Monday, May 19, 2014

Brown's Daily Word - 5.19.14

    Praise the Lord for this spectacular and stunning Spring season here in New York.  The flowering trees in the church grounds and fields are past their full bloom, though some of  the daffodils and tulips are still brilliant. Alice and I walked on one of the local walking trails, bidding hello to some fat woodchucks and listening to the sharp trill of blackbirds.  The birds full of mirth.  The multicolor honeysuckle bushes are in full bloom.  Praise the Lord for the way He makes all things glorious in His time.  The Lord blessed us in His House yesterday.  I shared through a power point about the mission trip to India. 

    Since I have been home I have been able to talk to with grandchildren in Boston. I have also heard from Sunita, who spent 3 days in Rome with Andy and Gabe.  The Lord blessed them in Rome, Italy with great  and generous hospitality from friends.  They will be in Cyprus for some time. 

    We are planning for an amazing gathering of women for luncheon Saturday noon.  This will be held at the Church Fellowship hall.  Those who live in the area, please join us.  Please call the church office at 607-748-6329 to reserve a place at the table.  Julia Kellaway, from the Family Life Network, will be speaking.  This is still the Easter Season in the Church Calender. 

    This was the First Easter Sunday I was away from the pulpit here in the USA.  As part my Easter celebrations in Orissa , India, I attended a early morning Easter parade consisting mostly of youth. I attended an adult baptism service that was held in a river.  Several young believers were baptized by two local pastors.  It was time of great rejoicing.  I preached in  two churches that day, one in the morning and the other at an afternoon celebration.  It was a great thrill and great treat.  It is indeed a great privilege that we get to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus our Lord.

    It is written in the Gospel according to Mark that on the first Easter, the women went to the tomb to pay their last respects to Jesus, who was dead.  To their alarm, the body of Jesus was not there.  A "young man, dressed in a white robe" told them, "You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified?  Well, he isn't here.  He is raised.  He is going ahead of you to Galilee."

    Galilee is an out of the way sort of place.  It's where Jesus came from, but that's about its only claim to fame.  Jesus spent most of His ministry out in Galilee, the "out back" of Judea, getting ready to go up to Jerusalem.  All of Jesus' disciples seem to have hailed from the Galilee.  Jesus spent most of His time in Galilee getting His disciples prepared to leave Galilee and go up to the capital city with Him.  There, in Jerusalem, He was crucified and there He rose, but almost the moment He rose from the dead, He headed back to Galilee.

    One might have thought that the first day of His resurrected life, the risen Christ might have gone straight for the palace, to the seat of Roman power, and appeared there.  Yet, He didn't go to the palace, the White House, the Kremlin, the Capitol.  He went back to Galilee.  Nobody special lived in Galilee, nobody except the followers of Jesus, people like us.  The resurrected Christ went back to, and appeared before, the very same rag tag group of people who so disappointed Him, misunderstood Him, forsook Him and fled into the darkness.  He returned to His betrayers.  He returns to us.

    In the Bible, the "proof" of the resurrection is not the absence of Jesus' body from the tomb; it's the presence of Jesus to His followers.  On Easter, and in the days afterward, the risen Christ showed up among those who were at work out in Galilee -- when He "appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.  Then He appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters at one time, then to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all . . . He appeared also to the great persecutor and murderer of the church, Paul.   All the time the risen Christ was only doing what the crucified Jesus always did: He came back to us.

    Jesus is the Good Shepherd  who doesn't just sit back and wait for the lost sheep to head back home.  He goes out, risks everything, beats the bushes night and day, and finds that lost sheep!  On Easter, He came back, back to the very ones who had forsaken, betrayed, and crucified Him.  He came back to us.

    A student, asked to summarize all the Gospel in a few words, responded: In the Bible, it gets dark, then it gets very, very dark, then Jesus shows up.

    In life, in death, in life beyond death, this is our hope.  The risen Christ came back to us.

 In Him ,


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