Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 9-30-09

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for this beautiful and brilliant day. It is beginning to look like an Amazing Autumn. We have some friends from Louisiana who are visiting New York State for the first time. I took them to one of the local diners yesterday for lunch. The young lady who waited on us was named Spring. Then, I drove them toward Ithaca, and the great Taughannock Falls and city of Ithaca. The autumn colors were breathtaking. Some time ago we went to pick apples in one of the local apple orchards. The young lady who was working at the Orchard was named Autumn. Some time ago I met another young woman who was named India Brown. The names of people are fascinating.
We live in an age of skepticism, unbelief and apathy. A poll taker asked a woman on the street, Ma’am, would you agree with the statement that the most common problems of our time are ignorance and apathy? She answered as she brushed past him, I don’t know, and I don’t care!
I was privileged to meet Dr. Calvin Miller during a conference in Birmingham Alabama two years ago. He shared with me that his grandson was born in Orissa, India, and adopted twenty years ago. Calvin Miller tells in one of his books about walking “…through Children’s Hospital in Omaha not too long ago, and I saw a little baby boy there, below two years of age, with tubes running in and out of his body—clearly very, very sick. I asked the nurse about him, and she said, 'I want to thank you for asking about him. He will die before he is 2 years of age, but the worst part is that his mother died in childbirth and his father’s in the penitentiary. Nobody comes; nobody asks about him much, and he lays there. You’re one of the first to even ask about him.' I walked out of the hospital that day thanking God that my two children are well and that it wasn’t my baby. Then it seemed like out of the very atmosphere around me, God said, 'Yeah, that is your baby.' If you’re a servant, the world you see and touch is yours." May it be that when He comes, He finds us holding the hand of the little ones, living out those words – feed my sheep, let the little ones come, go work in my field. Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come.
In Christ,

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