Friday, May 14, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 5-14-10

Praise the Lord for this Friday. Sunday's coming, when we all have the privilege to gather in the house of the Lord for worship. Praise the Lord for all the days that the Lord gives us to live, to glorify Him, and to enjoy Him. Those who live in the area, please join us for our Television outreach this evening on Time Warner Channel 4 at 7 PM. Tomorrow, Saturday, we will gather at Wesley UMC at 1000 Day Hollow Road at 5:30 PM for food, fellowship, and witness. Jeff Vansyckle will be speaking and sharing his testimony. It is always a great blessing to come together to share the blessings of Christ and His Church.
Praise the Lord for the early Church fathers like St. Augustine, who wrote:
"Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used, or using anything that ought to be worshiped."
Many people live only for earthly pleasures that cannot satisfy their deepest longings. Millions of people vainly pursue money, fame, power, prestige, or pleasures in futility. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." (Matthew 5:6)
We read in Judges 17 that Micah stole 1,100 piece of silver from his mother and, when he heard her condemning him, he panicked. He was forced to return the money out of fear of being cursed. Micah gave in to his fears of the powers of evil forces.
When the son returned the silver his mother said, "Blessed be my son by the Lord. I wholly dedicate the silver to the Lord for my son to make a graven image." (Judge. 17:3) Micah’s mother responded with a blessing because she was both a thief and an idol worshipper in her heart. She paid the idol maker 200 silver pieces for the idols and gave them to Micah, but kept 900 piece of silver. (In those days, 10 pieces of silver was equal to an entire year’s salary). She went back on her promise to the Lord and gave in to idol worship.
Many people throughout history, have vainly placed their trust in idols. The Greeks used to sacrifice an ox to the god of the flies. The Egyptians worshipped insects, such as beetles. The Phoenicians chained the images of their idols to their altars so their gods would not fly away. Idol worshippers in Rome made charms out of the intestines of sheep. (Just think about that one for a moment). Even Plato, the father of philosophy, thought the stars needed pastures to get their food for nourishment. However, this is not God's design for us. God said, "You shall have no other gods before Me!" (Exodus 20:3) This is a very great commandment.
Though we do not face a pantheon of false gods as the Israelites did, we face pressures from a pantheon of false values -- materialism, love of leisure, sensuality, worship of self, security, and many others. The second commandment deals with idols. This may be something that most of us don't think we can relate to -- unless we include life goals that revolve around something other than God Himself. What is the object of our affections, our efforts, and our attention? Where does the majority of our time go? On what do we spend the greatest amount of our resources?
In Scripture, Micah’s mother failed to teach her son Godly values. She provided a poor example for the entire family. Without Godly parental examples children are likely to seek after some idol to find satisfaction.

In Christ

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 5-13-10

Praise the Lord for this new day. The Lord blessed us with a beautiful evening yesterday during our Wednesday evening gathering. We had a young lady from Binghamton University who joined us for the Bible study; she is from China. This young woman is a new believer in Christ. She came with a couple that works with university students reaching them for Jesus. Praise the Lord for those who are reaching people around the corner and around the globe.
Today is Ascension Day. It is forty days after Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. In Acts 1 we read that our Risen Lord gave instruction to His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received the power from on high so that they would become His witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria, and to the outer parts of the world. Praise the Lord for His Church that is witnessing to His glory and grace through words and deed all over the world. The Apostle Paul was one of those who got such a glorious vision of Jesus that he went on witnessing and serving Christ.
Though growing wearier by the hardships, Paul used the difficulties to build a richer resolution to continue in Christ till the end. Paul wrote, “Be steadfast knowing your labors are not in vain in the Lord.” ( I Corinthians 15:58) Many things are done in vain, but service for Jesus is never in vain. Paul’s difficult missionary journeys prepared him to face more complicated challenges that elevated him to the highest halls of human leadership.
After years of service in South Africa, the famous missionary Robert Moffat returned to Scotland to recruit helpers. When he arrived at the church one cold wintry night, he was dismayed that only a small group had come out to hear him. What bothered him even more was that the only people in attendance were ladies. Although he was grateful for their interest, he had hoped to challenge men. He had chosen as his text Proverbs 8:4, "Unto you, O men I call." In his discouragement he almost failed to notice one small boy in the loft pumping the bellows of the organ. Moffat felt frustrated as he gave the message, for he realized that very few women could be expected to undergo the rigorous life in undeveloped jungles. But God works in mysterious ways.
Although no one volunteered that evening, the young fellow assisting the organist was deeply moved by the challenge. As a result, he promised God he would follow in the footsteps of this pioneer missionary, and he remained true to his vow. When he grew up, he went to Africa, where he ministered to the un-reached tribes. His name was David Livingstone! Moffat never ceased to wonder that his appeal which he had intended for men had stirred a young boy, who eventually became a mighty power for God.
When you go to London and visit the glorious and famous Westminster Abbey, as you enter the cathedral first you will see the tomb of the unkinown soldier, and next to that tomb is the tomb of Davivd Livingston.
Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of those who have gone before us . It is our desire and prayer that those who come after us might find us faithful.

