Good morning,
Praise the Lord for the month of July. Our youngest daughter, Jessica, was born on the first day of July in 1984. We praise the Lord for her life and witness for Jesus Christ our Lord. Jessica and Tom will be coming home tonight for the July 4th weekend. Sunita and Andy will be coming home tonight to spend a week here with us. We have had Micah and Simeon all to ourselves for the whole week. The Lord has blessed us with a "Grand-time". I will soon be away attending the 'Summer School on Biblical Studies' at Ripon College, Oxford, England. I will leave here this Sunday and will be back on the July 21.
I praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Alice and I will be starting our 21st year of ministry here Union Center. I preached my first sermon here on July 1, 1990. My sermon title for that Sunday was "Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence". We have been loved by our people here in Union Center and Wesley. We are so blessed to serve the Lord here all these years. We praise the Lord that He has placed us with a group of people who love Jesus Christ and His Church; they are excited about serving Christ for such time as this. It is an exciting time to be alive and to be part of the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord. He rules. He reigns. The Best is yet to be for those who belong to Him.
When we first came here in the end of June 1990, we both were young. Our oldest daughter, Janice, was just finishing her 8th grade at Tioga Center. Jessica, the youngest, started first grade at Maine Memorial that year. Laureen was ready to start fourth grade at Maine Memorial that fall, and Sunita was ready for sixth grade at the middle school.
We serve an Amazing and incredible Savior and the Lord. He is worthy of all our praise and worship. Praise the Lord, for the He gives a thrill and a sense of triumph in serving Him. As we begin our 21st year of ministry we are claiming new territories in His Kingdom. He is opening new doors of service for Him. Our Lord has destroyed the strongholds of the enemy. We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us and still loves us. It is written that He has put an open door before us that none can shut. I thank you for your love and affection. Thank you for your prayerful partnership in His Mission.
As we prepare to celebrate the July 4th, we praise the Lord for "America, the Beautiful". America was founded as part of a spiritual pilgrimage. It was born in a noble vision, of human existence. The first settlers named their land New England, because they hoped to found a new order. Our forefathers inscribed the Great Seal of the United States with the words, "A new order for the ages". In 1630, John Winthrop preached a sermon on the deck of the Arabella to the first settlers. He said, " We shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people upon us; so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us; we shall be made a story, and a by-word through the world".
John Adams, our second President, said, "Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven, that I ever took half the pains to contend for it".
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) said, "When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."
French writer Alexis de Tocqueville, after visiting America in 1831, said, “I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests—and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her public school system, and in her institutions of higher learning—and it was not there. I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution—and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!”
It is written in I Timothy 2:1-2, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority. . .” We can COMPLAIN about our GOVERNING LEADERS and the MORAL DECLINE of our NATION all we want, and that won’t SOLVE anything. Instead of COMPLAINING, of which I have certainly done my SHARE, we should spend that time in PRAYER lifting this NATION and those in AUTHORITY up to God asking for His REMEDY of the PROBLEMS that we FACE.
Joe Wright, minister of the Central Christian Church in Wichita, Kansas, led this prayer in the Kansas House of Representatives in Topeka a few years ago. The prayer was originally written by Bob Russell of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and was led by him at the Kentucky Governor’s Prayer Breakfast in Frankfort. "Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and seek your direction and guidance. We know your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good," but that’s exactly what we’ve done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values. We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of your Word and called it moral pluralism. We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism. We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building esteem. We have abused power and called it political savvy. We have coveted our neighbors’ possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
"Search us O God and know our hearts today; try us and see if there be some wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people, and who have been ordained by you, to govern this great state. Grant them your wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of your will. I ask it in the name of your Son, the living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves”- Romans 13:1-2.
“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by Him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men”- I Peter 2:13-15
May God, the ruler of all nations, and the King of kings and the Lord of lords CONTINUE to BLESS our NATION, and may our NATION continue to HONOR Him.
In Christ who has set us free.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Brown's Daily Word 6-28-10
Good morning,
The Lord blessed us with a super, sunny Sunday yesterday. Micah and Simeon, our grandchildren, came in last night, and are spending a few days with us here in New York. It is a blessing, a privilege, and a challenge to watch these wonderful, lively children who bring so much joy to our lives. They look so grown up - even since we last saw them over Memorial Day weekend. They played in our "park" - on the lawn, swinging on the swings (out on the trees), riding their scooters, and having a great time. Their Grandma and Auntie Laureen have been planning activities for this week (thinking about taking them to the zoo, the Discovery Center, the carousels...) Sunita and Andy will be coming in toward next weekend to escape the scorching heat of Washington, DC, and spending several days here. Jess and Tom will also be coming in on Friday night, from Philadelphia. Janice and Jeremy are spending a week hiking in the mountains of New Hampshire.
