Saturday, December 17, 2016

Brown's Daily Word - the week before Christmas eve

Praise the Lord for super Saturday which  is just one week before Christmas Eve.  Overnight it was snowing with ferocity and abundant beauty.  Praise the Lord the way the snow blankets and decorated the earth as if done by a wonderworking artist and designer. It looks like a Norman Rockwell Christmas, capturing the just a glimpse of the Majesty and the beauty of the Lord.  The wind is gentle, the snow flakes friendly, reminding us of the true nature of Jesus, the Bethlehem Child.  Alice and I walked briskly last evening on the snow, defying the cold temperature. We came across many Merry Christmas Tree shoppers taking home Fresh Christmas trees from a local Christmas tree depot.  Main Street was filled with High School student Christmas gatherings and celebrations along with Christmas decorations all over the town.  Alice I watched a Christmas movie, Deck the Halls, filled with Christmas Spirit and redeeming factors.  Alice is looking at the long range forecast for Christmas day, being a firm believer that every Central New York Christmas should be a white one.  She is jubilant knowing that It will be Christmas very soon.

   Praise the Lord for the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord.  The Lord has used the church despite all of its bloopers, wrinkles, and blunders to bless the world throughout all the ages The Lord has used the church as a conduit for blessings, healing, restoration, reconciliation, and redemption around the corner and around the globe.  During the season of Advent and Christmas Jesus, the Lord of Christmas, puts His church on overdrive in terms of extravagant generosity and good will.  "There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say,' returned the nephew.  'Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round—apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that—as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.  And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!” (Dickens, A Christmas Carol)

    The Church gets a special anointing to proclaim the good news of great Joy in word and deed.  The Jesus people redeemed by His blood and grace go extra mile in becoming the instruments of greater love, his great sacrifice and His great magnanimity.  Jesus people become blessing to the least, the last and lost..  Millions are blessed in around the corner, around the globe, in highways and byways, in hospitals, orphanages, refugee centers, leper colonies, children's  homes, prisons, and other institutions.  In and through the local churches  and denominational agencies, and many para-church organizations, like the Salvation army, World Vision, and others, overzealous servants for Jesus labor relentlessly and tirelessly with much love and grace using their resources to bless others that they might have taste the grace and gladness of Jesus.  Thank you for giving to the Lord during this season of Giving and Receiving.

    I have a dear friend, a colleague in ministry, who is in his 80's, caring for his beloved wife, who shared that he had made a commitment to give a particular ministry.  He kept the commitment, even though he needs the finances for his family.  Despite his apparent personal need, he kept the promise.  Behold, unknown to him another faithful servant  blessed him with a very generous financial gift that outmatched what he given to the ministry.  Our Lord is a hilarious giver.  The Lord blessed us to be part of a blessing in Orissa India.  The Government of India has attempted to curb the work the Gospel in India, but in spite of the  opposition the Church in India is on the move and growing like wild fire.  The Lord blessed us to  be a minute part of the blessing in that region.  We were able to send financial gifts.  Over 60 families, including several children, pastors, seminary students, and widows were blessed.  These blessings contain the seeds of the Gospel, that will bring forth harvest a hundredfold, sixty-fold and thirty-fold.  We are privileged and blessed to be part the blessing and gift that keeps on giving.  I wanted to share this good news, foremost and above all praising the Lord for He is the giver of all gifts.  Many of you have been part of this blessing.

    As I was sitting this morning, two messengers of Jesus brought to our home a humongous Christmas Basket full of grace and love.  Our Lord is extravagant in every way.  One of the saints of the church, Juna Tinkham, reminded me often, "Pastor, you can never out give Jesus.  Our Lord is nobody's  debtor.     

    I'm a bit of a church junkie, and I just love church, preaching, ministry, and the like.  So it is that being a pastor isn't just a profession for me.  It's a calling, an interest, and a hobby—all wrapped into one.  Christmas is deeply and profoundly personal for us because God did something great for us: he sent Christ for each one of us.  God didn't just send Christ at Christmas for the nameless, faceless, masses of humanity.  He sent Christ at Christmas for me, and for you.  To see Christ coming is to see God—the great and ultimate ruler of the universe, the ultimate creator and sustainer behind all that is, our very own Maker who fashioned us in our mother's womb.  It is to see him personally extend himself to us to do great things for us

    Christmas makes a difference because God has personally extended himself to us in sending Jesus.   Jesus didn't just come as some religious figure.  God sent his own Son to install him as the rightful king of the ages.  He was not a king in the classic sense, where he uses his authority to push people around.  He came as a king who would use his authority to lay down his life on a cross.  But also by laying down his life and dying on a cross, Jesus would be raised in power as the true King that even sin, evil, and death couldn't resist, and whom everyone would have to reckon with one day.  Jesus will fully and completely make all things right one day.  Christ's coming at Christmas means the humble are being lifted up and will be lifted up, the hungry are being fed and will be fed, the proud are being brought low and will be brought low, even those who are on thrones.  The rich are being emptied and will be emptied.  Justice delayed doesn't mean justice denied because Jesus knows the whole truth, in detail, about every story and every situation.  Eventually, one day, all accounts will have to be reckoned and reconciled with him because Christ is the true king who has come at Christmas.

