Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 2/10/15

The Lord blessed us with an abundant weekend.  The banquet Saturday was fantastic and brilliant.  Our young Chef David Childs and his team prepared the meal with so much love and served with so much grace.  It was  truly a tremendous blessing.  The message by Dr. Dino Pedrone was uplifting and inspiring.   
    The Lord blessed us in His House this past Sunday.  One of the hardest things I had to do yesterday was that Alice and I announced to our beloved congregations  that I am going retire from the full time ministry at the end of June, 2015.  We have prayerfully come to this decision.  We leave Union Center and Wesley with deep gratitude and thanksgiving.  We came to Union Center June 26, 1990.  We were  young parents, as our oldest daughter was going into 9th grade and the youngest going into First grade.  It was 25 years ago this June.  Our time here has spanned a quarter century.  Our daughters finished high school from here.  They went to colleges from here.  Three got married from here.  Our grandchildren know this home as Grandpa and Grandma's house.   We moved here as young parents and now we leave this place as grandparents.  As we look back in our lives, we just praise the Lord for His faithfulness.  Over this quarter century  we have seen so many miracles, so many blessings... so many lives have been touched by the grace of our Lord Jesus.  We praise the Lord for all of you with whom we are linked through this ministry of Jesus Christ around the corner and around the globe. 

    The Lord has opened doors for me to preach His Word in the local church and also around the globe.  I was born in an obscure village.  He drew me out and blessed every step of the way in my life.  I have been blessed to know and love wonderful people, friends, and family at every stage of my life.  You all have been so kind and gracious to me.  It has been a wonderful journey and an adventure all these years.  The Lord blessed me during my primary school days, Middle School days, College days, Graduate School days, and post-Graduate School days with so many wonderful, kind, generous people of so many diverse cultures, languages, and backgrounds yet one in Jesus Christ our Lord.  It has been a wonderful  blessing and thrill to serve Jesus around the corner and around the globe.  It has been always refreshing and refining for me to share in the ministry of Jesus our Lord.  He has always given me grace and zeal for His Word and for His people.  He has continuously filled my cup to the brim.  His goodness and mercy have followed me and my family all these years and all these days. 

    I praise the Lord for so many of you who have been faithful and fervent partners in the ministry.  The Lord has surrounded me with so many sons and daughters of Barnabas who have greatly encouraged me along the way.  Praise the Lord for your affection, love and affirmation.   My life is very rich, so very much richer by knowing Jesus and by serving Him, and furthermore by knowing so many like you who also love Him and serve Him.  Words are few and inadequate to express the gratitude Alice and I have to the Lord for you all around the corner and around the globe.  "I thank my God at every remembrance of you."  

    It was in 1964 that I started preach, fresh out of High School.  I completed 50 years of ministry in 2014.  It is all His grace and, indeed, it is all of His marvelous grace.  Once again it is officiai that I will be retiring from the full time ministry at the end of June, 2015.  Thank you, each and every one, for your love and grace.  Thank you for praying and sharing.  My heart is blessed.  My soul is full.

    One of the lovely things about the Lord is that He hides the future from us.  Most of us would love a sneak preview of the future.  We say, "Well, Lord, just give me a glance over the next five years.  Let me know how they're going to turn out."  But, the longer we live, the more we realize how kind the Lord is to keep the future from us.  It's mercy that veils our eyes.  How important it is to be able to face that unknown future with absolute confidence and with certainty that while our Lord is working out his purpose universally, he also is working out his program specifically for you and me!  Knowing that our times are in his hands is one of the most wonderful experiences in life.

    There's no way to find out the future.  The stars have as much effect on us as we have on them.  That is precisely nil.  How much better to know that our  lives are  based on the secure and certain promises of God!  We don't need to know the predictions of people when we realize that God has given us something like three thousand promises in his Word.  God gives us promises to keep us from worry.    God knows the way he made us.  That's why so many of his promises start with "Fear not."  Then he gives the specific reason why we shouldn't fear. 

    Most of us are marvelous at worry.  The Bible says worry is a sin because, at the moment of worrying, I'm not trusting. At the moment of trusting, I'm not worrying. God intends us to live a life of freedom from worry.  It is not freedom from concern, and not a complacency, where I couldn't care less about anything.  That would be irresponsible.  There's a world of difference between having a concern and being anxious.  To have a concern or burden that you take to God in prayer is one thing, but to be anxious about the outcome is another.

    How can we live in a world of absolute uncertainty and yet be certain of our position and assured that our times are in his hand?  We don't have to know the way.  We just have to walk with the Lord.  He knows where we're going, and He will never lead us astray. Knowing that, we  face the unknown future with confidence, not in ourselves but in Him.  We have confidence that our Lord God is able. 

    "I know the one in whom I am believing, and because of that," says the apostle, because I know him so well, "I know the one in whom I am believing, and I am persuaded."

    I like the way that King James translates the words to be, "I am persuaded." What it means today is much more like "I am convinced."  Paul was saying, "I know God so well.  I've trusted him through the years.  I've come to such an appreciation of him, that I know now without any doubt that he is able."

    One Pastor says, "If I could have only three words out of the Bible, if that's all I was permitted, they would be these three words: "He is able."  That's all we  need.  It is present, it's continuous.  It doesn't say He was able, He will be able, He might be able, or He could be able.  He is able.  He's not incapacitated by time.  He hasn't lost his touch.  He's just the same today.

    God is able to "keep what I've committed."  What you give Him to keep, what you ask Him to keep, what you hand over to Him to keep, He is able to keep.  Paul committed everything: his life, his future, and the lot.  Then he said, "I rest joyfully. I don't know what the future holds.  I don't have to know.  I don't have answers to all my problems.  I don't know what difficulties there may be.  I don't need to know. But I do know this: Whatever the difficulty is, I'm not facing it alone.  Whatever the problem, I don't face it alone.  Whatever path I go on, I don't travel alone.  I know he will be with me to the very end.  I know the One in whom I am believing.  I'm convinced.  I'm persuaded.  He's able to keep that which I've committed unto Him."  I'm convinced he is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day, so, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

 In Christ,


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