It was a great blessing to be in the house of the Lord worshipping Him with His people. One of the readings for yesterday was taken from 2 Kings 2. Elijah and Elisha. The Lord God almighty used these ordinary men to accomplish great things for His glory in His Kingdom. Elijah and Elisha were fearless prophets. Elijah finished his journey with the Lord well. He was taken up wonderfully into heaven in a chariot of fire drawn by horses of fire.
People of the Lord serve Him with passion and when their end comes they go home in triumph. While on earth they serve with deep passion. The Lord is looking for a people full of passion. Christ's followers are passionate people.
Christ's followers are people who burn with a passion to serve God and others.
Too often we take very lightly the life changing grace that has come to us, allowing ourselves to rest in the comfort of the grace of God that provides us salvation but not allowing it to touch others around us.
Serving the Lord is much more than an emotional experience. Serving the Lord is more than great worship and good music. Serving the Lord is more than reading our bibles and praying everyday. Serving the Lord is more than keeping ourselves unspotted from the culture around us. Serving the Lord is always about extending His grace and mercy to others. The Lord is calling us to it to keep the fire of our passion burning for Him.
Erwin McManus in his book, Seizing Your Divine Moment, relates the following story: “It was a combination family vacation and a speaking engagement. The location was the beautiful beaches of Florida’s northern peninsula. My wife, Kim and our kids, Aaron and Mariah, were looking forward to enjoying the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. My assignment was to call several thousand singles to a life of sacrifice as we basked in soothing tranquility. A tropical storm had just hit the area and left the waters basically unswimmable, but my little boy, Aaron, insisted on going down to the beach. So we walked from our beachside hotel down four or five steps right onto the beach. To my right there were perhaps a hundred or so singles enjoying the Florida sun.
"And then I saw him. He had somehow managed to find his way to the water, and now he had begun to find his way back. I had not seen him before, and he did not appear to be a part of the retreat. In fact, it seemed as if no one was even aware of him. He appeared alone in the middle of the crowd. He was a double amputee who had worked his way, with the use of specialized crutches, through the sandy beach. Just as I had noticed him, one crutch slipped, and he fell hard to the sand. Undaunted, he pulled himself back up and began again, only to fall a second time. It all happened in what seemed an instant, long enough for me to see him to my right and choose to turn to my left.
"I wish I could say I simply wasn’t thinking, but the problem was that I was. I knew if I turned to my right, I would have to do something. So I turned to my left. I gently placed my arm on my son’s shoulder, turned him away, and began talking to him to distract him from the scene below. We went a few feet, and I felt sure we were free from any responsibility—until my son stopped me. To my surprise, he said, “I have to go help that man.”
"No explanation was needed. I knew exactly what he meant. His words pierced through me, and I stood there paralyzed in my hypocrisy. I could only look at him and say, “Then go help him.” Several thoughts were racing through my mind. I had been caught, was one of them. Yet at that point, it wasn’t that I was unwilling to go; it was just clear that this was Aaron’s moment. I had missed mine. His compassion had moved him to heroism. While Aaron seized his divine moment, I was stuck in a moment I couldn’t get out of.
"I watched my ten-year-old son run across the beach and, without explanation, begin to pick the man up. I had to wonder what the man was thinking when this little boy grabbed him and his crutch and tried to pull him up. I watched as the crowd turned and saw Aaron’s futile effort to help the man back to the hotel deck. Almost immediately I watched the crowd move toward Aaron and the man. Someone picked up the crutches, while others reached down and picked up the man. The group moved as if they were one unit, committed to helping the man complete his journey.
"After the group helped him return to the hotel deck, Aaron came running back to me, and there were tears in his eyes. He looked at me with his innocent conclusion: “I couldn’t help him I wasn’t strong enough.” He couldn’t see that no one would have helped the man if he had not taken the initiative. My sense of shame was overwhelmed by my deep sense of pride in who my son was becoming. I explained to Aaron that his strength carried the man. It was because of him that others came to his aid.”
The Lord wants us to turn that passion into ministry which will give us a sense of destiny as we serve Him. He wants our dedication.
Praise the Lord for all who are summer missionaries in service of the Lord, deployed in various places around the world. Two of our college students, Cody and Rebekkah, are serving in France this summer. Dave and Jean, missionaries to Indonesia, will be with us this coming Sunday.
Please pray for the following: Linda Geer, Evvie Binder, Stacie Wolfe, Gordon Glover.
Praise the Lord for our friends who are retiring after many years of active teaching: Gail Chase, Rhonda Emmons, MaryLou Krause, Barb Pitcher.
May the Lord bless us with a wonderful summer of sowing seeds and harvesting in His kingdom.
In Christ,
The Lord blessed us with a super, sunny Sunday yesterday. Micah and Simeon, our grandchildren, came in last night, and are spending a few days with us here in New York. It is a blessing, a privilege, and a challenge to watch these wonderful, lively children who bring so much joy to our lives. They look so grown up - even since we last saw them over Memorial Day weekend. They played in our "park" - on the lawn, swinging on the swings (out on the trees), riding their scooters, and having a great time. Their Grandma and Auntie Laureen have been planning activities for this week (thinking about taking them to the zoo, the Discovery Center, the carousels...) Sunita and Andy will be coming in toward next weekend to escape the scorching heat of Washington, DC, and spending several days here. Jess and Tom will also be coming in on Friday night, from Philadelphia. Janice and Jeremy are spending a week hiking in the mountains of New Hampshire.