    Although we are constantly reminded of all of those things that so depress us about our world, with ISIS, the Syrian refugee crisis, the images of the poor we see on TV that make us squirm, and the stories of the oppressed and murdered we hear about in the news, Christ's coming at Christmas means God will sort it out. and his justice is already initiated. Christ's coming began to reverse all of that, and He will fully complete that reversal one day when all accounts are reckoned and reconciled with him.  Christ's coming began making all things right that God will complete one day in perfect and complete justice.

    Christmas makes a difference because God has personally extended himself to us in sending Jesus, and he has initiated his justice for our world.  Jesus' birth wasn't a matter of happenstance.  His birth wasn't the unlikely fulfillment of a bunch of coincidences that some random people wishfully spoke hundreds of years prior.  Jesus Christ's coming was a matter of God fulfilling his long-standing promise to his people.

    It reminds me of a story about a particular Saturday morning in a small town diner.  On that day, in a secluded corner booth, there was a young couple having breakfast alone.  When they were done and got the check, the husband got up and went up to the diner's register to pay. T hen he came back to their booth, and then he did something rather odd.  He picked up his wife and carried her through the diner because she was crippled.  As he carried her through the diner, the noise level slowly went down until you could almost hear a pin drop, and everyone's eyes were fastened on this young guy carrying his wife through the diner and on out the door. Then everyone watched as he somehow managed to open the door to his truck so that he could tenderly set his wife inside.  In that pregnant silence, with no one having a sense of what to say, a waitress broke that silence and said, "I guess he took his vows seriously."

    God is completely serious about his vows and promises, too.  He is a God who keeps his promises and vows.  To see Christ's coming at Christmas means to see God fulfilling his promises and demonstrating how he treats all of his promises.  We know God makes good on His promises because we see Christ's coming at Christmas: that promise of forgiveness by receiving Christ, that promise he'll never leave us or forsake us, that promise of life with God now that extends beyond our graves into an eternity with Him, and any other promise God has made to us that comes to our mind.  Praise God during this Advent season, because in sending Christ, God has not only personally extended himself to you and initiated his justice and mercy  for our world, but he has also shown his promises to be sure.

In Christ,


Brown's Daily Word 12/17/16

    Praise the Lord for the way He made Christmas happen.  It is the wonder of His love, the demonstration of His mighty deeds, and the act of His mercy.  We are all blessed because of the Christmas Gift that came down, wrapped in swaddling clothes.  The ultimate Christmas gift, Jesus, comes to the pauper, the peasant, the powerful, the shepherds, the kings and the wise men alike.  For those who receive the gift that came down at Christmas by God's grace, their lives are changed for eternity.  Alice and I praise the Lord for this wondrous season.  We get to celebrate one more time this year.  Alice gets overexcited with Christmas; she gets overzealous with the gift of Christmas; she is put into overdrive with the power and spirit of Christmas.  She is provoked to extravagant generosity by the mood and meaning of Christmas.  During our active ministries we have lived in lovely and beautiful parsonages.  The Lord blessed us with the best housings wherever we served.  During our tenure in the last church Alice decorated the parsonage each year.  Sometimes there were over 14 (more than 22 if you count the little ones) Christmas trees including a fresh-cut 9 feet balsam.  The Parsonage was transformed in to a "Christmas House". 

    After my retirement we moved to a beautiful new town.  We are blessed with a very beautiful cottage-style home.  We live in a beautiful town surrounded by beautiful people and we are loved by a caring, concerned compassionate Church family.  Alice has down-sized on Christmas decorations but still the house is full of Christmas decorations.  The home has been a haven of rest and peace of peace during the days of recovery and healing.  I have ben listening to Handel's Messiah and all other Classical Christmas carols and songs.  The other day I watched Christmas with the Kranks, Home Alone 2, Sweet Home Alabama and Forrest Gump. 

