Friday, June 18, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 6-18-10

Good morning,

Praise the Lord for this fabulous Friday. It is going to be hot and humid. The birds began to sing early this morning praising the Lord of all creation. Praise the Lord that we can, through His grace and mercy, live in victory. In Romans 8 it is written, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us".

David came to a radical place in his life and in his walk with God. He could not be content with anything less than God’s will for his life, the plan God had for Israel, and the subduing of enemies and possessing the promises of God. 2 Samuel Chapter 8 records a series of conquests in the reign of David. The very real wars that David fought resulted in the deaths of thousands of human beings.

There are all kinds of wars: just wars, unjust wars, wars to preserve, wars to protect, wars to expand, wars to settle disputes. For the Christian war becomes a metaphor for our struggles against our very real enemies. There comes a time when we, as Christians, must wage war against the flesh, against the devil, and against the World, and it is imperative that we win the war.

The most important thing about David’s wars are not the details of the wars; but David’s responses to God in the details of his life. God promised David a throne and a dynasty (chapter 7). Kingdoms come and kingdoms go but the promises of God abide forever.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord.” This life is battle field. The Christian life is an ongoing battle with the forces of darkness, wickedness, our own evil desires, and our own past failures.

It the year 2000 we spent some time in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. There we stayed and traveled among the majestic Alps. The Alps are breath-taking. High in the Alps is a monument raised in honor of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist. Inscribed on that memorial stone are the words, "He Died Climbing". A maturing, growing Christian should have the same kind of attitude right up to the end of life.

David took the initiative by attacking the Philistines. The Philistines were continual enemies. The people of Israel had suffered many defeats and constant cruelty at the hands of the Philistines. David didn't avoid fighting the Philistines because past failures did not hinder David. Sometimes we are reluctant to fight a foe because we have lost so many times in the past. Are you sick and tired of trying to get the victory over a persistent enemy?

David made a name by being skilled in politics and war. His Empire stretched over the area promised by God to Abraham. We also need to remember God's promises so that we may claim them and walk in victory. David burned his enemies gods, and he took his enemies gold, and gave it to the Lord! That’s heaven’s strategy; destroy false strength, dedicate the fruits of victory to the Lord.

Alan Redpath writes: “This is also the strategy of the Holy Spirit in the conquest of a soul saved by grace. Everything in life that stands in opposition to God has to be condemned and put to death. Everything in a man’s life which can be used to glorify God has to be dedicated and come under new ownership. Before God can ever use our lives they have to be brought to Calvary, and there he picks them up and uses them for his glory, because everything in the Temple must proclaim “Glory to God”.

David ruled because God saved him. David possessed all that God promised because David believed God. When David pursued godliness, integrity, and justice and God blessed him.

In Christ,



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