Friday, January 30, 2009

Brown's Daily Word & India update 1-30-09

Good Morning,
Praise the Lord! It is Friday and Sunday is coming. It has been a very cold and wintry January. It has been brutally cold. We did not see any lasting January thaw. Our friends in Oklahoma have been dealing with severe ice storms, causing power failures. It is the beginning of the Spring season in Orissa, India. This coming Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday here in the USA. I follow the Steelers. The Schools in Pittsburgh have two hours delay this coming Monday so that the teachers and students can party late.
We are getting ready for worship and celebration this Sunday. I will be preaching from Mark 1:21 ff. on casting out demonic spirits - "When Demons Go to Church". Those of you who live in this area, please join us tonight for our Television outreach on Cable Channel 4 at 7 PM.
The Lectionary readings for the Epiphany season were taken from Jonah, the reluctant prophet. The Lord God, who is mighty and merciful, used a two by four to woo Jonah back to Himself. Jonah found himself between a rock and hard place. He began to pray as he had never prayed before. The Lord gave Jonah a second chance. Failure is never final. Failure is not a person. Failure is an event. Jonah was resuscitated and restored, a foretaste of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Jonah made a U-Turn. That is real repentance. Then, he went on his short-term foreign mission. The Lord gave him His favor so that there was great revival. The people heard the message and they all repented. Even the cattle and the pets repented. There was radical revival. There was great Awakening.
The nations of the world need that kind of revival today. We are facing a global Crisis. I call it the Global Tsunami. It is a wonderful time to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ our Lord and make disciples for Him. It is an exciting time to be alive and belong to the church of Jesus Christ.
The people of Nineveh heard the Message, they believed, and they repented. The Lord healed their land. Something began to happen in Jonah. Rather than becoming joyful and grateful, anger and resentment stirred within him. He made no bones about it. He had never wanted the Ninevites to repent. That is why he ran away to begin with. He knew that God would have compassion on them and relent in sending the calamity Jonah thought they deserved. Jonah felt an unholy anger.
Jonah was so angry, in fact, that he preferred to die rather than watch this revival of repentance among the Ninevites. Most scholars agree that at the core of Jonah's feelings was a racial prejudice in his heart. God questioned him, "Have you any right to be angry?"
We can thank God that the Bible is honest enough to deal with these very real issues. Our childish nature within the human family is all too familiar and makes for a story that has often been repeated in history. For example, the Jews grew to hate the Samaritans, their closest Scriptural and geographical neighbors. In the early church, the Greek speaking Jews resented the Hebrew speaking Jews. Later, the Jewish followers of Jesus resented the Gentile followers of Jesus. Still later, the Gentile followers of Jesus rejected the Jewish followers of Jesus!
In our sinful nature we somehow find ways to resent, reject, and even hate our church family because God wants to be gracious to them as well. There are people who claim the name of God who resent that fact that God wants to save people of another race, nation or culture.
It can hit close to home when we least expect it. Have you ever become angry because God was gracious to someone that you did not like? Have you ever bristled that God would show grace toward a particular group that is different from you? Jesus made it clear that God has every right to give grace to the workers invited to His vineyard in any way He would please (Matthew 20:1-16).
The fundamental question is this: Do we have a right to be angry at God because of the blessing He gives to others? Do we have a right to be angry because of the grace and salvation that is offered to others?
Help us Jesus!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 1-29-09

