Thursday, April 5, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 4-5-12

Good morning,

Praise the Lord for this Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday is the name given to the day on which Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, known as the Last Supper. The word “Maundy” is derived from the Latin word for “command” or "mandate". The “Maundy” in Maundy Thursday refers to the command Jesus gave to the disciples at the Last Supper, that they should love and serve one another. The Church of Jesus Christ will gather this evening around the world to celebrate the Lord's supper. Here in Union Center we will gather this evening at 6:30 PM, joining people of the Lord around the globe and around the corner to celebrate the Lord's supper.

It was a bad night in Jerusalem, some twenty centuries ago, as a small group of people gathered in an upper room to celebrate the anniversary of the Passover. Once again, God was about to act decisively to set his people free – this time, to free them from their bondage to sin and death. Once again the air with heavy – filled with the thought of imminent death – our Lord’s death. Interestingly, on such bad nights as this, it has historically been the custom of those who are the children of God to gather together in the presence of their Lord and, in one another’s company, to share a meal. God gave Moses specific instructions about the meal the Israelites were to eat as they gathered in their homes on that night in Egypt, when death was heavy in the air. They were to eat the Paschal lamb, along with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, as they sang psalms and drank wine.
On the bad night in Jerusalem, Jesus also gave us a command to eat, saying, “Do this, in remembrance of me.” God commanded Moses, “This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord.”

To this day, the people of the Jewish faith celebrate the Passover, eating a seder meal, remembering how God redeemed them from bondage as the angel of death passed over their homes, setting them free. They remember the blood of the lamb on the doorposts, God’s guarantee that he would pass over their homes, as cries of death filled the air from their neighboring Egyptian families. They remember that on that bad night in Egypt, God freed them from slavery and made them a free people again.
As Jesus celebrated his last Passover meal with his disciples, he also asked them to eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Him! The disciples of Christ would come to realize that the death that hung heavy in the air that night was our Lord’s death, for our redemption. Jesus, the sinless Son of God, was about to offer himself in place of the Paschal lamb of the Passover so that He might atone for our sins and redeem us from death.
It must have been a strange feeling for the children of Israel to gather around their tables in peace, singing Psalms of praise to God, while in the homes of their Egyptian neighbors the wail of death was heard. Yet, peace is what they experienced that night, the peace of knowing that through their faith in God, the angel of death had passed over their homes, delivering them from bondage.
The Israelites were instructed to eat the Passover dressed for travel.

The disciples on that first Maundy Thursday evening were soon to learn how much they needed the forgiveness and strength the Lord had given them in His holy meal. It was a bad night, but they would live through it. Even their sins of that night would be passed over, as they, too, failed to grasp the significance of what Jesus was doing for them.
The famous Dutch artist, Rembrandt, painted an interesting picture of the crucifixion of Jesus. It depicts the suffering of Jesus, the indifference of the soldiers, and the sorrow of the women at the cross. The most unusual aspect of the picture is that if you look closely you will see that Rembrandt painted himself into the shadows. The Lord Supper, likewise, helps us see ourselves at the foot of the cross where we remember the suffering of Jesus on our behalf. Either we come around the table in reverence, thanksgiving, humility, and awe, or we can come in indifference and pride. Whenever and wherever we gather before the Lord before His Table, let us remember Jesus. May we remember all He did for us, and give thanks for the forgiveness and renewal we find in Him.

In Christ,


Join us for our weekly television outreach On Good Friday , April 6,2012 on Time Warner Cable Channel 4, at 7 PM.
Saturday Evening Worship Service:
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Endicott, NY
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Time: 6:00 PM gathering for Coffee Fellowship
6:30 PM Worship Service
Date: Saturday, April 7, 2012
will be a very special Easter Eve celebration. This will be held at the First United Methodist Church, Endicott. The service of worship and praise will include Hymns and songs both classic and contemporary. We are blessed to have Aric Phinney at the Grand Piano, and Yancey Moore at the Pipe Organ, Dave Berry as the song leader and soloist, along with special musicians Winnie Allen, Jack Nelson, and Emma Brunson. Come, Share, and Rejoice.
APRIL 5 at 6:30 PM there will be a Maundy Thursday foot washing and communion service. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for this special service.
APRIL 6 at 6:30 PM there will be a Good Friday Service at Union Center UMC –
"Simon Peter" will be presented by our brother Jim Geer and the team. Join us for this very special presentation on the life and witness of Simon Peter.
APRIL 7 at 6:30 PM APRIL 8 at 6:30 AM A Sunrise service will be held at the pavilion at Union Center Christian Church, 950 Boswell Hill Road. Rev. Marshall Sorber will be preaching. We will have special music. Mr. Katchudurian will be presenting special Easter Music on his trumpet.
You are all welcome back to the Union Center United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall for a special Easter Morning breakfast prepared and served by Jim Holmes and the team.
We will gather for Special Easter Celebration and worship at 8:30 and 11:00 AM
at the Union Center UMC. The Youth and children will be presenting a very special song for Easter morning at both services. The Adult Choir will also be singing at both services. Sunday School will meet at 9:50 AM. We will gather for Easter Morning Worship at Wesley at 9:30 AM. We have so much to celebrate. We have so much to sing about. We have so much to rejoice in. It is all About Jesus, who came, who saw, and who conquered. He is upon the Throne.

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