Thursday, September 8, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 9/8/16

    Praise the Lord for another day of grace and blessings.  It is going to very hot and humid here in Central New York, the Empire State.  I was visiting with one of the professors from Binghamton yesterday.  He was sharing with me that summer ends not on September 21, when Autumn makes its official debut, but rather Summer comes to an abrupt ending when the school buses begin their first  rounds to pick up the students for the first day of school.  The buses in full gear come out of the bus garages roaring like the Harley Davidson motorbikes, making way onto the Highways and byways, collecting excited and anxious students.  Indeed, Summer comes to an abrupt ending when the first day of school arrives.  It is fascinating look at FACEBOOK as parents post pictures of their sons and daughters with their new school garb on the first day of school.  I was reminiscing about when our girls were in school, how Alice made all new clothes for our girls for the first day of school and equipped them with all the required and necessary School gear.  Sweet memories, how they linger.

    We are getting ready for Sunday worship and celebration.  Sunday, 9/11 is "Back to Church" Sunday.  Wherever  you might be, plan to gather  in worship and witness this coming Sunday.  We will meet for Sunday school at 9:30 AM and gather for worship at10:30 AM.  Please make a note on the time change.  We used to meet at 10:00 for Sunday school and at 11:00 for worship.  Starting on 9/11 we will meet for Sunday school at 9:30 AM and for worship at 10:30 AM.  There will be a Coffee fellowship hour following the morning worship service.  Please plan to invite family and friends for this special day.  See you in church.

    A few years ago I was at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California attending a conference.  One of the speakers for the conference was Bruce  Wilkinson, who is the author of many books including a book called "The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life".  The book focuses on a little known character of the Bible whose brief story is found in 1 Chronicles 4.  Wilkinson,, says:

"Asking the Lord to bless you is not self-centered.  Why not make it a lifelong commitment to ask God every day to bless you, and while he's at it to bless you a lot?  God's bounty is limited only by us, not by his resources, power, or willingness to give. ."

    I have a copy of this book in my library.  What I love about this prayer is that it is right and good to ask God to bless you.  God wants to bless you.  God is by nature generous and good and kind.  Jabez said, "Bless me."  He also said, "Enlarge my territory" and "Let your hand be with me."  Jesus our Lord and friend says that we  can ask God to bless us with His choicest blessings .  Our Father God  cares.  There's no request too small or too trivial or even too selfish.  You can bring our needs to God.

    Our Lord's  teaching doesn't stop there.  It's linked to the following sentence. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33).

    The Catholic author, John Powell, had this fascinating statement.  He said, "It's very hard to love others when you have a toothache."  When you have a toothache you aren't thinking about anybody else.  You're totally absorbed with that side of your face that's causing you agony.  I have found myself wrestling with the "Tooth Aches" of divers diseases in my life several times.  Something happens when we are preoccupied with what we need and want.  We tend to stop thinking about other people, focusing on our own wants and needs.  We don't think about God. We don't think about others.  We just think about what it is that we want and need.

    When we feel anxiety it means we have some wants or some needs that have not been articulated and expressed to God.  Don't be anxious about anything, but in every situation where we feel anxiety rise, take our anxiety and turn it into a petition, make a request for our wants and needs.  It is written, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)  Through our prayer and thanksgiving the Lord somehow deals with our anxiety.  He gives us grace and power over anxiety.  Somehow He  who is the Prince of peace breathes His peace into our troubled hearts.  It becomes like a river flowing from the heart of Jesus in to our bruised and broken hearts.

    We are invited to come to the Throne of Grace with supplications and petitions. We are invited to come to the Throne of God in confidence and boldness based on the finished work at he cross and ask for blessings— not so God can serve us—but so that we  can have our wants and needs taken care of  and can get on with serving others, seeking first God's kingdom, God's justice, and God's dream for the world as it should be.

    Bruce Wilkinson acknowledges this in his book when he talks about the phrase "enlarge my territory."  He uses that to say, "God, enlarge my influence for you in this world."  That's a beautiful prayer to say, "God, one of the blessings I want most from you is that I can have an influence for you.  In my family, in my job, in my neighborhood, in my social settings I can be an influence for you.  Let that increase, Lord.  I can help other people get closer to you.  I can help other people learn more about you.  I can help other people come into a relationship with you and live more the way you want them to live."

In Christ the Winsome Shepherd.


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