Monday, April 23, 2012

Brown's Daily Word 4-23-12

Praise the Lord for this new day. The Lord blessed us with a full weekend ministry of sharing, fellowship, and worship. I preached from Luke 24:13 ff yesterday. This is the record of the post-resurrection appearance of our Lord on the way to Emmaus. The Lord is Risen but not recognized. It is written that two of the Lord's disciples were going to Emmaus. It was the evening of the First Easter day. These men who were walking along were dejected, depressed, and disillusioned. Jesus, the Risen Lord drew near to them as they journeyed to Emmaus. Rather than proclaiming a message of a victorious and risen Savior, we find that these two disciples were in retreat, leaving Jerusalem, scared, dejected, and perplexed. It was a walk of sadness and gloom, of frustration and doubt; a walk filled with deliberation and discussion, but without answers and understanding, without comfort and without a sense of mission and purpose.
“And it came about that while they were conversing” shows us that right in the middle of their plight of perplexity, the Lord Himself came on the scene. Here, then, we see the love and desire of the Savior to draw near and to draw us to Himself, to make the things of Christ dear and real to us. He brings comfort and change to our countenances, but more importantly, He wants to change our lives and make us like Him. Christ is not in the grave. He is risen, but even as the risen Lord who has ascended, He is still never remote to us though we may not be relating to His love and presence. He is always near and interested in us wherever we go whether in the city, in the country, on the road, in the garden, in the church, in the home, at work, every place. Matthew 28:20, “… Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.”

As the men draw near the village the stranger seemed to be going further. The disciples then invited the stranger to come to stay with them. We entertain angels unaware, and they entertained Jesus unaware. As they sat down for the meal: “… He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it he began giving it to them.” How interesting! They had invited the Savior to come in to abide with them in their home, but as He did, in keeping with who He is, He assumed the position of host and not just a guest. It was He who took the bread, broke it, and gave it to them. The Lord Jesus is not just the unseen guest in our homes. He is always to be much more. He comes in to be the unseen host. He comes in to take charge and to lead in our fellowship that He might minister, lead, feed and sustain. He leads, we follow.

This was the same truth, though presented through a different figure, in Joshua 5:13-15. There Joshua was suddenly faced with a man with his sword drawn, none other than the pre-incarnate Christ, who had come on the scene not to take sides, but to take over as the Commander of the Lord’s Army.

“And their eyes were opened and they recognized Him . . .” We then read that “He vanished from their sight.” Literally it is, “He became invisible.” “And they said to one another, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?’”

“while He talked with us on the road,” showed they learned He is our Companion in the Way. The disciples reflected on the fact that it was Christ Himself who talked to them as they traveled along the road. Who was speaking with them? The Christ of the cross? Yes, but more. It was Christ who had now entered His glorified state and body. He was neither remote nor lacking sympathy with their needs and distress. On the contrary, He came to them in their need and distress, even in their retreat, and from this encounter we learn a wonderful lesson, the lesson of His availability. He pursued us and shows sympathy with us as our kindred, as one made like unto His brethren. He is our faithful High Priest who is intimately interested in us and interceding for us (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 2:17-18; 4:14-16).

No wonder the author of Hebrews spoke of our “so great salvation” (Heb. 2:3 ff). What love, what faithfulness! Christ cares, and He wants to come alongside and minister to our lives,, to bring forgiveness, strength, purpose, and joy as the companionable Christ.

Jesus walked with them and He talked with them. “While he was speaking to us on the road." How we need to capture the significance of these words “in the way” or “on the road.” He is not only the Christ of heaven , but indeed, He is the Christ of the way, the Christ of our daily walk whether on the road, in the office, or at home, wherever. Indeed, we can’t do without Him in the heavenly sanctuary at God’s right hand, but how wonderful to know he is also the companionable Christ, the Christ of the way, the Christ of our everyday path, with all our trials, frustrations, sin and failures, victories and joys.

Let us, therefore, with the perception of His presence, walk with Him, talk with Him, depend on Him, worship Him, and go, tell, and teach others about Him.

In Christ, the Risen Saviour.


Friday April 27, 2012
Television Outreach
Time Warner Cable Channel 4
Time 7:00 PM
Saturday Evening Worship Service:
Location: First United Methodist Church
53 McKinley Avenue
Endicott, NY
Sponsored by: Union Center United Methodist Church
Time: 6:00 PM gathering for Coffee Fellowship
6:30 PM Worship Service
Date: Saturday, April 28, 2012
Speaker: Jason Garen from Davis College
Special Music by Praise Band of the Cross Point Church , Binghamton.

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