Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 8/26/14

   Praise the Lord for this last Tuesday of August.  It is still summer in America, the Beautiful.  The temperature will reach close to 90 here in the Southern tier of New York and it will be reaching in to 115 or so in the Midwest of the USA.  It is all sweet summer.  Our daughter Laureen spent a week in sunny Florida attending a conference on prayer and healing.  She said that it was awesome in so many ways.  She spent a day in beach yesterday with her friends.  Micah and her family spent a day in the beach in Massachusetts as well, and are planning some mountain climbing in New Hampshire this week.
    It was eight  years ago that severe persecution broke against Christians by the militant Hindus in the State of Orissa, India.  Over 100 Christians, some of whom I knew personally, were massacred.  Though we live in a dangerous world, we are loved and cherished by the One who is in control and has the last word in the transactions and the affairs of the world.  Though the world is one of wars and rumors of war, because of Christ we get to celebrate.

    We are blessed with a wonderful banquet last Saturday.  It was held at the Fellowship Hall of the Union Center United Methodist Church.  The Fellowship Hall was transformed into banquet hall once  more.  So many people came that we had to add 6 more tables.  The menu for the banquet included:  Turkey, Ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, lasagna, sweet corn, baked beans, homemade rolls, fried rice, chicken curry, beef curry, sweet breads.  The dessert included humongous carrot cake, cookies, and an ice cream sundae bar.  Indeed, it was a banqueting table with food galore.  The banquet was followed by an amazing musical presentation by our friends Dave Berry and Aric Phinney, who are both gifted and anointed musicians.

    Jesus, our Lord, spoke of the Kingdom of God as a banquet.  How strange Jesus' words must have sounded to the people back then.  Nobody then thought of the kingdom of God as a party.  In fact, the Pharisees saw the kingdom of God as a vast courtroom in which the good would be vindicated and the wicked obliterated by God.  Even today I hear people say things that portray a pharisaical understanding of the kingdom, as though the kingdom were a dreary courtroom instead of a joyous banquet.  Nowhere did Jesus ever speak of the kingdom as an awards banquet to which we must earn entrance by feats of moral heroism. Instead, He offers us a simple invitation to come and enjoy the feast and share in His joy.  In fact, Mark's gospel says that when Jesus called the disciples, he called them "that they might be with Him."  Jesus our Lord declared the Kingdom of God  as God's gracious invitation to the banquet of life.  Sadly, many ignore the invitation.  Others read it, but fail to respond.  However, those few who accept God's invitation discover the hope, joy, and peace that come from knowing Christ as Lord and Savior and realizing the ultimate gift of God as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    We are told that there is no shortage of food in our world.  It is reported that currently there is more than enough food to feed every person on the planet, yet there are millions who are starving.  The problem is not in supply; it is in distribution.  Likewise, spiritually speaking, there is more than enough mercy, grace and love in the heart of God to supply the world and yet many people are starving for the those basic requirements for spiritual sustenance.  Again, the problem is not supply; it is distribution; PLUS, the willingness of those needy recipients to accept what they need.

    There is a great line from the musical production, "Auntie Mame", which describes this condition, "All the world's a banquet and most poor fools are starving to death" - a pretty good description of the spiritual state of much of the world.  The gospel invites everyone to the banquet of life.  God, in Christ, came into this world of sin and sorrow to show us a better way of living and to tell us about a future with hope.  God loves us more than we can possibly understand.  God forgives us more than we could possibly deserve.  The message of Jesus is God's INVITATION TO THE BANQUET OF LIFE: LIFE HERE AND NOW AND LIFE THAT IS ETERNAL.

In Christ,


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