Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 5-13-10

Praise the Lord for this new day. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful evening yesterday during our Wednesday evening gathering. We had a young lady from Binghamton University who joined us for the Bible study; she is from China. This young woman is a new believer in Christ. She came with a couple that works with university students reaching them for Jesus. Praise the Lord for those who are reaching people around the corner and around the globe.
Today is Ascension Day. It is forty days after Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. In Acts 1 we read that our Risen Lord gave instruction to His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the power from on high so that they would become His witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, and to the outer parts of the world. Praise the Lord for His Church that is witnessing to His glory and grace through words and deed all over the world. The Apostle Paul was one of those who got such a glorious vision of Jesus that he went on witnessing and serving Christ.
Though growing wearier by the hardships, Paul used the difficulties to build a richer resolution to continue in Christ till the end. Paul wrote, “Be steadfast knowing your labors are not in vain in the Lord.” ( I Corinthians 15:58) Many things are done in vain, but service for Jesus is never in vain. Paul’s difficult missionary journeys prepared him to face more complicated challenges that elevated him to the highest halls of human leadership.
After years of service in South Africa, the famous missionary Robert Moffat returned to Scotland to recruit helpers. When he arrived at the church one cold wintry night, he was dismayed that only a small group had come out to hear him. What bothered him even more was that the only people in attendance were ladies. Although he was grateful for their interest, he had hoped to challenge men. He had chosen as his text Proverbs 8:4, "Unto you, O men I call." In his discouragement he almost failed to notice one small boy in the loft pumping the bellows of the organ. Moffat felt frustrated as he gave the message, for he realized that very few women could be expected to undergo the rigorous life in undeveloped jungles. But God works in mysterious ways.
Although no one volunteered that evening, the young fellow assisting the organist was deeply moved by the challenge. As a result, he promised God he would follow in the footsteps of this pioneer missionary, and he remained true to his vow. When he grew up, he went to Africa, where he ministered to the un-reached tribes. His name was David Livingstone! Moffat never ceased to wonder that his appeal which he had intended for men had stirred a young boy, who eventually became a mighty power for God.
When you go to London and visit the glorious and famous Westminster Abbey, as you enter the cathedral first you will see the tomb of the unkinown soldier, and next to that tomb is the tomb of Davivd Livingston.
Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of those who have gone before us . It is our desire and prayer that those who come after us might find us faithful.

In Jesus Christ the Faithful One.


Some of you have asked about the wedding pictures of daughter Jessica. Here is the link from Amber for our online galleries:

Click on the web site
Then "clients"
Then there are three galleries with the following passwords:
(all lowercased)

My daily devotionals are posted in my webpage by our dear friend Julie in Oklahoma.
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