It was a great blessing to be in the house of the Lord worshipping Him with His people. One of the readings for yesterday was taken from 2 Kings 2. Elijah and Elisha. The Lord God almighty used these ordinary men to accomplish great things for His glory in His Kingdom. Elijah and Elisha were fearless prophets. Elijah finished his journey with the Lord well. He was taken up wonderfully into heaven in a chariot of fire drawn by horses of fire.
People of the Lord serve Him with passion and when their end comes they go home in triumph. While on earth they serve with deep passion. The Lord is looking for a people full of passion. Christ's followers are passionate people.
Christ's followers are people who burn with a passion to serve God and others.
Too often we take very lightly the life changing grace that has come to us, allowing ourselves to rest in the comfort of the grace of God that provides us salvation but not allowing it to touch others around us.
Serving the Lord is much more than an emotional experience. Serving the Lord is more than great worship and good music. Serving the Lord is more than reading our bibles and praying everyday. Serving the Lord is more than keeping ourselves unspotted from the culture around us. Serving the Lord is always about extending His grace and mercy to others. The Lord is calling us to it to keep the fire of our passion burning for Him.
Erwin McManus in his book, Seizing Your Divine Moment, relates the following story: “It was a combination family vacation and a speaking engagement. The location was the beautiful beaches of Florida’s northern peninsula. My wife, Kim and our kids, Aaron and Mariah, were looking forward to enjoying the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. My assignment was to call several thousand singles to a life of sacrifice as we basked in soothing tranquility. A tropical storm had just hit the area and left the waters basically unswimmable, but my little boy, Aaron, insisted on going down to the beach. So we walked from our beachside hotel down four or five steps right onto the beach. To my right there were perhaps a hundred or so singles enjoying the Florida sun.
"And then I saw him. He had somehow managed to find his way to the water, and now he had begun to find his way back. I had not seen him before, and he did not appear to be a part of the retreat. In fact, it seemed as if no one was even aware of him. He appeared alone in the middle of the crowd. He was a double amputee who had worked his way, with the use of specialized crutches, through the sandy beach. Just as I had noticed him, one crutch slipped, and he fell hard to the sand. Undaunted, he pulled himself back up and began again, only to fall a second time. It all happened in what seemed an instant, long enough for me to see him to my right and choose to turn to my left.
"I wish I could say I simply wasn’t thinking, but the problem was that I was. I knew if I turned to my right, I would have to do something. So I turned to my left. I gently placed my arm on my son’s shoulder, turned him away, and began talking to him to distract him from the scene below. We went a few feet, and I felt sure we were free from any responsibility—until my son stopped me. To my surprise, he said, “I have to go help that man.”
"No explanation was needed. I knew exactly what he meant. His words pierced through me, and I stood there paralyzed in my hypocrisy. I could only look at him and say, “Then go help him.” Several thoughts were racing through my mind. I had been caught, was one of them. Yet at that point, it wasn’t that I was unwilling to go; it was just clear that this was Aaron’s moment. I had missed mine. His compassion had moved him to heroism. While Aaron seized his divine moment, I was stuck in a moment I couldn’t get out of.
"I watched my ten-year-old son run across the beach and, without explanation, begin to pick the man up. I had to wonder what the man was thinking when this little boy grabbed him and his crutch and tried to pull him up. I watched as the crowd turned and saw Aaron’s futile effort to help the man back to the hotel deck. Almost immediately I watched the crowd move toward Aaron and the man. Someone picked up the crutches, while others reached down and picked up the man. The group moved as if they were one unit, committed to helping the man complete his journey.
"After the group helped him return to the hotel deck, Aaron came running back to me, and there were tears in his eyes. He looked at me with his innocent conclusion: “I couldn’t help him I wasn’t strong enough.” He couldn’t see that no one would have helped the man if he had not taken the initiative. My sense of shame was overwhelmed by my deep sense of pride in who my son was becoming. I explained to Aaron that his strength carried the man. It was because of him that others came to his aid.”
The Lord wants us to turn that passion into ministry which will give us a sense of destiny as we serve Him. He wants our dedication.
Praise the Lord for all who are summer missionaries in service of the Lord, deployed in various places around the world. Two of our college students, Cody and Rebekkah, are serving in France this summer. Dave and Jean, missionaries to Indonesia, will be with us this coming Sunday.
Please pray for the following: Linda Geer, Evvie Binder, Stacie Wolfe, Gordon Glover.
Praise the Lord for our friends who are retiring after many years of active teaching: Gail Chase, Rhonda Emmons, MaryLou Krause, Barb Pitcher.
May the Lord bless us with a wonderful summer of sowing seeds and harvesting in His kingdom.
In Christ,
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