Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Brown's Daily Word 12-12-07

Good Morning,
Praise the Lord for this Holy Season. Praise the Lord for the way He takes ordinary people and transforms them in to His instruments of mighty deeds. Praise the Lord for common people like Mary and Joseph. Somebody once said that the Lord must love common people because He made so many of them.
Before God revealed to Mary her unique place in the world, she was on a different track altogether. She was in the middle of building what she believed would be the good life with her fiancé, Joseph. Like the rest of us, she was busy making her own plans. As quite a young woman, Mary was called to give it all up before she really even got started. God called her to let go of her own plans and to enter into his will
Mary’s story opens quietly in Scripture with a Jewish teenager, probably 14-16 years old, engaged to a carpenter. She was embarking on one of life’s major adventures: her marriage. No doubt she and Joseph, like other young couples, had discussed their wedding plans and dreamed about the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. Then suddenly, on an ordinary day, God sent an unmistakable message to Mary. God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary with startling news. It was a disturbing surprise, to say the least, in the middle of all the plans she was making with Joseph. God spoke directly to her ears and to her heart while she listened intently to every single word.
The angel announced the will of God for Mary’s life. He told her that she would conceive a son, that his name would be Jesus, and that he would be great. I am sure this was a bit confusing for Mary. She felt confused and afraid as she focused on the very question that any virgin would have asked, "How can I have a baby without a husband? This is a physical impossibility."
Don’t you just love Gabriel’s answer? "This is God’s work in you, Mary. Nothing is impossible with God" Nothing is impossible. It is not impossible for a virgin to give birth. It is not impossible for a Savior to come from the house of David, and it is not impossible for the world to find forgiveness and grace. At least, these are not impossible with God, for this is the mighty work of grace and mercy of our God .
To prove the power of God, Gabriel let Mary in on a little secret. He told her about another woman in whose life God was working. He told her that her childless cousin Elizabeth, who was too old to have a baby, was already in her sixth month. Suddenly Mary was jolted out of her own plans, not just for the day, but for the rest of her life. She awakened to the reality that God had something quite different in mind for her and that he could and would accomplish his plans through her.
On the topic of trust it is Mary’s response that makes her the perfect example of full faith and trust. Look again at Luke 1verse 38, "I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me." What trust! What commitment! Oh, that there would be that type of trust in the church today. Mary’s response was that she lived to do God’s will. There was no argument, no complaining, no "But what will the neighbors say?" or "How will Joseph take the news?" Just reckless abandon.
When was the last time you trusted God enough to live in reckless abandon? When was the last time that you felt the tugging at your heart to help someone in need and you did so with out a thought? When was the last time your soul yearned for you to speak or sing God’s praises in public and with reckless abandon you sang, “Great is thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father.” When was the last time you put your reputation, your embarrassment, comfort zone, or money on the line for God? Why is it that we worry so much about what the neighbors say and forget about what God says?
When Mary heard the news she didn’t even think about what the neighbors had to say, and I imagine the neighbors had plenty to say, not just then, but for a long time afterward. Mary’s trust was such a shock to the man she was betrothed to that he considered breaking their engagement, but Mary did not consider her reputation with her neighbors or her relationship with Joseph. She was only concerned with her relationship with God. Mary trusted God.
Mary didn’t hang her head down and wallow in the worries of her circumstances. She didn’t act in fear of what Joseph would think about her or what others might say. Mary trusted that somehow God would take care of those matters, and even more important, she believed that what God had said would happen! His work would be done. She didn’t have a complete understanding of things, and I’m sure that she had more than a few questions along the way, but she knew who to trust.
After God’s revelation to her, Mary’s trust grew even greater, as she expressed her gratitude to him before Jesus was even born. She turned to an older, wiser woman of God who, without question, would understand and be able to share in her joy. She remembered her cousin, Elizabeth, and poured out her faith and her gratitude as she sang the song of her heart recorded in verses 46-55, "My soul exalts the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has had regard for the humble state of His handmaiden; For behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed. For the Mighty One has done great things for me; And holy is His name. AND HIS MERCY IS UPON GENERATION AFTER GENERATION TOWARD THOSE WHO FEAR HIM. He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart. He has brought down rulers from their thrones, And has exalted those who were humble. HE HAS FILLED THE HUNGRY WITH GOOD THINGS; AND SENT AWAY THE RICH EMPTY-HANDED. He has given help to Israel His servant, In remembrance of His mercy, As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and his offspring forever."
Mary had kept God’s Word in her heart for many years. She knew His promises throughout her family history. Here she was, an ordinary young woman, the one chosen by God to help accomplish his purpose in the world. Of course Mary sang a song of joy.
Today, God still calls us at surprising and unexpected times to accomplish his work in the world. His messages have a way of suddenly turning our lives upside down and right side up, and, like Mary, we can get caught a little off guard at first, stunned with the news before the gratitude sets in. What may appear for a few moments to be our whole undoing can turn out to be the greatest blessing we have ever experienced.
May the Lord, make us like Mary, trusting, risking, abandoning self , seizing the moment. May the Lord grant us courage to be reckless.
In the Grip of His Grace,
Pray for our friends in OK,KS.

