Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Brown's Daily Word 5-1-13

Praise the Lord for this First day of May. It is another cloudless but colorful Spring day here in NY. We still have an abundance of blossomed daffodils. The tulips are almost ready to burst with color. The fruit trees in the garden are clothed in the blooming garb of Spring. It is going to be a gorgeous day. The Lord of creation and our redemption lavishes us with His beauty and splendor. He pours upon us His love that never ends and His mercy that is new every morning.

We will gather for Wednesday fellowship and study at 6:00 PM. One of the chefs of the church is making some special soul food this evening. We will be looking at 1 Corinthians 15. Choir practice will begin at 7:30 PM.

Our second daughter, Sunita, celebrates her birthday today. She was born on this May day in a tiny hospital in Susquehanna County, PA. She has grown up to be a sweet servant of Jesus. She loves to travel all over the world, serving Christ among the various people groups of the world. She was in the Republic of Georgia in April and also visiting Albania. She and Andy are traveling to Cyprus this month, and she traveling to Israel in June. She provokes me to love Jesus and serve Him with joy and obedience. We praise Jesus for the life and witness of Sunita a sweet servant of Jesus our Lord.

In the late sixties I read a paperback book by Ruel Howe. He wrote in this book, "God made people to be loved and He made things to be used, but because of our sin and depravity we love the things and use people to get things that we love". Sunita challenges me to love people and use the things the Lord has blesses us with to bless people. In the Book of Acts we read about a wonderful Christian who was a follower of Jesus, named Barnabas. He loved Jesus and His Church. He used the things the Lord had given to bless the Church. His name means "the son of encouragement". May the Lord propel us and anoint us to be the sons and daughters of encouragement today.

Across Northern Africa stretches the largest desert in the world -- the Sahara, almost as large as the United States. From east to west, it spans 3,200 miles, farther than the distance from New York City to San Francisco. Mile after mile of scorching, shifting sand dunes make up the Sahara, where temperatures reach 130 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer -- so hot that breathing is nearly impossible. Yet at the eastern edge of this mammoth oven lies one of the richest, most fertile valleys known to humankind -- the beautiful Nile Valley. Flowing through the valley is the great Nile River, its 4,160 miles making it the longest river in the world. It's not the river alone that makes the valley so abundantly fertile, but the fact that the river overflows each year, generously depositing all over the valley layer upon layer of rich tropical soil, washed down from the jungles of Central Africa.

Like the River Nile, the mere flow of life is meaningless in this desert world of today. It's when our heart generously overflows that we provide rich fertile soil for growth in the Lord's work.

There is nothing for sale here -- everything is free, yet one effect of accepting God's gift of salvation is that our lives turn to giving. We know we must give to live. All true living is giving. It is God's gift to us that frees us to give ourselves to others.
"All the blessings we enjoy are Divine deposits, committed to our trust on this condition, that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors.” John Calvin
In Christ,

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