Thursday, January 12, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 1/12/17

Praise the Lord, for the Lord grants us His rest and ushers us into another new day to live and celebrate His grace, His realness, His nearness, His dearness, and, best of all, His faithfulness and tender mercies.  We live on Main Street in our town.  I have never used alarm clocks to make me up in the morning.  During my younger days (childhood days) we had roosters who gave the clarion call of a new dawn.  In our new location, soon after 4:00 AM heavy trucks come rolling in to remind us the day has already begun.  If you are sleeping beyond 4:00, you are wasting the precious moments of the morning. 

    Alice and I walked yesterday  evening.  We had some ice formation in the morning, causing schools to be delayed.  After the sun was up for a couple of hours, the snow and ice began to thaw briskly.  We walked at our favorite site again.  We walked over some green grass covered by some melting snow.  I felt like the Spring is not far away.  (At least more January thaw is not far away).  The Spring fowl will return to their natural warm weather habitats.  The Canadian geese will return.  They all will make melodious sonnets accompanied by holy Honks.  It is all beautiful    May Jesus be praised!

  1. When morning gilds the skies,
    My heart awaking cries:
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
    Alike at work and prayer,
    To Jesus I repair;
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
  2. Does sadness fill my mind?
    A solace here I find,
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
    Or fades my earthly bliss?
    My comfort still is this,
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
  3. When sleep her balm denies,
    My silent spirit sighs,
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
    When evil thoughts molest,
    With this I shield my breast:
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
  4. The night becomes as day
    When from the heart we say:
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
    The pow’rs of darkness fear
    When this sweet chant they hear:
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
  5. In heav’n’s eternal bliss
    The loveliest strain is this,
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
    Let earth, and sea, and sky
    From depth to height reply,
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
  6. Be this, while life is mine,
    My song of love divine:
    May Jesus Christ be praised!
    Sing this eternal song
    Through all the ages long:
    May Jesus Christ be praised

    I once read a book called "The Book of Failures".  It is filled with all kinds of failures that people have made.  For instance, the book introduces Arthur Pedrick, who patented 162 inventions, but not one of them was ever taken up commercially. These inventions include a car that could be driven from the back seat, a golf ball that could be steered in flight, and a plan to irrigate the deserts of the world by sending a constant supply of snowballs from the polar region through a massive network of giant peashooters.  

    One of my favorite stories in "The Book of Failures" is about an elderly lady in South London who called a group of firefighters to rescue her cat from a tree.  They arrived with impressive speed and carefully rescued her cat.  The lady was so thankful that she invited them in for tea.  So they had tea, received another round of thanks from the woman, and drove off, waving goodbye.  As they backed out of her driveway, they drove right over her cat!

    Most failures are not funny.  They are painful, wounding, leaving scars that throb with pain.  A lot of people want to know where God is when we fail morally.  I think we would want God to meet us where we are, as a failure, and give us a second chance.  The Word of God records the story and  witness of those who have loved the Lord and have served Him, followed Him, and yet failed miserably.  I was reflecting on the lives of David and Peter.  Peter screwed up beyond belief and then came face-to-face with Jesus.  Peter was one of the most intimate and trusted followers of Jesus.  Jesus personally called Peter to come and follow him.  Peter spent three years with Jesus by his side, listening and learning from his teaching, witnessing his miracles, watching every move that Jesus made.  He was personally mentored, molded, and developed for a life of impact and significance.

    David, the Shepherd King, is known as the man after God's own heart.  He was a singer,  musician, and lover, who was blessed with a beautiful mind and a brave heart.  He had a deep desire to follow the Lord and serve Him.  His heart belonged to the Lord.  He was committed and loyal but just like all of us he had the propensity to sin.  He messed up. He blew it repeatedly.  

    Both David and Peter, giants of the faith, were frail and fragile, and they messed up just as we do.  They were loved, they were called, they were commissioned,  they were sent out.  They would fail, they would falter.  The Hound of Heaven was relentless in pursuing them.  The wonderful grace, the matchless of grace, of Jesus that is beyond human comprehension, far beyond human understanding,  pursued these men.  They were forgiven sinners.  This is the God's Good News for the new year.  We can begin anew.  We can be propelled into the orbit of grace again and afresh with no condemnation.  The Lord of grace of mercy beckons us all of to join the great cloud of witnesses, running the race well and finishing it well, looking unto Jesus the Author and the finisher of our faith and begin the adventure with Jesus the trailblazers for the fallen, reluctant, hesitant servants and soldiers.

    "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.  If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanse us from all sin.  If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:5-9   Once We stand at the foot of the Cross , forgiven , restored , we hear the words of Jesus again  "I love you.  . Now get into the game, and follow me."

In Christ,


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