Good Morning,
One of the great blessings of this life is being a grand father. (A very young grandfather, I might add.) Our granddaughter calls me on a regular basis on her mommy's cell phone. She told me yesterday evening that she had a great day. Her daddy was coming home soon from work. She was going get a bath, eat her supper, read her Bible, and go to bed... She asks me often, "How are you doing, grandpa? What are you doing? Are you in your study? Where is grand mom? Are you home by yourself? Are you hanging out with yourself? Have a good time in the church." Simeon cannot talk very well yet. He just listens to me talk over the phone. He just says, "Uh, ooh".
One of Micah's favorite hymns is, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". She knows all the words by heart. This hymn was composed by Robert Robinson . Robert Robinson was just a small boy when his dad died, and this meant that he had to go to work while still very young. Without a father to guide him, he fell in with a bad crowd of friends. One day his gang harassed a drunken gypsy. Pouring more whiskey into her, they demanded she tell their fortunes for free. Turning to the young Robert Robinson, the bleary-eyed gipsy fortune-teller pointed a quivering finger and said, “And you, young man, you will live to see your children and your grandchildren.” Robert Robinson suddenly paled and said, “You’re right. She’s too drunk to know what she’s saying. Leave her alone. Let’s go.” But her words haunted him the rest of the day. “If I’m going to live to see my children and grandchildren,” he thought, “I’ll have to change my way of living.” That very night, half in fun and half seriously, he took his gang to an open air revival service nearby where the famous evangelist, George Whitfield, was preaching. “We’ll go down and laugh at the poor deluded Methodist,” he explained. Two years and seven months after hearing that sermon, twenty-year-old Robert Robinson made his peace with God, and “found full and free forgiveness through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.” Joining the Methodists and feeling the call to preach, the self-taught Robinson was appointed by John Wesley to the Calvinist Methodist Chapel, Norfolk, England. There, for the celebration of Pentecost (Whitsunday) in 1858, three years after his marvelous conversion, he penned his spiritual autobiography in the words of this hymn. Come, Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy, never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet Sung by flaming tongues above… He preached for many years until he came to a hard place in his life and then left his church because of unfair accusations. That deeply hurt him and he walked away from his faith and became very lonely, deeply angry and extremely critical in his old age. One day as a miserable man, he was riding in a stagecoach and a lady sitting across from him apologized to him for singing, “Come Thou fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace…." And then Robert said, “Lady, I am the poor unhappy man who wrote that hymn many years ago, and I would give a thousand worlds to enjoy the feelings I had then.” At the end of his life, coming back to his faith, he said, “I lost that great emotion because I failed to flame the embers of love in order to keep joy burning bright in my life.” How joyous will our lives be at the end of life’s journey? This is one of the most probing and personal questions that could be asked of every single one of us ! Do you know someone whose joy has gone sour – their living in a tower of bitterness and over- powered by emptiness? Will this be your existence some day? William Barclay said that, “A gloomy Christian is a contradiction in terms, and nothing in all religious history has done Christianity more harm than its connection with black clothes and long faces.” C.S. Lewis wrote, “It is not so much the joy of the Lord we are seeking as the Lord of joy Himself.” In Acts 16:25, 26 it is written, “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.” Remember what Robert Robinson said, “I lost that great emotion because I failed to flame the embers of love in order to keep joy burning bright in my life.” May the Lord of Joy infuse His Joy into us so that we can declare that the Joy of the Lord is our strength.
In His Joy,


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 1-28-09

Good Morning,
We are waking up to another wintry day. They are forecasting a foot of fresh snowfall for much of Upstate. It is a beautiful day. Alice is taking down Christmas trees and listening to the Christmas Carols.
In his book, "None of These Diseases", S.I. McMillen tells a story of a young woman who desperately wanted to go to a particular college. When the application for admission arrived, her heart sank when she read one unexpected question. The form asked quite directly, "Are you a leader?" She struggled with this question for some time, but being both honest and conscientious she finally wrote, "No," and returned the application, expecting the worst. To her surprise, she received this letter from the college, "Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college will have 1,452 new leaders. We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower." When it comes to being a Christian, there is but one leader, and His name is Jesus. When we respond to his call it means that we follow Him; making Him our Lord, our Savior, our mentor, our guide, and our teacher. Yet, the call of God does not stop here. This call to “come and follow” carries with it an invitation “to become like Jesus.” We are called to a life of servant ministry. One day a pastor was having a conversation with a member of his congregation when the parishioner said, “You preachers talk a lot about ‘do unto others,' but when you get right down to it, it comes down to basin theology.” The pastor asked, “Basin theology? What’s that?” The layman said, “Remember what Pilate did when he had the chance to acquit Jesus? He called for a basin and washed his hands of the whole thing. But Jesus, the night before His death, called for a basin and proceeded to wash the feet of the disciples. It all comes down to basin theology.”[ii] I wonder which basin you and I use most often? As Christians we have been called to follow and to serve, but God’s calling does not stop here. God’s call extends into the most personal and private aspects of our life. When God called Samuel, what was He intending by it? Samuel was asleep. God roused him from a night of slumber. It could be argued the most vulnerable moments of our lives are when we are asleep. Have you ever had someone take a picture of you when you were sleeping. It’s not something we would like to see posted on the Internet. You cannot get much more personal than that can you.
God’s call is a call to follow, to serve, and to live a life of holiness. . . Chuck Colson said it well in his book, "Loving God", when he wrote, Holiness is the everyday business of every Christian. It evidences itself in the decisions we make and things we do, hour by hour, day by day.” We have been called! We are called to follow, called to serve, and called to holy living.
In His Grace,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brown's Daily Word 1-27-09

