Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 1/31/17

    Praise the Lord for the sights and sounds of a new dawn and a new day.  Praise the Lord for the sweet rest and sleep the Lord of grace grants us all.  He wakens us, reminding us that "All is well".  He is in full control.  He is sovereign and all- powerful.   Praise the Lord for this last day of January.  We are entering the shortest month - February.  We are just few weeks away from  daylight savings time and the arrival of sweet spring.  Alice and I walked yesterday evening.  It was past 5:00 PM, yet was still bright and brilliant.  The western sky was getting colorful, and the sky was looking bluer than the ocean.  We saw one solitary Canadian goose flying, honking and possibly surveying the land and the fields, perhaps taking the good news to her company of the committed.   

    I had a sweet visit with a couple from Pittsburgh. They are avid Steelers fans.  He is in his seventies. He and his siblings were born and raised on a dairy farm.  The Church is the epicenter of their family life.  All of the siblings are blessed beyond belief.  They all love the Lord and serve Him.  My friend is an avid bicyclist.  He has ridden bike from the West Coast to East Coast.  He has traveled with his daughter to Europe on bicycling adventures.  Amazing!  He and his wife faithfully serve the Lord with much joy and obedience.  They are the members of a large Methodist church near Pittsburgh which has exciting and vibrant ministries and missions. His dad, who was in his seventies, went with me on a short term mission to India in 1993.  WOW!  It is a wonderful joy, privilege indeed, being loved by the Lord and by His grace to  worship and serve in this life and to run the race well and finish it well by His grace alone.

    Every year without fail I get to preach from John 2 on the miracle of the wedding at Cana in Galilee.  My wife asks, "are you preaching from John 2 again?"  I say, "Yes, indeed".  We all have short memories.  We often forget in 7 days or less what we heard.  I love to preach from John 2, the wedding story.  Jesus blesses common places with His  presence.  He is present in common things and performs miracles.  He uses people like the servants in the story as the partners in miracles. The bride, the groom, the master of the feast, and the wedding guests did not know what happened.  It is written that only the Servants knew the secret of the miracle.  The Lord let the servants in on the mystery and wonder of it all.  Our Lord is the Lord of abundance.  He is the Lord of the   magnificent generosity.  

    I was talking to one of our friends who suffering with intense pain, going through long nights of waiting, tears, and anguish.  The Lord intervened and now she is free from pain.  We all can celebrate and affirm, "weeping may tarry for the night but joy comes in the morning".  Even in a fallen world, God's business is joy.  Ultimately he is in the wedding business.  I love to say that it is not just the grace business, not just the joy business.  Our Lord and Savior, Jesus, is in the wedding business.

    In Isaiah 25 the prophet spoke about a great hardship that was coming upon the people of God due to their rebellion against him.  But then he said, "God will rescue you.  There will be a Messiah.  What will mark him"?  Isaiah 25:6, "On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well aged wine.  Of rich food full of marrow and of aged wine well refined." The Lord is the giver of the finest wine, the best wine.  The wine stands for the Blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all our sin.  There is indeed a wonderworking power in the  Blood of the Lamb.  There is life in the Blood of the Savior.  It is written, "the Lord  will give life to all people.  He will swallow up death forever and the Lord God will wipe away tears from their faces."  John brings the glorious and spectacular, extravagant consummation and conclusion of the the story in the book of Revelation, in which he announces at the great consummation as all the peoples who have trusted in Jesus come together, that there will be a great wedding of feast before the Lamb.  A great wedding feast of the Lamb!  At the great wedding feast the people of God, the new Jerusalem, will come down from heaven adorned as a bride and at that point God will wipe away "All tears from their eyes."  What a promise!  What a conclusion!

In Christ,


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