Monday, October 17, 2011

Brown's Daily Word 10-17-11

Good morning,
Thanks be to Jesus for this new day. He blessed wonderfully during our weekend of prayer conference. The Lord moved among us, in and through His Holy Spirit, igniting our hearts with power and mercy afresh and anew. The Lord used Kelly Johnson and the prayer teams to bless so many. So many were touched by the grace of Jesus afresh and anew. So many came to be prayed for. The Lord used this weekend to set many captives free. He healed many broken hearts. We praise the Lord for His faithfulness. We are praying that the Lord would bring forth great harvest from the seeds that have been planted this weekend in so many lives.
“I had a brother once, and I betrayed him.” With these words, African writer Laurens Van der Post began his wonderful book, "The Seed and the Sower". The story speaks of two brothers from a small South African village. The elder brother was tall, athletic, a good student, and a natural leader. The younger brother was not. He had a back deformity and was very sensitive to the fact. He had, however, a beautiful singing voice. Both attended the same private school. One night some of the older boys dragged the younger brother out and ripped off his shirt and made fun of his deformity until he cried. They threw him into an abandoned water tank and forced him to sing. The older brother was aware of what was going on but did nothing to rescue his younger brother. The younger brother survived but with a crushed spirit. He returned to the family farm, w here he lived a reclusive life and never sang again.
During World War II the older brother had a dream in which he realized he had been Judas to his younger brother. He made the incredibly difficult journey back to South Africa to ask his brother’s forgiveness. Later, in the dark of the night, he heard a beautiful sound – his brother singing a song that the older brother had written when they were boys.
In that story the younger brother had a choice to make when his older brother asked his forgiveness. He could forgive him or he could hold on to the hurt, bitterness, resentment, and anger, and refuse his forgiveness.
Kelly used the Book of Colossians as part of her preaching and teaching this past weekend. In Chapter 3,verse 10 we read that the Christian has already put on the new self in Christ through regeneration, i.e. through being born again. Therefore when we turn to verse 12 we read Paul pointing out the practical outworking of this change in the believers life because of Christ Jesus. He must clothe himself with new garments, the garments of grace which befit a new creation in Christ. Verse 12 speaks of being chosen by God – being the elect, the Holy – that is, those set apart by and for God. Deeply loved by God – is that not the most wonderful phrase your soul has ever heard? How many of us today long to know we are deeply loved? This is Paul’s simple formula for saying who we are in Christ. We are indeed deeply loved, wonderfully blessed and called out to live a life in Christ that becomes the gospel.
In Christ,

Saturday , October 22.2011
Praise and worship service:
First United Methodist Church , Endicott
Sponsored by Union Center UMC
6PM Gathering- Coffeee- Fellowship
6.30PM Worship
Music: Jane Hettinger
Speaker: Dave Hettinger
OCT. 22 Serving at 12.noon. A Fish Dinner with home made pies at Wesley United Methodist Church, 1000 Day Hollow Road. Endicott.
Chef: Lawrence McMillan . Donation: $7.00 All the proceeds will be used for the feeding ministry in Endicott.
All are invited. Come, eat a good lunch and support a good cause!
For info: call 607-748-1358, 607-748-6329

OCT. 29, 6:30 PM at First United Methodist Church, Endicott, Special evening of musical praise and worship. Various Christian musicians will be participating in this special evening as they offer their gifts and talents to the Lord. A love offering will be received that will benefit needy families in
the community. Some of the musicians are Aric Phinney, Grant DeGaramo, Vin Rosenbarker, Dianne Glann, Laureen Naik, Yancey Moore, Praise Band from Hawleyton UMC and others.

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