Monday, March 30, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 3/30/15

Praise the Lord for Palm Sunday.  We had the opportunity to celebrate one more time, joining the Church around the corner and around the world.   The Lord gave us an almost a perfect day.  It was sunny and brilliant.  Children and adults presented special music.  There was an Easter Egg Hunt after the worship.  We also had a church wide banquet following the service.  There was food galore.  It was all celebrative and very much festive.  Praise the Lord for His Church, that we can celebrate with and celebrate along with a sense of triumph.  Some of my friends around the globe posted the Palm Sunday precessions  which were held outdoors on the public square including the Palm Sunday worship services that were very colorful.  Alice and I walked by the river banks on one of the walking trails in the evening.  The birds, including black birds, morning doves, and  all other spring birds in droves were making a symphony of praise to Jesus who entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in triumph.   May we all now prepare our hearts for Passion week. 

    It was on September 5, 1974 that I flew for the first time on an International flight. Since then I have flown around the globe by the grace of the Lord.  Our children fly to various places and countries regularly.  We at  times get concerned about the safety and the danger of those flights.  We must trust the engines, the machines, and the people who operate them.  We are saddened about the the German Flight that was crashed by the Co-pilot recently, killing 149 innocent, beautiful people along with the co-pilot.  


    On August 16, 1987, Northwest Airlines flight 225 crashed just after taking off from the Detroit airport, killing 155 people.  There was only one survivor, a 4-year-old from Tempe, Ariz., named Cecelia.  News reports said that when rescuers found Cecelia, they did not believe she had been on the plane.  When investigators found her alive, they first assumed she had to have been in one of the cars the plane crashed into on the highway.  Yet, when the flight manifest was checked, there was Cecelia's name.  She survived because even as the plane was falling, Cecelia's mother, Paula Chican, unbuckled her own seat belt, got down on her knees in front of her daughter, wrapped her arms and body around Cecelia, and would not let her go.  Nothing could separate that child from her mother's love—neither tragedy nor disaster, neither the fall nor the flames that followed, neither height nor depth, neither life nor death.

    Like that child caught in the middle of disaster, so we have been trapped by our own sin, spiraling down to an inevitable doom; but our Lord Jesus  loved us so much that He left heaven, met us on our level, and covered us with the sacrifice of His own body so we might be saved from the consequences of the fall.

In Christ,


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