Thursday, December 18, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 12/18/14

Praise the Lord for this day.  We are just a week away from Christmas day.  The world is preparing to celebrate  the birth of the Lord of lords and the King of kings and angels and, best of all, the Prince of peace. Here in the Southern Tier the Downtown Singers are preparing to present the historic work, "Handel's Messiah", on Friday and Saturday evenings at the Binghamton High School Auditorium.  We are preparing the presentation of a Living Nativity on Saturday from 5-7 PM at Center Court at the Oakdale Mall, with a rousing rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus at 6.30PM.  Come, share, and rejoice.   The adversary is busy disrupting the celebration of Christmas around the world and around the corner, yet we have the good news and we declare with confidence, "THE LAMB WINS".  Let all join in prayer and praise that the confused world, the hurting world, the frantic world might hear the Good News of Great Joy which shall be to all people. 

    Plan to attend Christmas worship services wherever you might be this Sunday morning.  Plan to give generously, for the Lord has given us His Son.  Plan to visit  someone, for it is the season of visitation, the season of giving, the season of celebration, the season of songs, the season of jubilation.  Christmas is full of joy and holy fun.  Younger children think about all of the fun things they'll get. Older children tend to think about all of the fun times they've had.  Christmas is a time for memories: looking back with signs of joy and some longing, and looking ahead to all of the precious moments to be made.  It's always the right time to pause with Mary, focus heart and mind and soul on Jesus as the reason for the season, and softly sing as we pray, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."


     When I think of Christmas I think of celebrating my early Christmases in the rustic village  in Orissa , India where I lived with my family.  We each received just a set of new clothing for Christmas, and feasted on special Christmas cakes and special Christmas rooster.  It was very simple, unadulterated yet profound, and very sacred.  I remember playing soccer after morning worship and Christmas dinner with my family, a dinner that was shared with all the Hindu neighbors who came uninvited.  We could play soccer all afternoon, and  the temperature was in the 80s  and sunny.
    My wife was born and raised in New York.  For her snow was part of the ideal Christmas day.  She prays for snow on Christmas Eve and on Christmas day and for her birthday on the 11th of January.  After living for 40 years in the region I have grown to appreciate snow.  Every time it snows, I feel good, even if it's just a flurry or two.  Snow reminds me of God's grace.  When it snows, all of the potholes and ditches and dirt and garbage and scars of the world are covered.  That reminds me of how God's grace through faith in Jesus covers all of the potholes and ditches and dirt and garbage and scars of our lives.  Of course, the snow melts and gets dirty and all of the potholes and ditches and garbage and scars are exposed again. But then it snows and covers them all over again.  That's why Christmas snow reminds me of  Jesus' love, grace, and forgiveness that cover us again and again and again.

    When I think about Christmas I was reminded of a funny story of Walter and Milton the cockroach.  When Walter started working for the largest corporation in the world, the personnel director said he would have to start at the bottom and work his way up.  So Walter found himself in the basement of the corporation's headquarters building in the mailroom.  Walter liked his job, but often daydreamed about what it would be like to be a junior executive, vice president, president, or even chairman of the board.  One day, as Walter was busy collating the mail, he heard tiny footsteps in the corner and noticed a small cockroach creeping around. Just as he was about to step on it, he heard a small voice scream: "Don't kill me! Please, don't kill me!  I'm Milton the cockroach.  And if you spare my life, I promise to grant all of your wishes."  That sounded like a pretty good deal to Walter.  So he spared Milton the cockroach's life.

    Walter's first wish was to get out of the mailroom and be a junior executive. Milton granted that wish.  Next Walter wanted to become one of the vice presidents of the corporation.  That wish was granted too.  As a matter of fairy tale fact, Milton the cockroach kept granting every one of Walter's wishes until Walter was finally elevated to be chairman of the board, on the top floor of the headquarters building, of the largest corporation in the world.  Now everybody looked up to Walter and he was very happy.  Ever so often, Milton the cockroach could hear Walter saying to himself: "I am Walter.  Everybody respects me.  Everybody knows I'm in control. I'm at the top.  No one is bigger or better or more important than me."

    One day as Walter was sitting behind his desk and daydreaming about how important he had become, he heard footsteps on the top of the roof.  When the sound of the footsteps suddenly stopped, Walter decided to investigate.  What he found was a little boy who was on his knees praying.  By this time, as you can imagine, Walter had become quite impressed with himself and his position as chairman of the board of the largest corporation in the world.  So he asked the boy, "Are you praying to Walter?"  "Of course not," said the little boy with a smile of innocence.  "I'm praying to God!"  Walter responded, "Why are you praying to God?  I'm chairman of the board of the largest corporation in the world.  What can God do for you that I cannot do for you?"  The little boy replied, "God made me and God saved me."

    Walter didn't know what to say.  Very disturbed by this turn of events, he sent for Milton the cockroach as soon as he got back to his office on the top floor of the headquarters building of the largest corporation in the world.  "I want to be like God," Walter told Milton.  So Milton the cockroach granted Walter's wish and Walter went back to the mailroom in the basement.

    That's what Christmas is all about.  God works out His serving ministry in the mailrooms of life.  God comes down to our level to show us how to move up in life and eternity.  It's a gift.  The Babe of Bethlehem.  Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  He makes us want to sing softly as we pray with Mary, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."

    All of the fun things and fun times of Christmas remind us that the greatest gift of God Himself was Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  That's why we've got all we want for Christmas through Him.

In Christ,


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