Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 4-28-09

Good Morning,
I was driving early afternoon yesterday. The temperature reached 98 degrees. It was 110 degrees F, in New Delhi, India yesterday . The Lord of the Heaven and Earth was heating up the earth. The flowering trees and bushes were aflame, with colorful blossoms praising the Lord indeed. I had some flu-like symptoms yesterday, so I went to see a doctor and was put on an antibiotic. The Lord gave me a good rest last night. Praise the Lord for all His gifts of mercy and love.
I was looking at the Mathews account of the Resurrection of our Lord.
"And suddenly there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled back the stone and sat on it." (28:2)
When Matthew told his version of the resurrection story, he filled it with a host of apocalyptic images that the other gospel writes do not include: earthquakes, splitting of rocks, opening of tombs. It is Matthew's way of signaling that the resurrection was not just something spectacular that happened to Jesus, but a decisive event in human history. Jesus' resurrection turned the world upside down, and so turns our lives upside down as well. On that first Easter morning the women who, according to their culture were not allowed to be witnesses, were called by God to be witnesses to the resurrection. All the disciples who had run away in fear and trepidation and Peter, who had denied Jesus, were called "my brothers" by the risen Christ. Women, who by law and tradition could not hold positions of authority, became agents of reconciliation. The last were first and the first were last and, just as Jesus had said, the last, the lost, the least, and the forgotten found a place at the table in God's kingdom.
As we live in the afterglow of our Lords Resurrection may we know freedom from bondage, healing from brokenness, reconciliation with neighbors; forgiveness of sins, light in the darkness, hope for the future, and confidence to face the struggles of every day life, grounded in resurrection faith - that the power of God's love is stronger even than the power of death.
He is Risen.

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