Good Morning,
Praise the Lord for this new day. One of the readings for last Sunday was taken from the book of Jonah the reluctant prophet. We all have heard sermons from the book of Jonah on the futility of running from Almighty God, yet we all have done it at some time in our lives, myself included! We do not have to board a ship and head for a distant port - we simply do it with our minds and our hearts! We actually tune out the "still small voice" of Almighty God! We ignore His voice calling us to His service! Jesus, the Christ, referred to the story of Jonah and the great fish when He said to the Pharisees in Matthew 12:39-41 (NLT): "...Only an evil, faithless generation would ask for a miraculous sign; but the only sign I will give them is the sign of the Prophet Jonah. (v. 40) For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so, I, the Son of Man, will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. (v. 41) The people of Nineveh will rise up against this generation on Judgment Day and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah. And now someone greater than Jonah is here - and you refuse to repent." Jonah’s "revival" was a resounding success as every single person, even the king himself, had repented! You must know that anytime someone can get a politician to repent, he has accomplished something! Jonah should have been ecstatic that every single heart had been changed. However, look at what he did next! In Jonah 3:10 (NLT), we read, "When God saw that they had put a stop to their evil ways, He had mercy on them and didn’t carry out the destruction He had threatened." Then, in Jonah 4:1-4 (NLT), we read, "This change of plans upset Jonah, and he became very angry. (v. 2) So he complained to the Lord about it: ’Didn’t I say before I left home that You would do this, Lord? That is why I ran away to Tarshish! I knew that You were a gracious and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. I knew how easily You could cancel Your Plans for destroying these people. (v. 3) J ust kill me now, Lord! I’d rather be dead than alive because nothing I predicted is going to happen.’ (v. 4) The Lord replied, ’Is it right for you to be angry about this?’" Jonah was angry because Almighty God had changed His Mind about destroying Nineveh, and God simply confronted Jonah about his anger. The late great Scottish satirical writer, essayist, historian, and teacher, Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881), once said, "And Jonah stalked to his shaded seat and waited for God to come around to his way of thinking...And God is still waiting for a host of Jonahs to come around to His [God’s] way of loving." Almighty God even loved Jonah - hard heart and all! His Grace is sufficient for all!

