Sunday, January 22, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 1/22/17

Praise the Lord for yesterday, a super Saturday of January.  It was a very mild day.  On Friday I watched the Inauguration ceremony and celebration of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J Trump.  I also watched the  prayer service for the new President and his team at the National Cathedral yesterday.  Praise the Lord for America, a "city built on a hill".  May the Lord God Almighty  bless our nation, our President, and his team.  May the Lord God bless all the nations of the world.

    May Jesus bless all our homes, our families and children, grandchildren, and every one with whom we are linked in this life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Thank you for lifting me before  the Throne of Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The Lord is strengthening me day by day.  Praise the Lord for the Lord's day today.  I am planning to be in the house of the Lord in worship, prayer, and praise.  I get excited when I pause and ponder about Jesus.  He is the most real of the real.  He is the truth.  The glamour and glitter, the fads and the fancies of the world,  fade away and erode.  They evaporate like a vapor.  Jesus is brighter than the glitter.  He is the Lord of the Glory.  He is Sun of Righteousness who is Risen,  Rising and never going down.  He is our anchor. 

    I was talking to someone yesterday at his work place.  He was sharing that he has surrendered his life fully to Jesus.  Jesus is the epicenter of his life.  He was sharing that there is nothing compared to the promises, the power  and peace that we have in Him and because of Him.  In the moments and times of chaos and confusion, anarchy, and lawlessness that Jesus is the Christ.  He is our peace.

    Yesterday was a warm day here in Central New York.  Alice and I walked beside the fields and meadows in the afternoon.  It was refreshing.  Alice took down the rest of the decorated Christmas trees and almost all of the decorations last evening - reluctantly, I must say.  She longs to prolong Christmas.

    I talked,  to some friends from Florida,  where it was very warm.  They had a Fish Fry for many of their friends.  Another friend posted that it was in 80's in Florida.  One other friend, a Steelers fan who lives in Pittsburgh, posted that it was great day for bicycling.  I also called a man, one of the premier Maple Syrup producers of the area and runs a high tech Maple Syrup outfit who said they have started making  Maple syrup.  The sap is running.  "Come and see it today", he said.  He was so excited.  He wanted to show me his operation.  He is 91 years old.  And I said, "what a country". 

    We talked to some of our grandchildren yesterday morning from Washington, DC and Philadelphia on Google chat.  It was a great thrill and treat.  They seem to grow and change, and take on a different face every time we talk to them.

    Let us all plan to be in the Lord's House today, praising the Lord, Singing and Shouting, praying, praising Him, and proclaiming His power and majesty.  When the saints sing, Satan flees.  We live in a world that is still under the Authority of Jesus.  He rules and reigns.  He has not abdicated His throne, His sovereign power, or His authority.  He shines in the darkest and bleakest moments and times of history.  History is His story.  He infuses and injects courage and boldness into His people who walk not by sight but by faith.  Jesus is our Eternal Contemporary.


    Daniel lived in a culture saturated by heathenism and idolatry.  The Lord gave him courage and holy boldness because Daniel resolved in his heart to not defile himself but to honor the Lord and glorify His name.  The Book of Daniel is about courage in the face of overwhelming odds.  God raises up ordinary people  in all seasons that He might demonstrate His divine power and confuse and confound the proud and arrogant.

    I was reading about Timothy Dwight, who took admission  to Yale College in 1795.  The awakenings experienced under his grandfather, Jonathan Edwards, were long forgotten.  Yale had come under the influence of the French Enlightenment and the students' heroes were not Peter and Paul, but Voltaire and Rousseau.  The school, though founded to be a Christian institution, was known not only for drunkenness and infidelity but for its vehement opposition to all things related to Christ.  Lyman Beecher (Father of Harriet Beecher Stowe), who taught at Yale, reported that Christian students identified themselves to one another with secret notes, because it was dangerous to be known as a believer.  Into this hot bed of French philosophy and Christian apathy Timothy Dwight began to preach and teach on the trustworthiness of Scripture.  He stayed on this same subject for six months. The result was first ridicule, then rage, and then revival.  When he courageously put position and prestige on the line, even when it seemed that the stand would cost him everything and change nothing, the Lord changed everything.  Believing that the Lord can change everything through us, beyond us, or after us is what should keep us living courageously, because we are living in hope—the confidence that our God will fulfill purposes through us if we will stand for him.

  His Name is Glorious.

    In Him,


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