Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 9/16/14

    Praise the Lord for harvest season around the corner and around the world.  It is the harvest time here in New York the Empire State.  We have some pear trees that are loaded with beautiful fruit.  New York apples are some of the best in the world.  We are getting ready for the Apple Fest, coming soon to Endicott.  One young friend brought to us some of the local honey that he raises along with maple syrup from his trees.  It is reported that the USA is going to harvest a record amount of  corn and soybeans this year.  The USA has become the number one producer of crude oil and natural gas.  The Lord blessed us with an abundant tomato crop from our garden, along with plenty of winter squash and hot pepper galore.  Blessed be His name.  Indeed it is a wonderful world.  We can say and sing, "How great Thou Art" and joyfully proclaim, "This is my Father's world".   

    In the world filled with both beauty and bounty we face terror and fear.  We face the attacks and the assaults of the enemy.  We resolve to live with confidence because the Lord is the victor.. He is our mighty warrior, strong in battle.  The battle belongs to the Lord.  May He make us as fearless and bold as Daniel and Peter, and Jim Elliott and others who have gone before us.  Think of Daniel.  Reflect upon his life and witness.  Daniel was taken to Babylon as a youth where,  it is written, Daniel chose a simple diet, chose an honorable way to be obedient to his new authority and to honor God.  The Bible says that God will honor those who honor Him.  The testimony of Daniel was firmly established.  We read  how God used this young man to speak to a heathen nation, to show God's sovereignty over all things, to prophesy concerning Jesus Christ, and to establish the lordship of Christ in human history.  It started with a small act of obedience.

    When we live in active obedience to God, we become living testimonies for God. In the very hard places of life where we are led, the mysterious places where we don't understand why the innocent suffer or why we suffer, it is in those places where small decisions are made to trust Christ regardless.  It is in those very places that we become living testimonies for others.  Daniel had to be a testimony for those other three young men.  Every Sunday school child knows that Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego were going to have a challenge, but they never forgot the strength and constancy of Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar would know the strength of Daniel.  They would all know the power of God at work in one teen-age boy who overflowed with the love of God in his heart.

    We see that this evil place, this place of paganism, became, for one tried and true young man, a place where other disciples were made.  Daniel was a great evangelist yet he was in a foreign land.  Daniel was a great theologian who taught others about God, yet he was a slave.  Daniel was a leader, yet Daniel was just a lad.  In Babylon Daniel stirred up the faith of his friends who would later need strong faith themselves, and he witnessed to a pagan king.

    This reminds me of Paul in prison in Rome.  He wrote to the Philippians to encourage them about his situation, "I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ" (Philippians 1:12-13).

    Often, through faith in Christ, the hard places of life become sacred places.  One might not believe that cancer is a sacred place.  The mere mention of the word makes us stop, but as awful as such a place is, I have witnessed sacred places in such times.  I was visiting a beautiful and very sweet servant of Jesus who is battling some dreadful health concerns.  I sensed the very presence of the Lord in her hospital room.  Jesus sustains in those difficult places of life that I call "Babylon".  We don't want to go to Babylon and we don't pray for anyone to go to Babylon, but Babylon happens in this life.  Jesus is with us in our Babylon.  Jesus came from heaven to  Babylon—the manger, the cross, and the tomb were Babylon to Him.  Jesus Christ identified with us in the hardest places of life, in places we will never go.  He took upon Himself shame and the condemnation of the cross that He might identify with us, that we may know that He is with us in Babylon.

    The Good News we proclaim is that our  God knows no boundaries.  He is the God named Jesus who comes to our Babylon and turns a place of exile into a sanctuary.  Jesus comes to our Babylon in a manger, on a cross, through an empty tomb, through the Holy Spirit, and He lives in our hearts wherever we are.

In Christ,


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