Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Brown's Daily Word 12-9-08

Good Morning,
It feels like the "Bleak Mid- winter today. I went to New York City with our church group yesterday to attend the Christmas Extravaganza at the world famous Radio City Music Hall. Fifty-five of us went together. It was a great blessing. The City of New York comes alive with Christmas decorations. Praise the Lord for Christmas, and for the way it changes our world. I took time to visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the famous Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Though it is still under construction, it is amazing and spectacular, and the largest cathedral in the world.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York each year displays a twenty-foot blue spruce Christmas tree covered with angels, with a beautiful eighteenth century Neapolitan nativity scene beneath it. In many ways it is a very familiar scene. There are shepherds who have been jarred awake by the orchestra of heaven and the choir of countless angels, several sheep, the magnificent wise men from the East, Joseph, Mary, the newborn Jesus — all are there and each figure a work of art by itself. There is something unusual about this nativity, however, and many people miss it. Even though there is a stable, a crib, and shepherds, they are set not in Bethlehem, but amid the ruins of Rome. As a backdrop to the little manger there are broken and disintegrating Roman columns. The message the artist gave was subtle, yet powerful. This fragile, infant King would ultimately conquer all the kingdoms of this world. Kings like Herod would realize how dangerous this King was and attempt to destroy him early on, and the Roman Caesars would endeavor to annihilate his followers. The presence of this King signaled the end of the rule of the kings of the earth. It is an appropriate nativity scene, for he reigns in glory while their kingdoms lie in ruins. The good news of the Kingdom of God was bad news for the kingdoms of this world. His kingdom would be an everlasting kingdom, and theirs would hardly begin before they crumbled. We sometimes become dismayed when the kingdoms of this world oppose the announcement of the King of kings at Christmas, but what would you expect? It has never been any different, and while they used their might to oppose him, their empires lie in rubble and they are not remembered, while King Jesus marches on through history conquering hearts and overcoming kingdoms. He speaks to our anxious and troubled hearts saying, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). And so, we say with the Psalmist, “The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad” (Psalm 97:1). The central message of Christmas is that God has invaded our world and it will never be the same again. The message of Christmas is that Jesus Christ reigns and will guide the history of the world to its final conclusion where he will have the final word. He will redeem the world. A kingdom of great joy is coming. The angel’s message is still for us today, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10). Isaiah prophesied of his coming, saying, “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2). The appearance of this Great Light was a profound event with eternal implications, for it was grounded in eternity. The eternal Christ came from eternity past into our present, that we might be with him in eternity future." "And man shall live for evermore, because of Christmas Day".

In Christ,
The Russian Men’s Ensemble
in Concert

Friday, December 12, 2008
at 7:00 pm
Union Center United Methodist Church
128 Maple Drive, Endicott, NY
(607) 748-6329

The Ensemble consists of four very gifted and talented male vocalists,
who use their gifts to the glory of God.
They will present a program of acappella music, consisting of both sacred and traditional folk tunes.
The public is welcome to attend.
For information, phone 748-1358 or 748-6329.

A Good Will Offering will be taken after the concert.

Union Center United Methodist Church will be presenting a living Nativity on Saturday, December 20, 2008 starting at 5 to 7 p.m. The living Nativity will be presented at Nanticoke Gardens located at 1539 Union Center Maine Highway, Endicott, NY.

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