Thursday, October 29, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 10-29-09

Good Morning,
We had torrential rains yesterday that left many of the local streams flooding. (The Bible Talks about autumn rains). It is going to be calm and beautiful today.
A few years ago I met Elizabeth Elliott, the wife of Jim Elliot. She worshipped at the Church to which Janice and Jeremy belong near Boston. Jim Elliott, Elizabeth Elliot's husband, was one of five brave hearts who were killed by the natives of Ecuador on Jan 8 1956( Jim Elliot was 28 years old). Jim Elliott was great orator and prolific writer. He said, "He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he can not lose". It was great blessing for me to have met Elizabeth Elliot. The lives of people like Jim and Elizabeth Elliot, who follow Christ with great abandonment, provoke me to love Jesus with great passion. Elizabeth Elliot is also great and inspiring writer. Whenever I read her book, "Through the Gates of Splendor", I am brought to tears.
Elizabeth Elliot told of two adventurers who stopped by to see her, all loaded with equipment for the rain forest east of the Andes. They sought no advice, just a few phrases to converse with the Indians. She wrote, "Sometimes we come to God as the two adventurers came to me, confident and, we think, well-informed and well equipped. But has it occurred to us that with all our accumulation of stuff, something is missing?" She suggested that we often ask God for too little. "We know what we need, a yes or no answer, please, to a simple question. Or perhaps a road sign. Something quick and easy to point the way. What we really ought to have is the Guide himself. Maps, road signs, a few useful phrases are things, but infinitely better is someone who has been there before and knows the way."
Furthermore, Elizabeth Elliot, in her book "Let Me Be a Woman", records the story of Gladys Aylward, who was unable to accept the looks God had given her. Ms. Aylward told how when she was a child she had two great sorrows. One was that, while all her friends had beautiful golden hair, hers was black. The other was that, while her friends were still growing, she had stopped. She was about four feet ten inches tall. But, when at last she reached the country to which God had called her to be a missionary, she stood on the wharf in Shanghai and looked around at the people to whom He had called her. “Every single one of them” she said, “had black hair. And every one of them had stopped growing when I did.” She was able to look to God and exclaim, “Lord God, You know what You’re doing!”
We can trust our guide with every word, every step, every counsel.
He will never steer us wrong. Earthly wisdom is not adequate and is often governed by the flesh. We need to look to the Lord for Godly wisdom and counsel.
Isaiah 58:11, "The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. We don’t have to worry that our guide will take off on His own adventure or leave us stranded. He will never abandon us, even when we sin (Hebrews 13:5). Indeed, "He is the Way , the Truth and the Life".

Blessed be His Name,

In Him,


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