We are planning for my Birthday Banquet reception on
Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 12 noon. It will be held at the Fellowship Hall
of the Union Center United Methodist Church, 128 Maple Drive. This will be
great time of fellowship and celebration. This is a personal invitation to you
and your family. We are looking forward to seeing you there. It was
another great night of Harvest Moon last night. Alice and I walked, thanking
the Lord for this Wonderful World and thanking Him for the promise of the
Eternal City.
Gilbert K.
Chesterton, the British poet, essayist, novelist and journalist was dubbed by
many as "the Prince of Paradox." Chesterton was a professed Christian who once
made the spiritual observation that in the house of life many people are content
to live in the cellar. In fact, they seem to assume that the cellar is the only
room in the house.
I think
we can figure out exactly what he was saying. There are many who live out their
lives in the dusty, musty chambers of the basement of life. They live where
there is little vision of what life is really all about. When someone becomes a
Christian, however, they are moved upstairs to enjoy the quarters of the
Heavenly Father.
Out of the
life of the great Scottish preacher, George H. Morrison, there comes a story of
a woman who lived in the cellar when she first went to hear him preach.
Morrison, one of the great preachers of all time, was a great expositor of the
Word. As she listened to his exposition of the Gospel, she became converted.
Some time later, someone noted that she had moved to an upstairs flat. In her
well kept yard now there were flowers. A song regularly came from her little
flat. When someone asked her about her move out of the cellar, she replied in
her rich Scottish brogue, "Well, you can't live in a cellar and listen to George
Morrison preach!"
We are called and sent out
to live upstairs because Jesus' resurrection makes it
possible. It is written: "Seek the things that are above and
not the things of the earth" (Colossians
"And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, That I may not cause pain.' So God granted him what he requested." (1 Chronicles 3:10)
That's living
In Christ the Great Shepherd