Friday, July 13, 2007

Urgent Prayer Request from Brown 7-13-07

Dear Friends,

I am writing to ask for prayers for our oldest daughter, Janice. She came home from the hospital on Tuesday with little Simeon. Last night she was admitted to the hospital for severe abdominal pain. The doctors initially thought they could rule out appendicitis and sent her home this morning. After a second look at her CT scan though, the doctors are now saying she might in fact have appendicitis. She had an appointment with a surgeon today and is now again at home. The doctors are waiting to see how she feels and if the pain, which has temporarily subsided, comes back again.

So I am asking for you to pray for Janice- that the doctors would have a definitive diagnosis. Also pray for Janice and Jeremy that they would have strength, after being at the hospital all night, to deal with this on top of taking care of Micah and Simeon. Alice is still in Boston for the time being, so pray that she would have the energy to be mom and grandma and all that that requires.

In Christ,