Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Brown's Daily Word 11-22-11

Good morning,
    We spent part of the weekend in Boston.  We attended a Baptismal service for our grand daughter, Ada, Sunday in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  It was held at  Christ the King Presbyterian Church.  It was glorious day, sunny, brilliant, and beautiful.  Ada wore a beautiful dress that her mommy made for her Baptism.  Ada looked beautiful and sweet.  After the baptismal service she smiled.  Best of all Jesus, the keeper of all the little lambs, smiled on her.  
    Praise the Lord for this special week when we, here in the USA, will celebrate Thanksgiving. 
    Yesterday we had a service of Death and Resurrection for one of the saints of Jesus, Evvie Binder.  Evvie Binder went to be with Jesus this past Friday and entered the Church Triumphant.  Evvie and her very dear husband Al were married for 61 years.  Evvie was a very sweet and fervent servant of Jesus Christ.  She loved Jesus and she loved His church.  She was very committed and faithful member of His Church.  She loved to serve the along with her husband.  She lived a life of gratitude and thanksgiving.  Jesus  Described people like Evvie as the salt of the earth.  We praise the Lord the life and witness of Evvie Binder.  The way she lived, loved, and served, she made it easier for others  to believe in Jesus Christ our Lord. 
    Jim Elliot, the martyred missionary, wrote in his personal journal, "I walked out on the hill just now.  It is exalting, delicious, to stand embraced by the shadows of a friendly tree with the wind tugging at your coattail and the heavens hailing your heart, to gaze and glory and give oneself again to God — what more could a man ask?  Oh, the fullness, pleasure, sheer excitement of knowing God on earth!  I care not if I never raise my voice again for Him, if only I may love Him, please Him . . . If only I may see Him, touch His garments, and smile into His eyes."  Here was a man thankful for his relationship with God.  Here was a man who was known by God and knew God.  He shared his name and his character.
    Bob Edens was blind.  He couldn't see a thing.  His world was a black hall of sounds and smells.  He felt his way through five decades of darkness.  And then, he could see.  A skilled surgeon performed a complicated operation and, for the first time, Bob Edens had sight.  He found it overwhelming.  "I never would have dreamed that yellow is so . . . yellow," he exclaimed.  "I don't have the words.  I am amazed by yellow.  But red is my favorite color.  I just can't believe red.  I can see the shape of the moon — and I like nothing better than seeing a jet plane flying across the sky leaving a vapor trail.  And of course, sunrises and sunsets.  And at night I look at the stars in the sky and the flashing light."
    Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippian Church, "I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want.  I can do all things in him who strengthens me."  That is not the statement of a man who is worried over the economic health and security of the Roman empire, or even of his own pocketbook.  It is not the statement of one who is free from affliction and trouble -- Paul suffered, right along with the rest of us.  It is the confession of a man who has learned that nothing can separate him from the love of God who cares daily for him.
    Paul could therefore wish for the Philippians that which he has already found himself -- "the peace of God which passes understanding."  He could urge upon them that mood of life which belongs only to those children of God who know the mercy of their heavenly Father: "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice."
    God has remembered us.  He has seen and heard and known our suffering.  He has stooped down to deliver us out of all our affliction.  Therefore, give thanks to Him this day.  Bless His name. Rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice!
 In Jesus,

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