Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Brown's Daily Word 1-7-14 (2)

Praise the Lord for this brand new day.  Today is Christmas Day in the Orthodox Church.  It is going to be very cold today.  The good news we have is that it will be warming up by Thursday.  

    I drove to attend a luncheon meeting with our Bishop yesterday.  It was held in the Conawasco Retreat and Conference Center on the Shores of Lake Owasco.  I drove through some scenic routes of New York.  In this mid winter It is all breathtaking.  Praise the Lord for the seasons He gives.  The meeting was held in one of the gorgeous Halls with a breathtaking view of the lake.  I was watching some the ducks diving into the water and swimming carefree and jubilant.  I was reflecting how the Lord of the earth has given the Church best facilities all over the world.  Our son in law Andrew comments that Jesus has the best view wherever you go.  Churches, chapels , cathedrals, conference and retreat centers are given to and for ministry and mission to the world.  May Jesus fill us this new year with new zeal and vigor to be about His Kingdom business. 

    I love the story of Toby, who had Downs syndrome.  Toby also had a dream.  He wanted to be in the Special Olympics and try to run a 50-yard dash.  Toby was nearly 30 years of age, very overweight, and had asthma, but he had a dream.  He knew he could do it.  So, a group of special needs people lined up on that sunny day at a football field, the gun sounded, and off they went!  You probably would not have recruited any of them for your track team, but they were giving it their all. Toby was so heavy and had such problems breathing that he was way behind and finally just fell.  There, flat-faced in the grass, his tears now mixing with the sod, his big body heaved with disappointment.

    Then, out of the corner of everyone's eyes came his dad.  Toby's daddy also had a dream, and it was greater than his son's dream.  He wanted that race for Toby more than Toby wanted that race.  He only wanted him to finish, not to compete or necessarily to win.  He wanted his boy to have a victory, so he ran out, picked up that big boy and started running with him thrown over his shoulder.  He started hollering to his boy, "You are going to make it Toby!  You will make it all the way, son!"  Toby got into it, as well, and started hoping and hollering!  "Yeah, Dad!  We gonna make it!"
    We are Toby.  We will be victorious not because of  our own strength but because of the  Loving Savior who is unwilling that any should be lost.  He will see victory.  He will see that we  are kept, that our lampstands will be in place when He comes again.  He wants it more than we do.  He promises He will turn our heartaches to rejoicing.  He is strongest in our weakness.  Of that, I am confident and sure.  His sovereign grace and His unstoppable kingdom leave me no other option to believe.  

  In Christ,


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