitol.  We were able to be with Sunita and her family, and to share some time with their good friends and good neighbors Jenn and Rob and little Hannah.  We got to see again some of their other neighbors and friends.  We spent some time in prayer.  Andy, Rob, and Ben, from Washington, are in the team that going to Orissa, India on the mission trip in April.  Thank you for praying for this mission event.  The centennial celebration will be held from the 11th of April through the 14th of April.  They are planning for an youth event that will precede the centennial celebration.  We are praying and planning to break ground for the new multipurpose ministry center while we are there.  Phase one of the construction will begin in the later part of April.  Thank you for praying for  this mission.  May Jesus Christ be praised .

    We will gather for a special Wednesday Evening gathering at 6 PM.  We will be serving Italian, Indian, and Laotian foods.  Andrew Rosenbarker will be giving his testimony.  It will be an anointed and blessed evening.  Those of you live in the area join us.  Praise the Lord that He still sets the prisoners free, He makes the wounded whole, He sets drug addicts free and clean and sober.  He gives new life to those who are dead in sin.  

    I recently became acquainted with Storycorps. Storycorps is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to celebrate the lives of everyday Americans by inviting them to tell and record their stories.  It's a pretty simple concept.  The Storycorps sound booth travels from city to city and sets up shop.  People are invited to bring one person with them whose story they want told, and the two of them sit in a sound booth for 40 minutes and talk. When they're done, they get a CD with their story on it, and another copy is sent on to be archived in the Library of Congress.  Their stories can be accessed online and heard weekly on NPR.

    I listened to a few: the story of a young mother running through the hills from Mexico to the US—in socks so as not to make any noise—in order to escape drug violence and find a better life for her children.  There was the story of a husband caring for his elderly wife for over 10 years, refusing to let Alzheimer's take her from him.  I listened to the story of a Vietnam vet, whose high school sweetheart married someone else when he went off to war.  He never stopped loving her, and never married, until he found her 40 years later, single again, and made her his wife.  So far over 40,000 Americans have had their stories told and preserved. Together, they tell the American story, one life at a time.

    The founder of the movement is named Dave Isay.  If you were to ask him why he does this he would say that it is because he wants people to know that their stories matter and won't be forgotten.

    Suppose the Storycorps trailer pulled into your neighborhood, and you had a chance to sit in the booth.  What story would you tell?  What dreams have you chased?  What obstacles have you overcome?  Are you living the life you imagined?  Are you living a good story?

    While in Washington at Sunita and Andy's, I glanced at some of the books they read.  I was sharing with Sunita  how the Lord has transformed the lives of those who turned their lives over to Him.  To me the Bible isn't just a collection of laws and lessons for life; it's more like a collection of stories about people, events, nations.  Together they make up one story, that of God's quest to save the fallen race of beings made in his image, and to restore this broken world to its original splendor.  I have also discovered that every time we open the Bible, I find myself in the pages.  The people I  meet here are just like us, the stories they're living are a lot like ours.

    I came across an interesting column in the paper several months ago about Tim Tebow, who is an outspoken believer in Jesus Christ, and one of the most talked about figures in American sports in recent years.  Ross Douthat, a writer for the New York Times, was trying to explain why Tebow's remarkable ride has been so captivating.  He wrote, "Tebow's religion doesn't just promise a path to personal transformation.  It claims that every human life is actually a story with an Author, and that a genuinely Christian life should make that divine authorship manifest." (This, from The New York Times?)

    I don't know if they realize it, but Dave Isay and Ross Douthat are simply confirming what the Bible tells us from the very first pages—every person's story matters, because God's story of love is being told one life at a time.  When we allow Jesus Christ, the greatest Author of love stories, to come into our hearts and lives to rule and reign, He writes a new and amazing story with an amazing and incredible ending and destiny.

  Blessed be His Name.

 In Him,