In Jesus Christ the Faithful One.


Some of you have asked about the wedding pictures of daughter Jessica. Here is the link from Amber for our online galleries:

Click on the web site
Then "clients"
Then there are three galleries with the following passwords:
(all lowercased)

My daily devotionals are posted in my webpage by our dear friend Julie in Oklahoma.
"Your web page is now www.brownnaik.blogspot.com

So, you’ll need to tell everyone we had to add blogspot into your address.

If you copy and paste the address into an email, tell them this is where you are now located and to save as a favorite, or when they open the link they can click on the orange blogger icon and drag it to their desktops"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 5-12-10

Praise the Lord that we serve a God who is living, loving, and awesome in every way. He restores, He renews, and He refreshes. He makes all things new. He makes all things beautiful. Though Satan comes to steal and to destroy, our Lord comes give life and He gives it abundantly.
At times someone will call the church and leaves a desperate message on voice mail – will your church pray for us; we are having severe marital problems? Or, you may be in line at the bank and the teller asks you to pray for her because her mother is dying. Did you ever wonder why people ask you to pray for them? Can you remember the last time someone asked you to pray for them and you had every intention in the world of praying for them? Then your schedule got busy and eventually you realized that you forgot to pray for them.
When you think of the great people of prayer in Scripture whom do you think of?
Abraham? Moses? David? Elijah? Daniel? The Apostle Paul? Or what great people of prayer in Christian history (since Bible Times) would we think of? Would it be George Mueller or Hudson Taylor?
When we consider people of prayer from Bible times we probably don’t include Job, but God did. The life of Job as portrayed in the Book of Job begins with beauty and ends with beauty. God recognized Job to be a great man of prayer. The Book of Job begins with him interceding for his children, and it ends with him interceding for his 3 friends. Between the two incidents, Job endured intense suffering at the hands of Satan and unjust accusations from his 3 friends. Job was a godly man who served God and feared God. In spite of this he was not exempt from suffering. Knowing God, Serving God, and Loving God do not automatically grant an exemption from Suffering. Job demonstrated that in the OT. However, suffering in this world need not alter our status before God. He was “MY servant Job" before his suffering, and he is still “My servant Job.” In spite of Job's intense suffering and in spite of his questions, God still recognized him as “My servant Job.” God said, “My servant Job will pray for you and I will accept his prayer.” This was Job’s standing and status before God. Our status before God and our standing in Christ allows us the privilege to approach the throne of Grace in prayer.
E. M. Bounds wrote, "Almighty God knew his servant Job as a man of prayer, and he could afford to send these friends of Job to him to pray in order to carry out and fulfill his plans sand purposes.”
Here’s the Good News –“the Lord accepted Job’s prayer.” Job 42:9 So Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite did what the LORD told them; and the LORD accepted Job’s prayer. Isn’t it great to know that God accepts our prayers.
The Lord blesses us when we intercede for others. (Job 42:10" The LORD restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed, the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before. When we intercede God not only blesses those for whom we pray, he blesses us as well. Note that it was after Job prayed for his friends that God restored his fortunes. God saw that Job’s sufferings had not caused him to become so self-absorbed that he could not pray for others. He prayed for others even while he was still grieving and suffering. He prayed for others before God changed his own situation. His difficulties and unanswered questions had not caused him to give up on God or prayer. Note also that he did not try to strike a bargain with God. Neither did Job look at the men that God was asking him to pray for and say, “Nothing doing, these are the guys that have been falsely accusing me and heaping guilt upon me.” Apparently, it was out of a forgiving heart that Job was able to pray for his 3 friends. Job simply prayed for them and God heard, accepted, and answered Job’s prayer.
The apostle Paul modeled the same attitude, even while He was in prison in Rome. His prison letters are filled with prayers for other believers. Phil.1:9-11, "And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ--to the glory and praise of God."
While Paul was in prison and He never ceased to pray for others. The reason he could do this is because His life was Christ –centered and others oriented in spite of his personal situation. May Jesus draw us close to Him always that we might live Christ-centered and other oriented lives.
In Jesus our Lord,

Some of you have asked about the wedding pictures of daughter Jessica. Here is the link from Amber for our online galleries:

Click on the web site
Then "clients"
Then there are three galleries with the following passwords:
(all lowercased)

My daily devotionals are posted in my webpage by our dear friend Julie in Oklahoma.
"Your web page is now www.brownnaik.blogspot.com

So, you’ll need to tell everyone we had to add blogspot into your address.

