Saturday, June 3, 2017

Brown's Daily Word 6/3/17

     Thanks be to Jesus, the author of life and the giver of all perfect and good gifts to His people.  We are undeserving of these blessings and gifts.  They indeed are unmerited.  We woke up this morning to a wonderful new day.  It is indeed one of the ten best days of June. The unhurried Sun is playing hide and and seek amid glorious clouds.  Alice and I drove back to Marathon yesterday,  We left Boston around 9:30 AM and arrived in Marathon around 2.45 PM.  The drive on the Mass Pike and Interstate 88 was pleasant and  beautiful. There were flowering trees along the Highway all the way from Boston to Binghamton, studded with brilliant flowers.  The landscape along the median was lush with spring and summer flowers.  The  mountains and hills were luscious green.  Praise the Lord for the way He decorates the endless mountains with endless beauty.  Praise the Lord He has blessed us with eyes to see the beauty, hearts to love Him, and minds to ponder about His goodness and all about His loving kindness.  Soon after we arrived home Alice rushed to a retirement gathering presented by  the Marathon Teachers Association.  She returned blessed and honored.  The Lord blessed our time in Boston.  He provided for every need and beyond. Janice, Jeremy Micah, Simeon, and Ada went on their first summer camping adventure of the year to a very rustic and wild campground.

   This morning I needed tech support for my AOL.  I called the support line and connected to the tech support team in Romania (Europe).  They were competent, caring and brilliant.  I told them that that they had an accent.. They retorted back, "you have accent".  We got along well. Tech support got to the root of my problem and fixed it with much grace.

     A friend has ploughed and prepared a big garden ares for us for the Summer of 2017. We are excited about the gardening season.   Praise the Lord for the good earth the Lord created for His people.

     We are getting ready for worship services tomorrow, Pentecost Sunday, the day that the Christian Church was first endued with the Holy Spirit.  They were emboldened, and propelled into the world to turn the world right side up and upside down. The church of Jesus Christ was a small "start up company" consisting of fishermen, recovered tax collectors, and just common people like just like us.  Jesus, the Lord of the Church and the king of all nations, used this "start up company " centered in Jerusalem to move into the low places and High places all over the world to transform the world.  Jesus promised, "Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell can not prevail against it".  It is this Promise of Jesus that propels and compels us to "preach the Good News to the poor... to proclaim the release to the captives... to set at liberty to those who are oppressed... and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord".  Luke 4.  Let us all plan to be in the House of the Lord wherever we might be tomorrow. We will meet for Sunday School at 9.30AM and for worship at 10.30 AM. We will havea  church wide fellowship hour following the worship time.

     We are at home now, gearing up for the big event for July 1 - Alice's retirement party (and all other reasons we have for celebrating).  Praise the Lord for all of our friends and family who are set to prepare foods, serve, and share.  We will gather at the Marathon Civic Center at 4:00 PM, with the buffet to be served at 5:00 PM.  It is going to be a beautiful day; the fellowship will be sweet, the food delicious, and the dessert decadent.  Thank you for making time to be there with us.  Jesus is Lord.  He is the host at every banquet.  He is the Lord of all.

 In Christ,