    We are very excited about the Worship services this coming Sunday.  We will meet  for Sunday School at 9:30 AM and for worship at 10:30 AM.  We will meet for a very special service of lessons and carols at 6:30 PM, led by Marathon Resident musician Nancy Barber, one of the sweet singers of Jesus.  There will be a mega- reception following the evening celebration.  Plan to be in the Lord's house this coming Sunday wherever you might be.  We have so much to celebrate and so much to be excited about.  We will gather for the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service  on Saturday, December 24, 2016 at 6:00 PM.  Our family from Washington, DC and Philadelphia will be with us for Christmas.  We will have four of our grandchildren to share Christmas with us.  They all will be with us for a whole week.  We are thrilled - way beyond excited.  Thank You Jesus, for Christmas.

 In Christmas Joy.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 12/15/16

    Praise the Lord for this most wonderful time of the year.  It has been snowing off and on, just enough to blanket the fields, the meadows the hills, and the valleys with fresh and friendly snow.  The other day Alice and I walked through fresh snow, frolicking almost like children.  I have been resting and, best of all, leaning on the promises of Jesus during days of my forced sabbatical.  I am feeling stronger and sturdier day by day.  The Lord has placed some countless angels to minister to me during these days of waiting and trusting. Thank you all for uplifting me in pray, so faithfully and fervently.  So many friends have offered transportation to the doctors and hospital.  Friends have come and cared for the driveway, shoveling it and making it a perfectly clean.  Some have offered to bring foods. 

    I spent part of the day yesterday with a dear brother who drove me for my blood test.  It was fascinating to hear the story of his pilgrimage with Jesus.  He was a medical school student but he dropped out to become a craftsman who works with wood.  The Lord blessed him with a wonderful gift and talent.  He shared about his involvement in the ministry of the Gospel, how the Lord has been faithful during the days of trials and triumphs.  He is blessed with a beautiful family  including children and grandchildren. 

    One of our friends who lives of State has plans to come and spend some time caring for me.  My younger brother got two goats from a farmer friend of mine and dressed them out.  A young friend of ours shot a deer for me and is dressing it out for me.  Thank you for your cards, Christmas greetings, and gifts.  I used send hundreds of Christmas greeting cards around the world  every year.  Due to unavoidable physical circumstances I will be not be able to do so even though I had all the cards purchased for this year.  We will be posting our Christmas letter  on facebook and sharing it on our E-Mail distribution list.

    We are getting ready for release time with children today at 2:15 pm.  We are blessed with faithful servants of Jesus who love the children and love to minister to them.  The Downtown Singers, along withe Binghamton Philaharmonic, will be presenting the timeless Handel's Messiah this Saturday, the 17th of December,at 7:30 PM.  It will be held at the Historic Forum Theater in Binghamton. For tickets call 607-723-3931. On Sunday morning, December 18, we will be meeting for Sunday school at 9:30 AM and worship at 10:30 AM.  In the evening there will be a program of lessons and carols at 6:30 PM, led by our resident musician, Nancy Barber.  There will be a reception following the program.  All who live in the area, please join us.  On Saturday, December 24, we will be gathering at 6:00 PM for a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. 

    One of the most poignant and powerful Scripture passages, which is pregnant with the hope and promise of the coming of the Messiah, is found in Isaiah 9.   I preached on this same passage a couple of weeks ago.  In these verses the Lord of promise  turns the peoples' gaze from the present to the future, yet it is cast in the past tense, as though it's already happened.  This is because from God's perspectives it has.  It is an accomplished fact.  All was accomplished through the gift of a son, the birth of a child.  "For to us a child is born,  to us a son is given" (Isaiah 9: 6a).  This is such a remarkable answer to all of our problems.

    Ray Ortlund put it so well when he said, "God's answer to everything that has ever terrorized us is a child.  The power of God is so far superior to the Assyrians and all the big shots of the world that he can defeat them by coming as a mere child.  His answer to the bullies swaggering through history is not to become an even bigger bully.  His answer is Jesus."

    Isaiah 9 is a magnificent chapter which gives us the prophet's first major exposition of Israel's coming king.  Isaiah had already hinted at the birth of this world-transforming child in chapter seven, when he announced that "[t]he virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel," (7:14) which means "God with us."  In chapter nine Isaiah elaborates at greater length about who this child will be, using four more names: "And he will be called / Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, / Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (v. 6b).

    Let us consider Jesus as the Wonderful Counselor.  Though this is a name given to the child, it also refers to God himself.  The child reveals God to be a wonderful counselor.  Whether a wonder of a counselor (that is, an extraordinary counselor)or perhaps a counselor of wonders, (one who counsels amazing things) this child to be born—this son to be given, named Jesus—is a wonderful counselor.  He reveals God's wonder-filled wisdom for the world, and it causes us to say, "Wow!" His plans are beyond our comprehension; they mesmerize us with the miraculous, show us unexpected flashes of grace, and cause us to gasp, with a sharp intake of breath, and say, "Wow!"

