Friday, August 21, 2015

Brown's Daily Word 8/21/15

   It has been very warm and muggy the last two days.  The cool and refreshing winds are blowing, making hearts glad and jubilant.  The Lord blessed the church-community wide dinner on Wednesday.  The food was overly abundant and the fellowship was sweet.  People came with anticipation and left the dining hall with thanksgiving.  I stopped by the local center where seniors congregate for luncheon.  I met some sweet and beautiful people who were sharing fellowship and a delicious meal, and I was invited graciously to join them.  I left the center blessed and loved. 

    Through Wednesday we were having hot and sultry weather.  Yesterday the clouds began to gather and thicken, portending the coming of the storm.  It rained very heavily here yesterday, but the air has been refreshed by it.    


    Yesterday I was watching News Conference by President Jimmy Carter.  He shared about his health concern.  He also shared that it has been a life filled all blessings all the days of his life.  He will be 91 years this year.  He talked about his family, his faith in the Lord Jesus, and his family farm.  He talked about being a husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather.  He testified about the mission and ministry of the Carter Center, which blesses millions of people around the world.  It was a heart warming news conference.


    Soon after that I read an article by Ann Graham Lotz, the daughter of Dr. Billy Graham.  She wrote about the death of her husband of 49 years.  She said that her husband loved the Lord and served Him.  What a way to live and what a way to serve the Lord in the world today.  The people who love the Lord and serve Him with a passion and dedication make a mega-difference in the world.


    We are preparing for the upcoming Sunday morning worship, witness, and celebration, beginning at 11:00 AM.  We are excited about it.  Alice and I will be celebrating our fortieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, so we are planning for a time of fellowship and celebration after worship, with a dinner reception with our church family and friends.  There will be lots of foods, many with an international flavor, which may include some "bizarre foods America".  We praise the Lord for His faithfulness, His grace, and His tender mercies.  Forty years ago we were joined in marriage on a Saturday evening in the little church in Smyrna, New York where Alice was raised and nurtured in Jesus' love.  In retrospect, we marvel at how the Lord has kept us in the grip of His grace and in the hollow of His hand.  Indeed, we can truly say, "(our) cup runneth over". 


      Looking back to the early days of the Christian movement, G. Campbell Morgan  a British Clregyman, remarked that “the church did the most for the world when the church was the least like the world.”  When Paul wrote to the young church in Ephesus, he knew they were an island of light in a city filled with darkness.  How could that tiny band of believers make a difference in the cosmopolitan metropolis that was home to the world-famous Temple of Artemis?  In Ephesians 5:8-14, Paul gave his answer: "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light” (v. 8).  This is a beautiful picture of conversion.


    Coming to Christ is like walking from the darkness into a room filled with blazing light.  Once we come out of the darkness, we see things we never saw before. When we lived in the darkness, we did whatever we wanted to do, but in the light, we must put off the deeds of darkness and put on a lifestyle befitting the children of the light.


    Verse 9 spells this out: “For the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth.”  Goodness touches on how we deal with others. Righteousness involves a new commitment to obey God’s commands.  Truth demands a deep commitment to live with integrity.  When we walk in the light we are no longer free agents, making our own moral choices as we go along.  As Christians we believe something stupendous that the world does not understand at all.  We believe there is a God in heaven who has spoken, that His Word is authoritative, and that He has the absolute right to determine our moral choices,  how we conduct our business affairs, how we spend our money, and all the other choices we make in life.  Obviously the world finds this strange, somewhat mysterious, possibly antisocial and borderline dangerous. Plan to be in the Lords House coming Sunday, to Him singing and shouting praises .  When saints sing and praise Satan trembles.

"They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death."
 Rev 12:11

In Christ,


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