In His Amazing Grace,

Monday, January 26, 2009

Brown's Daily Word & India update 1-26-09

Good morning,
Praise the Lord for this new day, at the start of a new week. I trust that you had a beautiful and blessed weekend in worship and witness. Our good friend, Warren Ayer, preached yesterday at both services. Following the service we gathered for a church-wide birthday party at which we sat together by birth month. Food was festive and fellowship was fun. One of the hymns that we sang speaks of Christ's great provision for us. "Finest bread I will provide 'til their hearts be satisfied." He provided for us the finest bread - His word - and then we continued feasting on the riches of His grace at the banqueting table. Praise the Lord for the many talented and gifted who cooked foods with an international flair with such generosity and love. Special thanks to Robin and Ray Bartholomew who, together with the youth, orchestrated and coordinated the entire event.
One of my favorite passages of Scripture is taken from II Corinthians 4. I learned this first from my uncle. The apostle Paul said of his own ministry, “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). Paul’s reminder to the Corinthian Church was that the power of ministry comes not from human fullness but God’s faithfulness, not from our own goodness but God’s grace.
Recently I read about Ben Perea, who is the Founder, leader, fundraiser, program manager, primary – and sometimes only – volunteer and full-time cheerleader. A genial man, born and raised in Pueblo, Colorado, who has now retired from his career as a contractor, Ben does not present as a man of worldly power. He is a “jar of clay,” a man who has made himself available to the Lord's service. Like Paul before him, God is at work in and through him to reveal an all-surpassing power.
Seven years ago Ben Perea was invited to visit an orphanage in Chihuahua, Mexico. Little did he realize that this visit would change his life forever. The trip from Pueblo, Colorado to Chihuahua, Mexico seemed far, sixteen hours of driving, but the trip to the orphanage seemed farther still, as it took Ben into another world. Ben speaks passionately of his first reaction to the plight of the orphans he encountered:
"When I arrived I saw a group of children inside a broken down van and I asked what they were doing there. The reply was that they were looking for something that was edible. As curious as I was, I looked inside and to my surprise I could not believe what I saw. They had just given them a van load of food that was not even fit for the pigs to eat! I was shocked to see little children with nothing to eat and very little clothes or shoes. With tears in my eyes, I lifted up my head to Heaven and cried, “God, how could you allow these little children to go through such suffering? Do something."
It has been seven years since Ben began his ministry as an “angel” to the children of Chihuahua. During these past seven years, Ben estimates, he has visited the children almost 100 times, bringing hundreds of tons of food, dozens and dozens of closets full of clothing, warehouses full of building supplies. His list of accomplishments are difficult to imagine coming from one man: the purchase of two acres of land, the planting of fruit trees on the land, the building of a chapel in which to worship God, the building of a small dwelling to house the family who oversees the orphanage, the building of a two story multi-purpose building containing rooms for the children as well as classroom space and even a computer training area!
Ben’s list of “accomplishments” cannot be measured in mere buildings, however. The impact he has made on the families of the destitute neighborhood in which the orphanage is located is beyond measure, for he has renewed their faith, given them hope and inspired them to love.
Maria Guzman Arana is a portly woman who is married and who has seven children. Three years ago Mrs. Arana’s husband, Salvador, was diagnosed with a brain tumor; he could not work and had no access to the surgical care required to save his life. Though busy with building priorities that demanded adequate shelter be built for the children, Ben was not too busy to help Mr. Arana. By selling handmade, toy scorpions made out of scrap metal, Ben was able to raise enough money for Mr. Arana to see a doctor. Yet for three long years, the Arana’s had to wait, without work, without welfare, scratching and searching for ways to feed their children. In a thank you note addressed to Ben and translated into English, Mrs. Arana writes:
"I give a million thanks to God our Lord, that He put you in our path Brother Benji. We are succeeding now because you have helped us with clothing, shoes and, above all, food. If it had not been for you, my children would not have gone to school. You have been like a second father for children in need.
"I am grateful with all my heart to Christ Jesus. May God watch over you. May He always accompany you on your trips to the United States. May He always be your doctor, your companion and your mechanic. I also pray that God will watch over all the Americans that help you and may He multiply them a thousand times over for all they send."
Ben would argue vehemently against giving himself any credit for the help offered to families like the Guzman Aranas or to the children of the Guardian Angels orphanage:
"God always has an answer and a plan. He allowed me to go and see and feel and expose myself to the children’s plight, to move me into action and concern. It would have been difficult for me to become motivated to help these children without first seeing and feeling their needs. This was God’s answer: getting me there to share this great responsibility with him."
It has not always been easy for Ben to be the jar of clay through whom God shows forth his all-surpassing power. Like the apostle Paul before him, Ben has experienced difficulties and dilemmas both expected and unexpected. They include the constant requirement to raise money, the recruitment of volunteers, the wear and tear on his truck. He even experienced the time his brakes broke down in Mexico while he was without a cell phone, credit card, or enough money to call home! Through it all Ben has persevered. Like the apostle Paul before him, Ben has discovered not only the all-surpassing power of God but the all-sustaining power of God:
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed…All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 15-18)
Thanks be to Jesus,