Updates on Irene B.
mom is doing just great as I took her crafts to do ,and her candy molds and some c/chips to make today
P/T can't believe how crafty she is in light of all .But she a strong one as we all know. Getting her balance back and running up and down the halls with her walker
As she says love u all.

"May Jesus get the Glory for Linda's incredible healing and recovery!! Awesome news, because we have an AWESOME GOD!!!" JH

"Hello everyone!

On Sunday, at about 11:45, Andrew Guy Meilunas was born. For those of you that live far away, I could not call you from the hospital. My apologies. But on a very happy note, I'm doing great, the baby is great! He was born 5 pounds, 9 ounces. He is very content, nursing great, and letting me get at least a little bit of sleep. I'm going to take a nap now! I'll talk to most of you Sunday (If I make it!!)


"Br. Brown,

I always look for making it to 12/21. It's the darkest day of the year. I believe if I make it that far, I'm going to make it.

Only 10 more days in this winter in OKC after 3 in a row in Kauai.

Only limbs from trees downed for us. We have our heat and lights. The Lord's name be praised!

" Today I had my fifth treatment and I believe in miracles. Dr. Kloss said my blood counts were terrific; almost back to normal. I again am feeling very, very good and give all the glory and praise to Jesus. We continue to believe in the healing power of Jesus; if not, what else is there. Jo and I have our little battles with the enemy but God is faithful. Next week is my sixth and final treatment in this series then 2 weeks off. Please agree with us that there will be a complete cleansing and the next CAT scan is positive.
Please continue your prayers for Jo and me. Without them we're helpless.
God Bless you, each and every one.
Jack & Jo"

"Hi, from Ok

Thought I'd let you know that we are all safe….alittle cold, but spared much, compared to many!! Praise God! I have never seen such a mess…the trees are down everywhere, in everyone's neighborhoods….It is EXTREMELY bad!! Looks like a tornado hit ALL of TULSA and surrounding areas, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Bixby, Owasso….We took pictures, but they are on the camera at home. We will not have one tree left in our backyard after clean up. Hearing the branches as they snap, and the echo of it hitting…baboom…sends chills down you every time….We have power in some buildings at work. Alex, Martin, Alicia, Diana, Hannah & Joseph are staying with Martin's mother…she has power, Praise the Lord, and bless her, she has EVERYONE there…filled to the Brim! Desiree & Jason in Stroud are without power also, but they do have a wood burning stove. Power is out from Oklahoma City up past Tulsa….it is one of those incredible storms…impacting many! The Power company is saying power will be on by 12/18….WE are PRAYING for much sooner, thankyou for agreeing in prayer with me on that!!

OKLAHOMA & every resident could use your prayers!

Julia "

" Pastor Brown,

Thank you for your beautiful message of 12/7. I so enjoy all of your writings.
Thanks for the time you put into it.

God bless you,

Judy "

"Thank you both for sharing your message and sharing the message of my father's heart with others. We appreciate you.

Blessings, Luanne"

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