Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 10-13-09

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for this new day, a gift from the Lord. It was Augustine who said, "Oh Lord, thou hast made us for thyself, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in thee. Praise the Lord for the way Jesus offers His rest to us. He said, "Come unto me all ye who labor, and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." In Hebrews 4:11, we are admonished to enter into the rest that the Lord gives us. Often we forfeit rest and blessings due to our rebellion and unbelief.
We had a wonderful evening yesterday with the Continentals Worship Band. The Lord anointed the presentation of music and the Word, and the proclamation of the Gospel. The Lord greatly moved among the people who attended. There were many who went forward to lay their burdens at the feet of Jesus. Each of the songs, which speak of the hope that we have in Jesus, was anointed and powerful. Those of you who were able to come, thank you for joining us in an anointed time of worship and praise.
Thank you, Dan and Lisa, Aric, Rich, Al and Hannah, and Alice for opening your hearts and your homes to members of the team for the night. Thank you also to those who cooked for the group, especially Santosh, who made authentic Indian cuisine. Thanks also to those who have supported Laureen financially, and especially those who have committed themselves to supporting her in prayer. Every time, every place, that Laureen and the team present the Gospel in song and in word, you are there. Please continue to pray for them as they travel in the States and Canada, and eventually to Thailand. We serve an awesome God, who is full of majesty and wonder. Every time we come in a close encounter before Him we are changed, and we are grateful.
It has been well said that "gratitude is a natural outworking of wonder, and wonder is cognizant of God Himself. Where there is not wonder there is no gratitude. Self-aggrandizement breeds a sense of entitlement. Entitlements unfulfilled give birth to catastrophic means of procurement..."
H. L. Mencken said, "The problem with life is not that it's a tragedy, but that it's a bore." - Without Christ life is boring and meaningless, but with Christ it is rich and fulfilling. Without Christ, life is a great enigma, but with Him it is a great affirmation - a great AMEN!
I am including one of the songs that the Continentals sang yesterday, "The God of the City". I trust that you'll be blessed.
In Jesus our Saviour,


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