Thursday, August 17, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 8/17/17

   G. K. Chesterton wrote, “It is possible that God says every morning, ‘Do it again’ to the sun; and every evening, ‘Do it again’ to the moon.  It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them.  It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old, and our Father is younger than we.  The repetition in Nature may not be a mere recurrence; it may be a theatrical encore.”

    Praise the Lord for the gift summer 2017.  It has been full of splendor, accompanied by gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, torrential rains, cool and comfortable breezes, spectacular thunders and lightning, raging rivers, overflowing lakes and ponds.  The pastures and farms have stayed  luscious green.  The flowers, both domestic and wild, have been blooming profusely.  The cattle on "a Thousand Hills" have been grazing unhurried and unafraid.

    We were in the Triple Cities today.  Young families and University students are gearing up for their annual and sacred back to School and College shopping.  Parents are anxious, greatly anticipating the changes that come to families with the passages of time and seasons.  Praise the Lord, for the He places the solitary in families.  He places in the heart and the hearth of the Church, His body, the desire that we might live in "a season of Joy".  He infuses His people, those who are committed and loyal to Him, with His everlasting and eternal joy despite the trials and tribulations of the world.  We can run the race well, looking unto Jesus, the Pioneer and the finisher of our faith.

    From the parsonage I gaze  at Interstate 81 and Route 11 that run parallel to each other.  The traffic on the Interstate is always a steady stream.  Another Route connects the Interstate 81, with the city of  Ithaca, the home of Cornell University  and Ithaca College.  That route runs just a few yards in front of the parsonage.   Traffic starts buzzing around 3:30 AM, when I am often up listening to the really early birds, praising the Lord for another brand new day pregnant with the Lord's promises and all the Possibilities in and through Him.  I spend time reflecting on God's faithfulness and deflecting the enemy's darts.  As I am pondering on the "Goodness and mercy" of the Lord I am deeply overwhelmed and profoundly blessed.  He has met all our needs with His extravagant generosity and mercy above and beyond. 

    I shared with one of our daughters today and confirmed how the Lord has never forgotten us and has never forsaken us even though we often  are prone to go astray from Him.  He, like the Hound of Heaven, seeks us and like a reconnaissance team goes before us.  Our youngest daughter is due to deliver her second baby any day now.  Please join us praying for the mom and baby and the family.

    During my treatment yesterday, two of my friends came to spend some time with me while Alice did some errands, including shopping for our grandchildren.  One of the guys has retired from the USA Navy.  He has battled with some severe health problems.  The Lord has healed and restored him.  He is busy serving the Lord in his local church.  The other man retired from IBM and has his personal independent contracting business.  The Lord has blessed him.  They both are involved in the ministry and mission of the local church.  Their church purchased  a Sports complex with 17 acres of land.  The men and women of the church have renovated the church to include a balcony, worship center, and fellowship center.  The Lord is blessing the outreach and mission of the church.  The contractor and his wife have been to mission fields in Africa  and other countries on short term missions.  Their lives have been changed and transformed.  They are sold out for Jesus.  We were exchanging  the stories of of Jesus and His unfailing love.

    This is what Psalm 117 is all about: talking so clearly about what our calling is. We are to praise our God "Praise the Lord, all you nations; / extol him, all you peoples."  This psalm is a foretaste of what we know is to happen at the end of the ages. There will be that time when all nations gather together before the throne of Christ, and they will say, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, because by your blood you purchased people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation" (Rev. 5:912).  He has purchased us so that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.  The psalmist says, in addition, "And  the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever."  It's unstoppable and it's endless, and it's this understanding that makes our hearts want to sing.

    One classic hymn says, "the church of Christ shall never perish, her dear Lord to defend."  There will be opposition; there will be hardship and difficulty.  Kings and kingdoms may come and go, and Jesus Christ shall prevail.  We recognize we have tremendous privileges, and one of those tremendous privileges is the ability to praise God without fear of reprisal.  There will come the day when the knowledge of God covers the earth as water covers the sea.  Every other false thing will fall away.  Jesus Christ will reign.  When I know that and you know that, it means our lives have purpose.  The psalmist ends the psalm saying, "Praise the Lord."  There is a compulsion to praise among those people who understand how great the purposes and the love of God are.

    The song, "How Can I Keep From Singing" came out of the Civil War agony and angst of this nation.  If the horror is so great, then the message of salvation in Jesus Christ—his deliverance from the evil and the darkness and the blackness of the earth—appears even greater.  In the midst of agony, how could I keep from singing, if what God is promising is that his steadfast love toward us is great and his faithfulness will endure forever?  It is this knowledge that gives us a sense of purpose and meaning.  We ultimately are in a cause that has not only eternity in view, but the triumph of the best things this life can offer: mercy and love and faithfulness beyond the trials that we experience.


     Psalm 117 is one of the psalms the Israelites repeated annually in their Passover service.  "Praise the Lord, all you nations;  extol him, all you peoples.  For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.  Praise the Lord."  The steadfast love of the Lord is mighty, and his faithfulness endures forever.  Kings and kingdoms may come and go, but the gospel of Jesus Christ is like hurricane or a blazing wind which no one can stop.  The gospel must push through the difficulty, dictators, famines, floods, and all manner of hardship that God's people face.  When they say, "But our praises are still to our God who has eternal faithfulness," then we enthrone Christ above all the world and say, "This is the God that we worship."

    Many people were shocked at the sudden death of Robin Williams (August, 2014).  As an expression of grief and a desire to honor his life, the Internet exploded with people trying to find the most poignant film clip of his life that would somehow give meaning and significance to what he had stood for.  Apparently they best remembered that little period in Dead Poets Society, where he's trying to encourage the boys that he's teaching.  He says, "Carpe diem, boys. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."  I say the extraordinary life that God is calling us  to live is not just for ourselves; He calls us to participate in an eternal purpose that's far beyond us.

    I read about  a small town named  Hopedale, Illinois (population 868)  In 1894, in the little red brick schoolhouse, under the inspired guidance of the wife of the Methodist pastor, was the first vacation Bible school in the world.  Thirty-seven students attended that first summer.  From that isolated, nondescript, insignificant, nobody-will-know-about-it effort, what has happened?  Across all denominations, across all borders, across all nations, across all prejudices, literally millions of young people have come to know the Lord because of what was done in that place. 

    Our God is enthroned on the praises of his people.  As we are faithful to him, we take the gospel past boundaries, enemies, prejudices, and our own sin.  We recognize that he will use us because if we have breath, we can give praise, and praise is His plan.

In Christ,


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