Mon, 26/01/2009 - 10:55am GCIC congratulates Sr. Nirmala
Global council of Indian Christians(GCIC) congratulates Sr. Nirmala and all others honoured on the occasion of 60th anniversary of Indian republic.
Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission Anil Kakodkar, who played a key role in finalising the India-U.S. civil nuclear cooperation agreement; Indian Space Research Organisation chief G. Madhavan Nair, involved in the first Chandrayaan mission; Sister Nirmala, Superior General of Mother Teresa's Kolkata-based Missionaries of Charities; and noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna are among the 10 distinguished personalities honoured with Padma Vibhushan, the country's second highest civilian award, on the 60th Republic Day.In all, 133 personalities from various fields were named on Sunday, including 10 for Padma Vibhushan, 30 for Padma Bhushan and 93 for Padma Shri.
Sister Nirmala, age 63, is Mother Teresa's successor as Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity. Born in Ranchi in 1934 to a Brahmin soldier who came from Nepal, Nirmala Joshi joined the order at the age of 17, after converting from Hinduism. Her sister, too, embraced Christianity and became a Carmelite nun. After joining the Missionaries of Charity, Sister Nirmala studied law at the insistence of Mother Teresa, who often took her along during her tours abroad. The Mother's confidence in her abilities was evident when she asked Sister Nirmala to open their homes in Panama, New York and Kathmandu.
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Mon, 26/01/2009 - 9:01am GCIC celebrates the 60th Republic Day of India
As we celebrate our 60th year of transition from a British dominion to an independent republic, we would like to salute the makers of our great constitution. We are proud to have one of the best written constitutions in the world - one which guarantees Justice, Liberty and Equality for each and every Indian regardless of religion, sex, caste, creed, social or economic status. We are proud to be Indian and wish all our brothers and sisters a Happy Republic Day!
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Sun, 25/01/2009 - 6:18pm Self-styled moral brigade attacks women in Mangalore pub
Bangalore, 25th Jan-09:Activists of a Sri Rama Sene barged into a pub in Mangalore on Saturday and bashed up a few young girls for "violating traditional Indian norms", police said...
Activists of a self-styled pro-Hindu moral brigade called Sri Rama Sene barged into a pub in the coastal city of Mangalore on Saturday and bashed up a few young girls for "violating traditional Indian norms", police said oSunday.
At least two girls were punched and their hair pulled by the activists 4 pm on Saturday at the pub Amnesia - The Lounge in Mangalore, about 350 km from here. The young men accompanying the girls to the pub on the busy Balmatta Road were also assaulted when they tried to protect their friends.
Ten of the activists have been arrested by Mangalore police.
From the accounts given by the eyewitnesses, who did not want to be identified, the girls were the target of attack.
About 40 men forcibly entered the pub claiming unethical activities were on inside and pushed their way inside.
They began assaulting the young men and women who ran for safety. At least two of the girls started screaming for help as a man pulled their hair. Both the girls fell down but managed to flee from the attackers.
"We have arrested 10 people in connection with the incident. They all belong to Sri Rama Sene," Dakshina Kannada police superintendent N. Sateesh Kumar said from Mangalore, the district headquarters.
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Sat, 24/01/2009 - 6:34am Dalits clash with 'Upper aginst discrimination
Dalits, people of ‘upper’ caste clash; one person arrestedStaff CorrespondentChitradurga: One person was arrested after a clash between the Dalits and people of the ‘upper’ caste in Ghatparti village of Challakere taluk on Thursday night. A case of atrocity has been booked against 12 others, according to police sources.Five persons suffered minor injuries in the clash.According to sources, saloons and hotels owned by people of the ‘upper’ caste were allegedly not entertaining Dalits. There was a verbal clash between people of the two communities and they pelted stones on one another.The Dalits registered a complaint with the Thalak Police Station. The police said that the situation in the village is now slightly tensed but under control as additional police personnel have been deployed.
2-Dalits ‘sneak’ into sanctum sanctorum of templeSudipto MondalThis is my greatest achievement, says one of them
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Fri, 23/01/2009 - 9:26pm GCIC wishes speedy recovery to Prime Minister Dr.Singh