    Every saving encounter with Christ, every act of conversion, is what C. S. Lewis calls a case of being "surprised by joy."  When we come to Christ, we meet the wonderful counselor and learn about his mesmerizing and miraculous plans for our life, and it fills us with both surprise and delight.  Of course, the delightful surprises continue throughout the whole of our life: not just at the first, when we first meet Jesus, but as we learn to walk with Jesus and discover that he is indeed the "Wonderful Counselor."  His plans are always perfect; his ways are not always what we would expect, but they're always gracious and good, full of delight and surprise.

    As we walk with Jesus, we begin to realize that what he has said is in fact true: There is strength in weakness; there is blessing in brokenness; there is exaltation in humility; there is comfort in affliction; there is even life in midst of death—all because of Jesus the wonderful Counselor.  Though it is counterintuitive it is full of deep and lasting joy.

 In Christ,


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 12/12/16

Praise the Lord for the wonder of this new day.  He blessed us with a beautiful weekend.  We were privileged to host the St. Petersburg Men's Ensemble on Friday evening.  The abundant and delicious food, the sweet music, and the gracious fellowship were all a blessing.  We have known this wonderful group of singers from St. Petersburg, Russia over many years past.  The Lord blessed us in His house during the worship hour yesterday, in worship, witness, and fellowship.  We also hosted a community-wide Christmas youth event last evening.  There was food galore, plenty of fun and fellowship, and, best of all, sharing in the good news of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Praise the Lord for all who participated in serving and sharing. 

    It looks like a winter wonderland today.  For the snow lovers, it is a  Paradise.  It looks clean, fresh, and stainless.  We are privileged to live in this region where so many people come for winter sports.  I watched some football yesterday and my  Steelers won.  We had a chance to chat with one of our granddaughters on Google chat yesterday.  It is always a thrill to have some kind of face-to-face time. 

    I shared yesterday from Luke 1, the Magnificat.  It is a song of hope and of  reversal of fortunes.  It is a song which echoes the one that the prophet Isaiah sang so many years earlier about good news for the oppressed, liberty to the captives, and comfort for all who mourn.  Mary sang not in the future tense of things that are yet to be, but in the past tense, as one who knows the promises have already come true.  This song is powerful and poignant, and it is beautiful, poetic, and rhythmic.  Her song is also prophetic.  

    We often think of Mary as being meek and mild, the quiet one over in the corner of the live nativity scene, the one holding the baby Jesus.  I believe, however, that she was prophetic, bold, and courageous. 

    It has been said that William Temple, the Archbishop of Canterbury back in 1942, warned his missionaries in India to avoid Mary's "most revolutionary canticle", lest they incite a riot among the impoverished people there.  The magnificat speaks of the powerful being brought down from their thrones, and the lowly lifted up.  It speaks of the hungry being filled with good things and the rich going away empty.  One can see how these words might stir up the oppressed and impoverished, might cause a revolution, might disrupt the status quo.  The song was sung by the one who bore in her womb the Son God, who was being sent to the world to change everything.  Her song embodies the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who would become the king who reigns forever and forever.  The song is sung by Mary, the one whom Elizabeth called blessed and "the mother of my Lord."  

    Mary's song is different because for centuries the prophets have cried to God, "Come down!"  Tear open the heavens and come down!" and now God was doing exactly that.  God was becoming incarnate.  God was becoming human.  God was entering the world to enact the great reversal God had always promised.

    William Willimon, one of my favorite theologians and preachers, whared the story of a Duke student explaining to him how the virgin birth was just too incredible to believe.  Willimon responded,

"You think that's incredible, come back next week.  Then, we will tell you that 'God has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly.'  We'll talk about the hungry having enough to eat and the rich being sent away empty.  The virgin birth?  If you think you have trouble with the Christian faith now, just wait.  The virgin birth is just a little miracle; the really incredible stuff is coming next week."

    Willimon, along with preachers and prophets across the ages, knew that the virgin birth is the paramount  part of the promises of God that come to pass in the incarnation of Christ Jesus, who will look with favor upon the lowly, who will challenge those with power, who will question those with money, who will comfort those who grieve, who will heal those who are sick and who will stand by those who are marginalized.  That's what Mary sang about.  She sang praise to the mighty one, to the Lord her Savior.  A poor, lowly, humble, pregnant, pondering Mary sang with joy of the changes God would bring through the son of her womb, through the Son of God, through Jesus our Savior.

In Christ,

