Monday, June 20, 2016

Brown's Daily Word 6/20/16

Praise the Lord for this day, as Summer 2016 has made its debut with a bang.  The temperature yestery registered  here in Central New York in the lower 90's.  it is going to be in the 90's today as well.  It is for my friends overseas to know that the temperature sometimes climbs to 115 F in the Midwest of America the beautiful.  In fact, it is cooler now in the region of Orissa, India, where I was born, as the Monsoons of 2016 have made a grand entrance.  Schools and colleges are reopened after the summer vacations in Orissa, India.

    Summer has come officially.  The summer vacations will soon begin.  The colleges and universities are already closed for summer.  The public schools will be closing this week here in the New York, the Empire State.  My wife's last day of  school is this Thursday the 23 rd of June. 

    The Lord blessed us in His House with His generosity and abundance.  I had a fantastic Fathers' Day.  All my daughters called  with Fathers' Day love and grace.  Sunita called from Armenia.  One of my sisters prepared a huge Fathers' Day banquet with traditional Indian cuisine.  It was all a blast.  Alice and I attended the Baccalaureate Service of Marathon High School last evening.  Alice was chosen as the speaker representing the Faculty.  I said, "she is the " Preachers' wife".  One of her former students, who is in the faculty of the Marathon Christian Academy, was the Baccalaureate Speaker.  It was a great occasion for celebration.  The parents, friends, community well-wishers, and Faculty joined the graduating CLASS IN A GRAND CELEBRATION. 

    One of the most beautiful portraits of God is found in Psalm 68.  The Bible describes God saying, "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling.  God sets the lonely in families" (PS. 68:5-6).  The church is the setting in which God puts the lonely into a family.  Rick Warren wrote: "Church is not a place you go to; church is a family you belong to."  When God puts you into His forever family, there are both blessings and responsibilities.

    When Paul wrote to the believers in Thessalonica, he compared his love for the church with the love of a mother and a father.  These are family relationships.  The actual phrase, "The family of God" doesn't appear in the Bible, but there are dozens of verses that refer to the church as a family.  This family not only extends to believers here on earth, but believers in heaven are also part of God's family. Paul wrote, "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named" (Eph. 3:14-15).

    God's family is a forever family.  We become a part of His family here on earth; and after we die, we're still part of God's family in heaven.  The Bible teaches that the main reason we gather together as a church is to encourage one another…  "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching" (Heb. 10:24-25).

    Jesus told Nicodemus he had to be born again to see the kingdom of heaven. We enter God's family through a new birth.  The Bible says: "To all who received Him, (Jesus) to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent…but born of God" (John 1:12-13).  The Bible says God chose us to be a part of His family: "You received the Spirit of sonship; and by Him we cry, 'Abba, Father'" (Rom. 8:15).  The usual word for father in the Bible was pater.  That's the formal word; but when Jesus talked to God, He called Him Abba, which means "daddy" or "papa."  The Holy Spirit allows us to cry out to God in this intimate way.  You can call the Creator of the Universe "Papa."

    The church isn't perfect because it's made up of imperfect people, LIKE ME.

 but we serve a perfect Savior.  The church isn't a club; it isn't an institution; it isn't an organization; it's a family.  Everybody needs a family.

   Sometime ago I read this story: Three weeks before Christmas 1993, 43-year-old Wolfgang Dircks died while watching television in his Berlin apartment.  His rent continued to be paid out of his bank account, and none of his neighbors noticed he was gone.  Five years later, when his bank account was depleted, the landlord entered the apartment and found his skeletal remains in his chair.   His television set had long since burned out.     

    That's why we exist as a church.  We are the place where God puts the lonely/ the solitary into a family, and we  are the hands and feet of Christ.  We are called to reach out and show the love of Jesus to people who are still outside the fold and "the Family of God".

 In Christ,


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