Monday, December 6, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 12-06-10

Good morning,
I trust that you all had a wonderful weekend, and that you are enjoying getting ready for Christmas. Alice has almost finished decorating the house - with only the main tree to go. Each room and each area is festive with lights and ornaments.
The concert by the Russians touched many over the weekend. The church in Endicott was nearly full, each one there for a rich musical and cultural experience. Many say that it was a treat for them. Though I could not attend personally, our friends Dave and Jane Hettinger, and Shawn and Lynn Rosenbarker, were able to care well for the event.
Yesterday our children of the church presented the program, "Inside the Outside Inn" in both of the morning services. The angels were radiant, the heavenly "host" told the story, the wise men and shepherds attended the glorious event, and the "animals" (2's and 3's) were unbelievably cute and winsome. A great score tied it all together. Shannan and Laureen did many hours of preparation for this program, and it was a complete success.
The Lord has blessed us with a new Nativity set for the church, which is so beautiful upon the blanket of snow.
On Saturday, once again we will gather for the Saturday evening service, with music and with Earle Cowden preaching.
"The Christ of Bethlehem stands at the door of (our hearts). His coming is much as it was two thousand years ago. He comes, but he does not force. He waits, just as he waited then. Now as then, it must be the Innkeeper who opens the door. After all, the Innkeeper is master of his inn - he as the freedom to say 'Yes' or 'No' to any visitor. He said 'No' or a partial 'No' that first Christmas. The holy family was not given the best room. The stable was their lodging place. There was no room - then; what of now?"

"Come, thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart."
In Christ,

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