Friday, April 7, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 4/7/17

  " When morning gilds the skies,
    My heart awaking cries:
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
    Alike at work and prayer,
    To Jesus I repair;
    May Jesus Christ be praised"

    It is a wonderful blessing that the Lord blesses with a new morning and a new day.  Praise the Lord the way He blesses us with His healing and wellness every day, whether we recognize it or not, and fail to acknowledge Him.  I get excited for every new day that is paved with all His promises, with His presence, and with His power.  Throughout my life I have loved early mornings, when all is calm, serene, and tranquil.  I woke up early this morning and gazed towards the Eastern skyline. It was calm and quiet.  Somehow the Lord of each new morning reminds us, " Be still and know I am God".  

    I love to write the morning blog.  I hear from so many from around the corner and around the globe.  I am so grateful that the Lord pours His grace upon me every day that I can share about His wonders, His faithfulness, and His unfailing love. Thank you all for praying fervently.  I am the recipient of His answer to your prayers.  I am grateful.  We are redeemed by the Lord and loved by Him forever.  He is more than wonderful.  He is more than marvelous.

    The Lord blessed us with a beautiful Spring day here in Central New York.  I was able to two one mile walks yesterday.  The second was with Alice in the late afternoon.  Our hearts were stirred with joy and gratitude to see patches of daffodils about to burst into fresh crisp blooms.  Patches of Crocus of divergent colors are already in full bloom.  The trees are bursting and budding.  The Spring birds are singing and the cattle and deer in the fields are frolicking .  What a dance! As we were walking we ran into a neighbor/church member.  The roofers are putting a new roof on his house.  We stopped to chat with him for a few minutes.  He and his wife are blessed four children - two boys and two girls.  Alice had all of their children as her students.  Their oldest son is married and has one child.  He is a Captain in the US Army, stationed in Italy, soon moving to Washington, DC to begin graduate studies at Georgetown University. 

    Alice will be retiring in a few months.  The Lord has blessed her with wonderful years teaching, touching the lives of hundreds of students.  Many have gone to some prestigious universities and have become responsible citizens of this great nation.  Many have gone to be successful entrepreneurs and businessmen and productive members  of the society.  I was also a full time teacher early in my life. Most my students were blessed by the Lord with successful and fruitful careers . Most of them have now retired.  It is exciting to know the Lord can use us all in His Kingdom even though we might be blessed with just one talent.

    We get to Google chat with our grandchildren on a regular basis.  Lindy, daughter of Jessica and Tom near Philly is sweet.  She tells us that her favorite color is yellow.  Yellow used to be the favorite color of her mommy Jessie.  Tom and Jessie are blessed with a second daughter who is to be born in August.  We are blessed.  This will be our 8th grandchild.  Lindy frequently gets to visit a nature center just a block from her house where there are some majestic trees with beautiful birds.  Lindy is becoming a bird watcher.

    Praise the Lord for our grandson Gabe, who turned four this week.   He loves preschool and, best of all, he loves Jesus.  He has two younger sisters.  Addie is a wonderful dancer and singer who is blessed with a nurturing heart.  Asha, the youngest, loves to live on the edge (scaring her Mama every day).

    We are getting ready for Palm Sunday worship and witness.  Praise the Lord that in the midst of conflicts, human atrocities,  and international upheavals we get to celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into the city of Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday riding on a donkey as the Prince of Peace.  We will keep on trusting Him and praying for peace on earth among the nations and people groups.  Plan to be in the Lord's House this coming Sunday wherever you might be.  Invite your family and friends to be in the House of the Lord in worship, prayer, and praise.  Our children will be marching around the Sanctuary waving Palm branches, joining countless others around the world and around the corner.  Jesus is praised.  He is exalted.  There will be a family reception with decadents desserts from delicious destinations following the worship service. 

    It is written that "The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost and to give His life as a ransom for many".  Jesus has redeemed us in and through His life and death, through His own blood.  We belong to Him.  We are called and drafted now to live for Him and for others for whom Christ died.  One of the hardest to get, most difficult  to live up to, toughest to hold onto ideas of the truly Jesus-like life is this: a Christian lives for the sake of others.  This idea is central to a biblical understanding of what it means to be truly a Christian.

    It is written, "Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion …" (Philippians 2:1).  If Jesus has made any real dent on us, if being his follower has had any real effect on us "then make my joy complete" by having the same love, spirit, and mind as Christ.

    "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit" (2:3).  In other words, don't be self-focused.  We certainly don't like vanity and selfishness in others whom we meet.  The me-first mentality that is all too prevalent these days is not what Jesus would have for us.  Fifth-century bishop, Augustine, said the essence of sin is  incurvatus in se: literally, this "curving in upon oneself,"a tendency to think a great deal about our own feelings, opinions, needs,  and position.

    Because of Christ and through Christ we are born anew.  We are now a breed apart.  We  know that we  are beloved children of the almighty God of the universe. We have seen the most brilliant and beautiful being, who is greater than the universe itself, suffer and die for us so that we can be His beloved.  We  know that we are heirs to a glorious heaven, the eternal city.  Somebody once said that  we have won the  Paradise Powerball.  We  have an identity and security that is unimpeachable.  While it takes a lifetime to fully live into that reality, it is liberating us  from a self-focus toward an other-focus.  The apostle Paul understood that this shift of orientation takes time for all of us.  I think it's why Paul wrote the  letter to the Christians at Philippi.  He knew that we are always being tempted to go back to the natural, sinful, human way of looking at things and coming at life.  We feel the pull to make our school days, our job, our marriage, our politics, our church life a lot about us or our families.  Rather, in humility we must value others above ourselves, not looking to our own interests but each of us to the interests of the others" (2:3-4).

    We are of great value.  We matter in  His Kingdom and in this world.  We  are heaven's royal children.  We  have an identity, gifts, and wisdom that are needed in this world.  We do not  think less of ourselves but we are to think of ourself less, as Jesus modeled.

    "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God …" (Phil. 2:5-6)  In other words, Jesus, who could have properly and rightfully chosen to have had everything be about him, " … did not consider equality with God something to be used to his  own advantage … " He did not view his position, privilege, or power as something to be used mainly to secure more benefits for himself.  "Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant …(and) he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!" (2:5-8) Why?  For the sake of others.  Wow.

In Christ,


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