Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Praise the Lord for another glorious day. Praise the Lord for His joy that He infuses us with when we walk with Him. He is the Lord of joy. He turns our mourning into dancing.

Our Lord talked about a great party in Mathew 22. It is a picture of the Kingdom of God. Once we understand that, and the context in which it is given, we begin to get a glimpse of what it is we signed up for when we trusted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. It is, indeed a sobering picture. Today’s culture, when it even thinks about God at all, sees Him as a benevolent Father, regardless of our sins, or "alternate lifestyles" as they might be called. Instead, according to Jesus’ story, we see here a king who has no fit subjects, only rebels and scoundrels. He chooses to have mercy on some - actually the least deserving - not because they earned it, but simply because He wishes to honor His Son at His Son’s wedding. The kingdom of God is first of all a Kingdom. He rules absolutely. When He "invites" us to a banquet, it’s not just another party that we squeeze into our busy schedule if we have the time. It is a royal feast and we lay down our lives, if necessary, in order to attend. Said another way, when God says jump, our only question is, "How high?" People are funny. Our nature is to focus on the trivial and ignore the important. We hate what is good and love what is evil. We avoid the desirable and desire the avoidable. In the parable recorded in Mathew 22, we see the nobles of the land, the smartest, richest, and strongest, receive an invitation to the highest, best, most wonderful event of all their lives. What was their response to their sovereign? They snubbed Him: "I’m too busy with my work." Every day we make this same response to our God. "I’m too busy to pray or read the Scripture, or go to church." Looking again at the parable, we see these same people’s response to the second summons was even worse: they imprisoned, beat, and killed His messengers. What was the King’s response? He sent His armies to kill all the nobles and burn their towns. I think He was disappointed they did not accept His invitation. . Yet the King was determined to have a full house at His party.

Have you ever run across a homeless person? One who lived under a bridge and begged money from passers by? A breeding ground for thieves, prostitutes, and other low life? Do you know how these persons smell? These are the people who the king brought to His feast. You would think that maybe these people would have jumped at the chance to attend a party that is normally way our of their league. Yet from a parallel passage in Luke 14, we learn that even these people had to be compelled to come. Why? Because they are just like us. We think that we choose God, and He is so happy to have us. We don’t choose Him; He chooses us, and then has to force us into His kingdom. We’re going straight to hell, and yet we fight Him who is determined to save us from that horrible destination. And then, after all that effort on the King’s part, some of us still manage to show up at the party in the wrong clothing.. Why is this so important? Because just outside the party doors is anguish, pain, and misery. This is a pretty scary party indeed! This clothing, is the only thing that keeps us in the party. What is it? It is Christ’s righteousness given to us by faith alone. This robe of Christ is the only thing standing between us and outer darkness. We all try our way, whether it’s the good life of the nobles, or the getting-by life of the street people. But in the end nothing saves us except His righteousness. And even that is not something we ask for. God has to compel us to come. Come then, to the feast. Let us clothe ourselves,with the robe of the King - His righteousness. Here is a bountiful table laid out for us, His chosen ones. Let’s party!

We will meet this evening for our mid-week service. Starting with a homemade meal, at 6:00 p.m. A bible study and prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Please plan to join us this Saturday for the Heaven Now Marriage Seminar starting at 9:00 a.m. Here at Union Center UMC, 128 Maple Dr., Endicott.

Join us for a Summerfest, The Continentals in concert on Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. This will be held at the First United Methodist Church in Endicott. Some of you are dreaming of Christmas in July, we are planning our annual Radio City Music Hall trip on December 8, 2009. The cost will be $80.00.

We are looking beyond 2009. This is the trip of the decade. The Passion Play in Germany. The departure date is July 13, 2010. Join us!


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