If you copy and paste the address into an email, tell them this is where you are now located and to save as a favorite, or when they open the link they can click on the orange blogger icon and drag it to their desktops"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 5-11-10

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for this new day. I have been reading about the life and times of Samson. Sometimes it seems as though we are surrounded by waste. We are tired of hearing about all of the government waste that is out there. Another type of waste that is far too frequent and really hurts to see is the waste of people’s lives. To see people who have the potential to do great things give it all away or lose it for something stupid is a terrible tragedy.
I read the story Len Bias Several years ago. Len Bias graduated from the University of Maryland, where he was a star Basketball player, and he was the first pick of the Boston Celtics. Larry Bird was excited to have Len on his team and said he would take the young star under his wings. Len Bias looked to be a sure super star, but one night shortly after he was drafted by the Celtics Len decided to do a couple lines of cocaine to celebrate... well the party didn’t last long! The drugs led to heart failure and he died that night; what a waste, what a stupid senseless waste!
Len Bias was not the first person to waste his life. We see in the Scriptures many people who could have and should have, become "something", who were given tremendous opportunity but, for whatever reason, blew it. This list includes people like Cain (born to parents who walked with God and lived in the garden), Ham (Noah’s son who became the father of the Canaanites), Nadab and Abihu (Moses’s brother Aaron’s 2 sons who offered strange fire to the Lord and were consumed by God), King Saul (an anointed King of God who killed himself by falling on his own sword), and Judas (a man who spent 3 years with Jesus, who ended up hanging himself). All of these had tremendous opportunities and all of these are vivid examples of wasted potential.
When I was in the Middle School, one of the Local Churches presented the play, "Samson and Delilah". to raise funds to build a new sanctuary. I still remember the people who were the main characters Delilah". I was deeply fascinated by the story of Samson. We read the story of Samson in the Book of Judges chapter 13 ff. In my mind Samson epitomizes a sense of great waste in the Kingdom of God. Samson was not the last person who could have done something for God, but didn’t. If Samson were permitted to look at the lives of some of God’s people today, even his reaction would be, "WHAT A WASTE!"
If Samson and Gideon had gone to the same high school as kids, (let's call it "Jordan River High") the yearbook would have told the story and would have illustrated just how different they were. Samson would have been on nearly every page, strong handsome with his long curly hair. He would have been captain of all the sports teams, president of the student body, king for the homecoming court and he would have been voted most likely to do great and tremendous things. The only place you would have found Gideon would have been on the page with the other graduates, and they would have even spelled his name wrong. You could say that Samson was you "born with a silver spoon in his mouth". Samson had a lot of things going for him, but despite being given such a great start, Samson did not take very long to go astray.
Samson was a Nazirite, he had been set apart by God and for God. Samson did whatever he wanted he lived for himself and for his own pleasures. Samson went from bad to worse as his pride and arrogance grew. We find Samson in these chapters using his strength not for God’s glory but for himself, wanting to show everyone just how great he was.
And there stood the once great, mighty, and feared Samson with eyes missing, feet shackled, back bent over working hour after hour grinding grain like a mule. As Samson felt the whip rip across his back as heard the jeers and the mocking Samson did some serious thinking and reflecting.
There in the prison at Gaza he sorrowfully ground the grain of his enemies. Round and round he pushed the heavy wheel that ground the wheat. This was a mindless job, and he was blind so there was nothing to see. He had only a dirty cell and a lot of time to think—time to think about the good days at home as a child when they would pray at the dinner table—time to think about the foolishness of playing with sin and the consequence it had brought into his life.
In Judges 16:23 a ray of hope broke in, “But the hair on his head began to grow again…” That was symbolic of his repentance. That was indicative of his growing consecration to God. What amazing grace Samson discovered in that prison. He did not deserve a 2nd chance. He already had many chances and still blew it. But, in spite of his sin and failure, God was with him in that prison—not initially to empower him as before, but to lead him to repentance. The chastening was painful but also effectual. Samson got right with God!
As the Philistines led him into their pagan temple they did not realize the work of God that has gone on in this man’s life. They did not know a God of such grace. There ,with a broken and contrite spirit, Samson called out to the Lord for one final burst of anointing before his death. Empowered by the Spirit, he brought down the temple walls—and against all odds he completed his mission. He began the deliverance of Israel from the Philistines, which was later completed by Samuel and David.
It is amazing that Samson is listed in Hebrews 11:32 as a hero of faith. Was he a saint or a sinner? He was both, but by the grace of God he finished his course. I am certain he could have avoided a lot of pain and humiliation had he walked in obedience and never taken that trip down to Gaza in Judges 16:1. For twenty years God had blessed him. He could have enjoyed his latter days as ruler of Israel and fulfilled his destiny without that prison experience. But, oh, the riches of the mercy and goodness of God, that even there in the prison of Gaza God did not abandon him. He continued to work in his heart, and fulfilled His purposes in his life.
In His Amazing Grace,