Sir,You have been one of the very upright and most educated PM this land had ever witnessed. Your vision, thoughts, integrity and straight forwardness coupled with your brilliant mind and simple demeanor has endeared you to one and all. Your genuine concern for the welfare of the country has evoked respect of each and every human being not only of this vast country but also a major part of the world. I am sure that this small setback in your health will be very temporary and we will al see you at your very best back in your seat soon. GCIC joins million others in prayer for your very speedy recovery.
Dr. Singh's journey From Race Course Road to the ICU in New Delhi
January 23, 2009 20:38 ISTPrime Minister Manmohan Singh [Images] will undergo heart surgery at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi [Images] on Saturday.
Here is how the day unfolded for the prime minister -- From his home on Race Course Road to the Intensive Care Unit at AIIMS.
0730 to 0930 hours: Dr Singh was feeling comfortable. As is the routine, he reads some newspapers. He also speaks to his second daughter Daman in the morning and gets his daily briefing from officials.
1100 hours: Routine check-up by three doctors finds all parameters okay. They tell Dr Singh that his surgery can wait if he wishes to attend the Republic Day parade, but then advise the prime minister not to strain himself.
1120 hours: Dr Singh suddenly feels uncomfortable and complains of uneasiness. Doctors check again and find a slight swelling in the blood vein, which they attribute to stress and a drug reaction. They panic and decide to immediately shift him to the ICU at AIIMS.
1130 hours: The prime minister calls Cabinet Secretary K M Chandrasekhar and National Security Advisor M K Narayanan to coordinate and assist in completion of the Republic Day parade.
Narayanan at once calls up N Ravi, Secretary, East, at the ministry of external affairs, to brief President Pratibha Patil [Images] about protocol-related issues and to lead the Indian delegation-level talks with Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. The venue for the talks is shifted from Hyderabad House to Rashtrapati Bhavan [Images].
Dr Singh tells the Cabinet Secretary to amend the business rules to get External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee [Images] to deal with the finance ministry's affairs. Chandrasekhar then calls up Financial Services Secretary Arun Ramanathan to brief Mukherjee on preparations on the Vote-on-Account plus business-level talks with Kazakhstan President Nazarbayev, chief guest at this year's Republic Day parade.
1200 hours: Dr Singh calls for the files and signs the necessary orders, including one appointing Mukherjee to officiate on his behalf.
1230 hours: The two kilometre road from Race Course Road to AIIMS is cleared of traffic for the prime minister's convoy. The departure gets delayed as astrologers say there is a solar eclipse on Janaury 26 between 1230 and 1500 hours and hence, Dr Singh should not leave without performing a pooja (prayer ceremony).
1330 hours: After performing the pooja, the prime minister gets into his car. Just then Congress President Sonia Gandhi [Images] rings up and speaks to Dr Singh's wife Gursharan Kaur.1340 hours: Dr Singh arrives at AIIMS, where he is received by Health Minister Dr Anbumani Ramadoss and senior officials of the Special Protection Group. He is taken in a wheelchair straight to the ICU. Dr Singh is conscious and smiles at his wife as he is being wheeled into the ICU.
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Fri, 23/01/2009 - 4:29pm Radical Hindu group demands ban on 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Panaji, PTI:23rd Jan2009Hindu Janjagruti Samiti will approach various governments insisting the movie should not be released, Jayesh Thali, state spokesman of the group, said. There were a few scenes in the movie that denigrated Lord Ram, he alleged.
The Goa unit of a Hindu organisation has demanded a ban on the release of `Slumdog Millionaire', saying the award-winning film hurts the religious sentiments of the majority hindu community.
Hindu Janjagruti Samiti (HJS) will approach various governments, including that in Goa, insisting the movie should not be released, Jayesh Thali, state spokesman of the group, told PTI.
They alleged thatthere are a few scenes in the movie that denigrated Lord Ram, .
Thali said a HJS delegation had met Central Board of Film Certification officials in Mumbai, demanding a ban on the film which is slated for release tomorrow.`Slumdog Millionaire', which tells the rags-to-riches tale of an orphan from a Mumbai slum, won four Golden Globe awards, including one for music composer A R Rahman. What angered the radical group is the Oscar nominations received by Rahman and is a desperate attempt to deny Oscar for Rahman
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