Monday, May 10, 2010

Brown's Daily Word 5-10-10

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for the gift of family, the gift of moms, the gift of the church and above all for Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. He is the reason for our gathering , for our serving, for our celebrations, and for our worship. The Lord blessed us with an abundant weekend. We gathered for our banquet in celebration of Christian home. Krista and Cameron, culinary students from Johnson and Wales University, Rhode Island, prepared a sumptuous meal with much love. Our youth waited tables for the event and the Valley Four, a men's quartet, blessed with beautiful music.
We gathered for worship yesterday. Each woman and daughter was given a book by Ashley Smith "An Unlikely Angel". My wife, Alice, and our friend, Seanne McPherson, brought the message during the morning worship services. Two moms spoke on Mother's Day and it was a great blessing. Proverbs 31:10-31 (KJV), was part of the reading for yesterday. This passage is an acrostic poem; that is to say, each of the twenty-two (22) verses begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet! The opening words of our Scripture text, "Who can find a virtuous woman?" indicates to us that this Word from the Lord is telling us what Almighty God views as the "ideal" woman - the epitome (so-to-speak) of womanhood! The words "virtuous woman" speak to us of excellence, moral worth, ability, and nobility, not just marital fidelity! Such a woman, is the role model of "Wisdom in Action"! This passage of Scripture emphasizes both the hard work and the skill that a woman enjoys doing - bringing fulfillment to her life as she goes about employed in her many varied tasks!
The words "she riseth also while it is night" describes her concern for others! She gives of herself to care for her family! "She considers a field" says that she buys and sells and builds her own resources, remarkable words to describe a woman of the day, considering that many restrictions were placed on women in the ancient world ! The virtuous woman works not to get rich, but to give "to the poor" and help "the needy."
The virtuous woman is enabled to be concerned for others because she has provided for her family! The virtuous woman is a Godly woman and our Scripture text paints her portrait as a woman shaded in strength, colored with intelligence, high-lighted in competence, radiating business acumen and industriousness, glowing with glory and beauty! The virtuous woman is an example, I believe, of what Almighty God intended when he created "Eve" to walk alongside and with the first Adam!
The virtuous woman, the Godly woman, is clearly a partner and a companion to her husband, not his inferior, not at his "beck and call"! This description that Almighty God gives to us of a virtuous woman is designed to show us what kind of wives the women should become and what kind of wives the men should choose!
An abbreviated version of our Scripture text, for today, can be found in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 (KJV) and 1 Peter 3:1-6 (KJV), both of which agree with Proverbs 31:10-31 (KJV). The virtuous woman is a woman of strength, and though she is the weaker vessel, yet she is made strong by wisdom and grace, and the fear of Almighty God. The Apostle Paul, in his second letter to the young preacher, Timothy, (2 Timothy 1:5 KJV), told him, "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother, Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also." A devout Jewish woman, Lois instructed both her daughter, Eunice, and her grandson, Timothy, in the Scriptures! Eunice, also a devout Jewish woman, with a Gentile husband, assisted her mother, Lois, in the spiritual instruction afforded to her son, Timothy!
In the words of Marianne Williamson, "There is nothing Madison Avenue can give us that will make us more beautiful women. We are beautiful because God created us that way."
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865) said, "No man is poor who has a Godly Mother."
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 (KJV)
In Christ our Lord,
